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Base type for physics nodes. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3DPhysics
Since: Qt 6.4


Inherited By:

PhysicsBody and TriggerBody



  • bodyContact(CollisionNode *body, list<vector3D> positions, list<vector3D> impulses, list<vector3D> normals)

Detailed Description

This is the base type for all physical (colliding) bodies.

Property Documentation

collisionShapes : list<CollisionShape>

This property contains the list of collision shapes. These shapes will be combined and act as a single rigid body when colliding.

enableDebugView : bool

This property enables drawing the shape's debug view.

enableTriggerReports : bool

This property determines whether this body will report when entering or leaving a trigger body.

receiveContactReports : bool

This property determines whether this body will receive contact reports when colliding with other bodies. If activated, this means that the bodyContact signal will be emitted on a collision with a body that has sendContactReports set to true.

sendContactReports : bool

This property determines whether this body will send contact reports when colliding with other bodies.

Signal Documentation

bodyContact(CollisionNode *body, list<vector3D> positions, list<vector3D> impulses, list<vector3D> normals)

This signal is emitted when there is a collision and receiveContactReports is set to true in this body and sendContactReports is set to true in the colliding body. The parameters positions, impulses and normals contain the position, impulse force and normal for each contact point at the same index.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBodyContact.

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