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AztecDecoder.cpp Example File

 // -*- mode:c++; tab-width:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil; c-basic-offset:2 -*-
  *  Decoder.cpp
  *  zxing
  *  Created by Lukas Stabe on 08/02/2012.
  *  Copyright 2012 ZXing authors All rights reserved.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 #include <zxing/aztec/decoder/Decoder.h>
 #ifndef NO_ICONV
 #include <iconv.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <zxing/FormatException.h>
 #include <zxing/common/reedsolomon/ReedSolomonDecoder.h>
 #include <zxing/common/reedsolomon/ReedSolomonException.h>
 #include <zxing/common/reedsolomon/GenericGF.h>
 #include <zxing/common/IllegalArgumentException.h>
 #include <zxing/common/DecoderResult.h>

 #include <qglobal.h>

 using zxing::aztec::Decoder;
 using zxing::DecoderResult;
 using zxing::String;
 using zxing::BitArray;
 using zxing::BitMatrix;
 using zxing::Ref;

 using std::string;

 namespace {
   void add(string& result, char character) {
 #ifndef NO_ICONV
     char character2 = character & 0xff;
     char s[] =  {character2};
     char* ss = s;
     size_t sl = sizeof(s);
     char d[4];
     char* ds = d;
     size_t dl = sizeof(d);
     iconv_t ic = iconv_open("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
 #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
     iconv(ic, (const char**)&ss, &sl, &ds, &dl);
     iconv(ic, (char**)&ss, &sl, &ds, &dl);
     d[sizeof(d)-dl] = 0;

   const int NB_BITS_COMPACT[] = {
     0, 104, 240, 408, 608

   const int NB_BITS[] = {
     0, 128, 288, 480, 704, 960, 1248, 1568, 1920, 2304, 2720, 3168, 3648, 4160, 4704, 5280, 5888, 6528,
     7200, 7904, 8640, 9408, 10208, 11040, 11904, 12800, 13728, 14688, 15680, 16704, 17760, 18848, 19968

   const int NB_DATABLOCK_COMPACT[] = {
     0, 17, 40, 51, 76

   const int NB_DATABLOCK[] = {
     0, 21, 48, 60, 88, 120, 156, 196, 240, 230, 272, 316, 364, 416, 470, 528, 588, 652, 720, 790, 864,
     940, 1020, 920, 992, 1066, 1144, 1224, 1306, 1392, 1480, 1570, 1664

   const char* UPPER_TABLE[] = {
     "CTRL_PS", " ", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P",
     "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "CTRL_LL", "CTRL_ML", "CTRL_DL", "CTRL_BS"

   const char* LOWER_TABLE[] = {
     "CTRL_PS", " ", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p",
     "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "CTRL_US", "CTRL_ML", "CTRL_DL", "CTRL_BS"

   const char* MIXED_TABLE[] = {
     "CTRL_PS", " ", "\1", "\2", "\3", "\4", "\5", "\6", "\7", "\b", "\t", "\n",
     "\13", "\f", "\r", "\33", "\34", "\35", "\36", "\37", "@", "\\", "^", "_",
     "`", "|", "~", "\177", "CTRL_LL", "CTRL_UL", "CTRL_PL", "CTRL_BS"

   const char* PUNCT_TABLE[] = {
     "", "\r", "\r\n", ". ", ", ", ": ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")",
     "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "[", "]", "{", "}", "CTRL_UL"

   const char* DIGIT_TABLE[] = {
     "CTRL_PS", " ", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ",", ".", "CTRL_UL", "CTRL_US"

 Decoder::Table Decoder::getTable(char t) {
   switch (t) {
   case 'L':
     return LOWER;
   case 'P':
     return PUNCT;
   case 'M':
     return MIXED;
   case 'D':
     return DIGIT;
   case 'B':
     return BINARY;
   case 'U':
     return UPPER;

 const char* Decoder::getCharacter(zxing::aztec::Decoder::Table table, int code) {
   switch (table) {
   case UPPER:
     return UPPER_TABLE[code];
   case LOWER:
     return LOWER_TABLE[code];
   case MIXED:
     return MIXED_TABLE[code];
   case PUNCT:
     return PUNCT_TABLE[code];
   case DIGIT:
     return DIGIT_TABLE[code];
     return "";

 Decoder::Decoder() {
   // nothing

 Ref<DecoderResult> Decoder::decode(Ref<zxing::aztec::AztecDetectorResult> detectorResult) {
   ddata_ = detectorResult;

   // std::printf("getting bits\n");

   Ref<BitMatrix> matrix = detectorResult->getBits();

   if (!ddata_->isCompact()) {
     // std::printf("removing lines\n");
     matrix = removeDashedLines(ddata_->getBits());

   // std::printf("extracting bits\n");
   Ref<BitArray> rawbits = extractBits(matrix);

   // std::printf("correcting bits\n");
   Ref<BitArray> aCorrectedBits = correctBits(rawbits);

   // std::printf("decoding bits\n");
   Ref<String> result = getEncodedData(aCorrectedBits);

   // std::printf("constructing array\n");
   ArrayRef<byte> arrayOut(aCorrectedBits->getSize());
   for (int i = 0; i < aCorrectedBits->count(); i++) {
     arrayOut[i] = (byte)aCorrectedBits->get(i);

   // std::printf("returning\n");

   return Ref<DecoderResult>(new DecoderResult(arrayOut, result));

 Ref<String> Decoder::getEncodedData(Ref<zxing::BitArray> correctedBits) {
   int endIndex = codewordSize_ * ddata_->getNBDatablocks() - invertedBitCount_;
   if (endIndex > (int)correctedBits->getSize()) {
     // std::printf("invalid input\n");
     throw FormatException("invalid input data");

   Table lastTable = UPPER;
   Table table = UPPER;
   int startIndex = 0;
   std::string result;
   bool end = false;
   bool shift = false;
   bool switchShift = false;
   bool binaryShift = false;

   while (!end) {
     // std::printf("decoooooding\n");

     if (shift) {
       switchShift = true;
     } else {
       lastTable = table;

     int code;
     if (binaryShift) {
       if (endIndex - startIndex < 5) {

       int length = readCode(correctedBits, startIndex, 5);
       startIndex += 5;
       if (length == 0) {
         if (endIndex - startIndex < 11) {

         length = readCode(correctedBits, startIndex, 11) + 31;
         startIndex += 11;
       for (int charCount = 0; charCount < length; charCount++) {
         if (endIndex - startIndex < 8) {
           end = true;

         code = readCode(correctedBits, startIndex, 8);
         add(result, code);
         startIndex += 8;
       binaryShift = false;
     } else {
       if (table == BINARY) {
         if (endIndex - startIndex < 8) {
         code = readCode(correctedBits, startIndex, 8);
         startIndex += 8;

         add(result, code);
       } else {
         int size = 5;

         if (table == DIGIT) {
           size = 4;

         if (endIndex - startIndex < size) {

         code = readCode(correctedBits, startIndex, size);
         startIndex += size;

         const char *str = getCharacter(table, code);
         std::string string(str);
         if ((int)string.find("CTRL_") != -1) {
           table = getTable(str[5]);

           if (str[6] == 'S') {
             shift = true;
             if (str[5] == 'B') {
               binaryShift = true;
         } else {


     if (switchShift) {
       table = lastTable;
       shift = false;
       switchShift = false;


   return Ref<String>(new String(result));


 Ref<BitArray> Decoder::correctBits(Ref<zxing::BitArray> rawbits) {
   //return rawbits;
   // std::printf("decoding stuff:%d datablocks in %d layers\n", ddata_->getNBDatablocks(), ddata_->getNBLayers());

   Ref<GenericGF> gf = GenericGF::AZTEC_DATA_6;

   if (ddata_->getNBLayers() <= 2) {
     codewordSize_ = 6;
     gf = GenericGF::AZTEC_DATA_6;
   } else if (ddata_->getNBLayers() <= 8) {
     codewordSize_ = 8;
     gf = GenericGF::AZTEC_DATA_8;
   } else if (ddata_->getNBLayers() <= 22) {
     codewordSize_ = 10;
     gf = GenericGF::AZTEC_DATA_10;
   } else {
     codewordSize_ = 12;
     gf = GenericGF::AZTEC_DATA_12;

   int numDataCodewords = ddata_->getNBDatablocks();
   int numECCodewords;
   int offset;

   if (ddata_->isCompact()) {
     offset = NB_BITS_COMPACT[ddata_->getNBLayers()] - numCodewords_ * codewordSize_;
     numECCodewords = NB_DATABLOCK_COMPACT[ddata_->getNBLayers()] - numDataCodewords;
   } else {
     offset = NB_BITS[ddata_->getNBLayers()] - numCodewords_ * codewordSize_;
     numECCodewords = NB_DATABLOCK[ddata_->getNBLayers()] - numDataCodewords;

   ArrayRef<int> dataWords(numCodewords_);

   for (int i = 0; i < numCodewords_; i++) {
     int flag = 1;
     for (int j = 1; j <= codewordSize_; j++) {
       if (rawbits->get(codewordSize_ * i + codewordSize_ - j + offset)) {
         dataWords[i] += flag;
       flag <<= 1;


   try {
     ReedSolomonDecoder rsDecoder(gf);
     rsDecoder.decode(dataWords, numECCodewords);
   } catch (ReedSolomonException const& ignored) {
     // std::printf("got reed solomon exception:%s, throwing formatexception\n", rse.what());
     throw FormatException("rs decoding failed");
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException const& iae) {
     // std::printf("illegal argument exception: %s", iae.what());

   offset = 0;
   invertedBitCount_ = 0;

   Ref<BitArray> correctedBits(new BitArray(numDataCodewords * codewordSize_));
   for (int i = 0; i < numDataCodewords; i++) {

     bool seriesColor = false;
     int seriesCount = 0;
     int flag = 1 << (codewordSize_ - 1);

     for (int j = 0; j < codewordSize_; j++) {

       bool color = (dataWords[i] & flag) == flag;

       if (seriesCount == codewordSize_ - 1) {

         if (color == seriesColor) {
           throw FormatException("bit was not inverted");

         seriesColor = false;
         seriesCount = 0;

       } else {

         if (seriesColor == color) {
         } else {
           seriesCount = 1;
           seriesColor = color;

         if (color) correctedBits->set(i * codewordSize_ + j - offset);


       flag = ((unsigned int)flag) >> 1;


   return correctedBits;

 Ref<BitArray> Decoder::extractBits(Ref<zxing::BitMatrix> matrix) {
   std::vector<bool> rawbits;

   if (ddata_->isCompact()) {
     if (ddata_->getNBLayers() > 5) { //NB_BITS_COMPACT length
       throw FormatException("data is too long");
     rawbits = std::vector<bool>(NB_BITS_COMPACT[ddata_->getNBLayers()]);
     numCodewords_ = NB_DATABLOCK_COMPACT[ddata_->getNBLayers()];
   } else {
     if (ddata_->getNBLayers() > 33) { //NB_BITS length
       throw FormatException("data is too long");
     rawbits = std::vector<bool>(NB_BITS[ddata_->getNBLayers()]);
     numCodewords_ = NB_DATABLOCK[ddata_->getNBLayers()];

   int layer = ddata_->getNBLayers();
   int size = matrix->getHeight();
   int rawbitsOffset = 0;
   int matrixOffset = 0;

   while (layer != 0) {

     int flip = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * size - 4; i++) {
       rawbits[rawbitsOffset + i] = matrix->get(matrixOffset + flip, matrixOffset + i / 2);
       rawbits[rawbitsOffset + 2 * size - 4 + i] = matrix->get(matrixOffset + i / 2, matrixOffset + size - 1 - flip);
       flip = (flip + 1) % 2;

     flip = 0;
     for (int i = 2 * size + 1; i > 5; i--) {
       rawbits[rawbitsOffset + 4 * size - 8 + (2 * size - i) + 1] =
         matrix->get(matrixOffset + size - 1 - flip, matrixOffset + i / 2 - 1);
       rawbits[rawbitsOffset + 6 * size - 12 + (2 * size - i) + 1] =
         matrix->get(matrixOffset + i / 2 - 1, matrixOffset + flip);
       flip = (flip + 1) % 2;

     matrixOffset += 2;
     rawbitsOffset += 8 * size - 16;
     size -= 4;


   Ref<BitArray> returnValue(new BitArray(rawbits.size()));
   for (int i = 0; i < (int)rawbits.size(); i++) {
     if (rawbits[i]) returnValue->set(i);

   return returnValue;


 Ref<BitMatrix> Decoder::removeDashedLines(Ref<zxing::BitMatrix> matrix) {
   int nbDashed = 1 + 2 * ((matrix->getWidth() - 1) / 2 / 16);
   Ref<BitMatrix> newMatrix(new BitMatrix(matrix->getWidth() - nbDashed, matrix->getHeight() - nbDashed));

   int nx = 0;

   for (int x = 0; x < (int)matrix->getWidth(); x++) {

     if ((matrix->getWidth() / 2 - x) % 16 == 0) {

     int ny = 0;
     for (int y = 0; y < (int)matrix->getHeight(); y++) {

       if ((matrix->getWidth() / 2 - y) % 16 == 0) {

       if (matrix->get(x, y)) {
         newMatrix->set(nx, ny);


   return newMatrix;

 int Decoder::readCode(Ref<zxing::BitArray> rawbits, int startIndex, int length) {
   int res = 0;

   for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++) {
     res <<= 1;
     if (rawbits->get(i)) {
       res ++;

   return res;
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded