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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 FlickablePage {
   title: "Venue"

   flickable.contentWidth: parent ? parent.width : 0
   flickable.contentHeight: contentCol.height

   Column {
     id: contentCol
     width: parent.width

     Item {
       width: parent.width
       height: landscape ? dp(300) : img.height * 0.75
       clip: true

       AppImage {
         id: img
         width: parent.width
         height: width / sourceSize.width * sourceSize.height
         fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
         source: "../../assets/venue_photo.jpg"
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     Item {
       width: parent.width
       height: addressCol.height + dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding) * 2
       Column {
         id: addressCol
         width: parent.width - dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding) * 2
         anchors.centerIn: parent
         spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
         Item {
           width: parent.width
           height: 1
           visible: Theme.isIos
         Column {
           width: parent.width
           AppText {
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: AppText.WordWrap
             text: "bcc Berlin Congress Center"
           AppText {
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: AppText.WordWrap
             color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
             font.pixelSize: sp(13)
             text: "Alexanderstraße 11"
           AppText {
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: AppText.WordWrap
             color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
             font.pixelSize: sp(13)
             text: "10178 Berlin, Germany"

         AppButton {
           text: "Plan Route"
           minimumWidth: parent.width - dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding) * 2
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           onClicked: {
             amplitude.logEvent("Plan Route")
             if (Theme.isIos){
               Qt.openUrlExternally("https://maps.apple.com/?q=bcc, Alexanderstraße 11, 10178 Berlin, Germany")
             } else {
       Rectangle {
         anchors.top: parent.top
         width: parent.width
         color: Theme.listItem.dividerColor
         height: px(1)
       Rectangle {
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         width: parent.width
         color: Theme.listItem.dividerColor
         height: px(1)

     AppImage {
       width: parent.width
       height: dp(200)
       fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectCrop
       visible: status === Image.Ready || status === Image.Loading
       property int imgWidth: Math.min(1000,Math.max(320,width))
       property int imgHeight: Math.min(1000,Math.max(240,height))
       source: "https://api.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.streets/pin-l-building+008000(13.416309,52.520427)/13.416309,52.520427,15/"+imgWidth+"x"+imgHeight+".png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaDAwYnMiLCJhIjoiY2lvdmNsbDI3MDA2OXc5bHdxNWE5NGdtOCJ9.me4r_KETvbmcohxomTuhvQ"

       // use map image from assets as a fallback in case MapBox image doesn't work
       property string fallbackImageSource: "../../assets/venue.png"
       onStatusChanged: {
         if(status === Image.Error && source !== fallbackImageSource)
           source = fallbackImageSource

       RippleMouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         circularBackground: false
         onClicked: {
           if (Theme.isIos){
             Qt.openUrlExternally("https://maps.apple.com/?q=bcc, Alexanderstraße 11, 10178 Berlin, Germany")
           } else {

     Column {
       width: parent.width - dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding) * 2
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)

       Item {
         width: parent.width
         height: 1

       AppText {
         width: parent.width
         wrapMode: AppText.WordWrap
         onLinkActivated: nativeUtils.openUrl(link)
         textFormat: AppText.StyledText
         font.pixelSize: sp(14)
         linkColor: Theme.tintColor
         text: "<b>Berlin, one of the biggest tech hubs in Europe will host the Qt World Summit again this year.</b>
 <a href='https://bcc-berlin.de/' target='_blank'>bcc Berlin</a> is right in the heart of Berlin, next to Alexanderplatz.\n
 Whether travelling from Germany or overseas, you’ll benefit from easy access to the venue."

       Item {
         width: parent.width
         height: 1
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded