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QML Examples - Internationalization

This is an internationalization example.

The QML runtime automatically loads a translation from the i18n subdirectory of the root QML file, based on the system language.

The files are created or updated by running:

lupdate qml-i18n.qml -ts i18n/base.ts

Translations for new languages are created by copying i18n/base.ts to i18n/qml_<lang>.ts The .ts files can then be edited with Qt Linguist:

linguist i18n/qml_fr.ts

The run-time translation files are then generated by running:

lrelease i18n/*.ts

Note: On Android, please make sure to include the generated *.qm files as resources.

Example project @ code.qt.io

Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded