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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Populate ComboBox list with data from Firebase

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  • #19664



    In my Firebase Database I have a section of groups (groups/location1 — groups/location2 — groups/location3 ect ect) I want the contents of a dropdown ComboBox to be the locations taken from my database groups area, to assign users to on registration, how would I fill the list with the locations? at the moment I am using a standard comboBox (see code)

                    Quick2.ComboBox {
                        id: combobox
                        visible: registerCheckbox.checked ? true : false
                        Layout.preferredWidth: dp(200)
                        padding: dp(12)
                        model: ["location1", "location2", "location3", "location4", "location5"]
                        delegate: Quick2.ItemDelegate {
                        width: combobox.width
                        height: combobox.height
                        padding: dp(12)
                        contentItem: AppText {
                            text: modelData
                            color: highlighted ? Theme.tintColor : Theme.textColor
                            wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
                        highlighted: combobox.highlightedIndex == index
                    contentItem: AppText {
                        width: combobox.width - combobox.indicator.width - combobox.spacing
                        text: combobox.displayText
                        wrapMode: Text.NoWrap



    Felgo Team

    Hi Edward,

    once you retrieve your stored data from firebase, you can go through the values and set them as the model of the ComboBox.





    I have tried to obtain the data by using setting my model as:

      model: [firebaseDb.getValue("groups/CanaryWharf/title"), firebaseDb.getValue("groups/Colchester/title"), firebaseDb.getValue("groups/Ipswich/title"), firebaseDb.getValue("groups/Romford/title")]


    and receive the error on the ‘text: modelData’ line:

    Unable to assign [undefined] to QString

    when I click the drop-down box on my registration form it shows blank boxes, the correct amount for my model, but no text within? why is the text not displaying?





    Felgo Team


    as mentioned in the Firebase::getValue docs: https://felgo.com/doc/vplayplugins-firebasedatabase/#getValue-method

    Firebase works asynchronously. This means that getValue() will tell Firebase to fetch the value, and when the value is received the callback function triggers, so you can process the value.

    You can also use the readCompleted signal to run code whenever a value is fetched from the database: https://felgo.com/doc/vplayplugins-firebasedatabase/#readCompleted-signal





    so I have managed to make this work when my users log in and is displays their name with welcome message by using;

            onLoggedIn: {
                firebaseDb.getUserValue("Firstname", {}, function(success, key, value) {
                                    userName.text = "Welcome " + value


    but when trying to make this work for the model of my dropdown list I am at an impass, I have tried a few different approaches but none are working :(, based around the below code,

     db.getValue("public/listEntries", {
                       startAt: {
                         key: "startKey",
                         value: "startValue"
                     }, function(success, key, value) {
                       if(success) {
                         console.log("Read user value for key", key, "from DB:", value)
                         combobox.model = value


    or I have also tried applying the method outlined in the database filtering example in:


    I intend to use the selected item from this dropdown list to assign users to the appropriate subgroup in my realtime database – so also need to be able to add to the code later to do so, also I do not want to explicitly call each value, I need to be able to read values/keys from that branch of the database, so I can add future keys and the list will update from that rather than having to push an update on the app – if that would work






    Felgo Team

    Hi Edward,

    we can help out with development of your project or review your source code with the purchase of support package, or the included support of Felgo Indie or Enterprise.

    Let me know if this is interesting for you!


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