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 import QtQuick 2.0

 // a simple button without a specified action
 Rectangle {
   id: button
   color: "transparent"
   width: buttonText.width + paddingHorizontal * 2
   height: buttonText.height + paddingVertical * 2

   // button properties
   property alias text: buttonText.text
   property alias textColor: buttonText.color
   property alias textSize: buttonText.font.pixelSize
   property alias backgroundColor: button.color
   property int paddingHorizontal: notification > 0 ? notificationRect.width/2+4:4
   property int paddingVertical: 4
   property int notification: 0

   // called when the button is clicked
   signal clicked

   // the text labelling the button
   Text {
     id: buttonText
     font.pixelSize: 18
     color: "white"
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
     anchors.horizontalCenter:notification > 0 ? undefined: parent.horizontalCenter
     x: notification > 0 ?2 : 0

   // the clickable area of the button
   MouseArea {
     id: mouseArea
     anchors.fill: parent
     hoverEnabled: true
     onClicked: button.clicked()
     onPressed: button.opacity = 0.6
     onReleased: button.opacity = 1

   // the rectangle displaying the amount of new messages in the inbox
     id: notificationRect
     anchors.left: buttonText.right
     anchors.leftMargin: 3
     color: "red"
     width: 15
     height: 15
     radius: 40
     visible: notification > 0
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

     // number of new messages in the inbox
       font.pixelSize: 10
       font.bold: true
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       text: notification
       color: "white"
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded