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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 import "otherScenes"
 import "gameScene"
 import "levels"
 import "common"

 Item {
   // all properties assigned here are accessible from all entities!
   // the reason for that is, because EntityManager is created in here, and only the parents of EntityManager where new entities get created are known!
   property alias level: gameSceneLoader.level
   property alias levelScene: levelScene

   property alias hud: gameSceneLoader.hud // needs to be accessed from the towers when they are clicked to update the upgrade menu

   property bool createdNewLevel: false
   // when author wants to play it's own level this flag needs to be set true.
   property bool editAuthorLevel: false
   property bool reloadLevel: false

   Player {
     // because it is defined here at the root object, it is accessible from all components
     id: player

   // this gets used for analytics, to know which state was ended before
   property string lastActiveState: ""
   onStateChanged: {

     //console.debug("__________SquabyMain: new state:", state, ", lastActiveState:", lastActiveState)

     // Attention:
     // Keep in mind that the first state change happens even before the Flurry session is opened (sessionAutostart is
     // set to true but this will happen not until onCompleted is called), so the first Display.Main event is not sent!

     // flurry anayltics
     if(lastActiveState === "main") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "game") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "pause") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "credits") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "gameOver") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "levels") {
     } else if(lastActiveState === "waveDefeated") {

     if(state === "main") {
     } else if(state === "game") {
     } else if(state === "pause") {
     } else if(state === "credits") {
     } else if(state === "gameOver") {

       // when the gameOver state is entered, the game is lost and the reached score, waves, etc. should be sent for analytics
       var objectWithPlayerProperties = {};
       // here all player properties are set as properties, e.g. waves, score, gold, number nailguns built, etc.
       flurry.logEvent("Game.Finished", objectWithPlayerProperties);

     } else if(state === "levels") {
     } else if(state === "waveDefeated") {

     lastActiveState = state;

   SquabyGameNetwork {
     id: gameNetwork

   // this is called from FelgoGameNetwork when it gets synced
   // and after resuming the app after it was in background from StackTheBoxWithCommunityEditorMain
   function reloadUserBestLevelStats() {
     console.debug("reloadUserBestLevelStats() called")
     // if the user is not in sync yet, it will be called from STBGameNetwork when it gets in sync
     if(gameNetwork.userInitiallyInSync) {

   SquabyLevelStore {
     id: levelStore

     levelEditorItem: levelEditor

   // moved the logic into an own component, as it is more code than Flurry for example
   FacebookConnector {
     id: facebook

   // Scenes
   // the default value {} is used so no QML ReferenceErrors occurs at start-up (when scene is not loaded yet) - these errors would not break the game, but this solution is nicer
   property variant scene: gameSceneLoader.item ? gameSceneLoader.item : {}
   Loader {
     id: gameSceneLoader

     property variant level: item ? item.level : {}
     property variant hud: item ? item.hud : {}
     property variant entityContainer: item ? item.entityContainer : undefined//{}

     // this would simulate if the scene is loaded directly - but the initialization order is different than defining a SquabyScene directly here!
 //    source: Qt.resolvedUrl("gameScene/SquabyScene.qml")

     //onItemChanged: console.debug("______________SquabyScene item changed, this means the SquabyScene is loaded and we have access to entityContainer")
     //onEntityContainerChanged: console.debug("______________entityContainerChanged to", entityContainer)

     onLoaded: {

       console.debug("SquabyMain: SquabyScene loaded")

       // NOTE: this causes the dynamicCreationEntityList to be created!
       // do not set the entityContainer like this, because it is then not possible to create an entity in SquabyLevelContainer.onCompleted!
       // itemChanged is called BEFORE the siblings of SquabyScene (to which PhysicsWorld belongs to!) are not initialized!
 //      entityManager.entityContainer = item.entityContainer



   // this is shown when the play button is pressed the first time, or when a new level is loaded
   LoadingScene {
     id: loadingScene

     // after the loadingScene is finished with the animation, start loading the SquabyScene
     onFinishedLoadingAnimation: {

       console.debug("LoadingScene: finishedLoadingAnimation, set gameScene source to SquabyScene (this might be a lenghty operation the first time loaded!)")

       // the above is a lenghty call the first time when the SquabyScene is built up
       // however, we can be sure the squabyScene was fully initialized here, as it is a synchronous call

       // start the game: load level, precreate entities

   DefeatedScene {
     id: waveDefeatedScene
     onRestartGame: {
     onContinueGame: {
     onNextLevel: {
     onGameOver: {
     onBackButtonPressed: {

     onShowHighscoreForLevel: {
       vplayGameNetworkScene.cameFromScene = "waveDefeated"
       window.state = "gameNetwork"

   property alias creditsScene: creditsSceneLoader.item
   Loader {
     id: creditsSceneLoader

   LevelSelectionScene {
     id: levelScene

     onBackClicked: window.state = "main"
     onNewLevelClicked: {
       for(var ii = 0; ii < levelEditor.applicationJSONLevels.length; ++ii) {
         if(levelEditor.applicationJSONLevels[ii].levelName === "MyLevel") {
           createdNewLevel = true
     onShowProfileView: {
       vplayGameNetworkScene.cameFromScene = "selectLevel"
       window.state = "gameNetwork"
       // this opens the profileView tab
     onShowHighscoreForLevel: leaderboard => {
       // gets called from LevelItem
       // showLeaderboard() activates the view of the leaderboard and sets it as currentActiveLeaderboard
       vplayGameNetworkScene.cameFromScene = "selectLevel"
       window.state = "gameNetwork"

   // Set MainMenuScene as last so it is in front of the game scene for our custom fade animation
   MainMenuScene {
     id: mainMenuScene

     onPlayClicked: {
       // to track how often the players select the my levels menu

       // by changing the storageLocation, the levelScene will listen to a change of the result
       levelScene.storageLocation = levelEditor.applicationJSONLevelsLocation
       window.state = "levels"

     onMyLevelsClicked: {
       // to track how often the players select the my levels menu

       // by changing the storageLocation, the levelScene will listen to a change of the result
       levelScene.storageLocation = levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation
       window.state = "levels"

     onCreditsClicked: {
       creditsSceneLoader.source = "otherScenes/CreditsScene.qml"
       window.state = "credits"

     onGameNetworkViewClicked: {
       vplayGameNetworkScene.cameFromScene = "menu"
       window.state = "gameNetwork"

   FelgoGameNetworkScene {
     id: vplayGameNetworkScene
     onBackButtonPressed: {
       if(cameFromScene === "menu") {
         window.state = "main"
       } else if(cameFromScene === "selectLevel"){
         window.state = "levels"
       } else if(cameFromScene === "waveDefeated") {
         window.state = "waveDefeated"

   AchievementOverlay {
     id: achievementOverlay
     z: 100

   property alias levelEditor: squabyLevelEditor
   SquabyLevelEditor {
     id: squabyLevelEditor
     // this is required, otherwise the entityManager is not known (as it comes from LevelEditor in the engine, but still not clear why no access to entityManager (also not with an alias to it)!)
     entityManagerItem: entityManager

   ChartboostView {
     id: chartboostView

   // the EntityManager must be accessible here and not in SquabyScene, so entities can be pre-created for pooling
   EntityManager {
     id: entityManager
     entityContainer: gameSceneLoader.entityContainer

     poolingEnabled: true

     // this property is required to enter all entities that should be loadable dynamically into the level here
     // the entities added here are also the ones that can be created with createEntityFromEntityTypeAndVariationType()
     // they are required so these entities are pooled and pre-created at app start, which allows the ItemEditor to show the entity types
     // it is also required for the LevelEditor to be able to create entities based on their entityType string - otherwise at loading of a json-stored level would fail because there is no connection from the entityType to the real qml component
     // if only static qml levels are loaded with the LevelEditor and no entities should be modified in the ItemEditor, this property is not needed
     dynamicCreationEntityList: [
       // we do not need to add Flamethrower here for example, because it cannot be contained in a level file
       // we need to add it, once we want to modify it with the ItemEditor
       Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Obstacle.qml") + "", // this is required, as they are read from dynamic level files

   // is used to first load the scene if it did not exist before, and then set the state to game
   TwoPhaseLevelLoader {
     id: twoPhaseLevelLoader

   Component.onCompleted: {
     // lock all levels when app starts the first time

   function pauseGame() {
     if(state === "game" && gameSceneLoader.item) {

   function lockAllLevels() {
     var levelInit = settings.getValue("levelsInit")
     if(levelInit === undefined) {
       settings.setValue("levelsInit", true)
       settings.setValue(3863, true) // 2
       settings.setValue(7335, true) // 3
       settings.setValue(6849, true) // 4
       settings.setValue(1805, true) // 5
       settings.setValue(7612, true) // 6
       settings.setValue(130, true) // 7
       settings.setValue(8646, true) // 8
       settings.setValue(9201, true) // 9
       settings.setValue(5840, true) // 10

   function unlockNextLevel(currentLevel) {
     if(currentLevel === "Level 1") {
       settings.setValue(3863, false)
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 2") {
       settings.setValue(7335, false)
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 3") {
       if(!settings.getValue(3863)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(6849, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 4") {
       if(!settings.getValue(7335)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(1805, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 5") {
       if(!settings.getValue(6849)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(7612, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 6") {
       if(!settings.getValue(1805)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(130, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 7") {
       if(!settings.getValue(7612)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(8646, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 8") {
       if(!settings.getValue(130)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(9201, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 9") {
       if(!settings.getValue(8646)) { // check if last level was unlocked
         settings.setValue(5840, false)
         return true
       return false
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 10") {
       return false

   function unlockLevel(name) {
     if(name === "Level 1") {
       settings.setValue(3863, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 2") {
       settings.setValue(3863, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 3") {
       settings.setValue(7335, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 4") {
       settings.setValue(6849, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 5") {
       settings.setValue(1805, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 6") {
       settings.setValue(7612, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 7") {
       settings.setValue(130, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 8") {
       settings.setValue(8646, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 9") {
       settings.setValue(9201, false)
     } else if(name === "Level 10") {
       settings.setValue(5840, false)

   function isBuyable(currentLevel) {
     if(currentLevel === "Level 2" && settings.getValue(3863)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 3" && settings.getValue(7335) && !settings.getValue(3863)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 4" && settings.getValue(6849) && !settings.getValue(7335)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 5" && settings.getValue(1805) && !settings.getValue(6849)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 6" && settings.getValue(7612) && !settings.getValue(1805)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 7" && settings.getValue(130) && !settings.getValue(7612)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 8" && settings.getValue(8646) && !settings.getValue(130)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 9" && settings.getValue(9201) && !settings.getValue(8646)) {
       return true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 10" && settings.getValue(5840) && !settings.getValue(9201)) {
       return true
     return false

   function isCommunityLevel(currentLevel) {
     // Note that iOS Qt 5.3.1 only allows a maximum of 8 subseuqent case branches, otherwise an assertion in QVector is
     // triggered
     switch(currentLevel) {
       case "Level 1":
       case "Level 2":
       case "Level 3":
       case "Level 4":
         return false
       case "Level 5":
       case "Level 6":
       case "Level 7":
       case "Level 8":
       case "Level 9":
       //case "Level 10": // last level is not seen as community level to get the according buttons in the win scene
         return false
         return true

   function activateMain() {
     // fade in
     state = "main"

   states: [
     State {
       name: "main"
       PropertyChanges { target: mainMenuScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           var lastActiveScene = window.activeScene
           window.activeScene = mainMenuScene

           console.debug("SquabyMain: change to state 'main'")

           // it may be paused before, when in the pause scene

           // if the main menu was reached from the pause or the gameOver screen, the previous entities should be deleted
           // the last state can also be the scene, when coming from LevelEditingMenu and "Back to Levels" is pressed
           // this fixes a bug, that caused squabies to be existing when another level was loaded, although they should get removed when it is switched to levelediting mode
           if(lastActiveScene === waveDefeatedScene || lastActiveScene === scene ) {
     State {
       name: "game"
       // this does not work, because the PropertyChanges are applied before the StateChangeScript! and then the SquabyScene is not loaded
       PropertyChanges { target: scene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           console.debug("SquabyMain: change to state 'game'")

           window.activeScene = scene

           // make sure the exited state is set, otherwise the loadingAnimationFinished signal wouldnt be emitted
           loadingScene.state = "exited"
     State {
       name: "loading"
       PropertyChanges { target: loadingScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = loadingScene
     State {
       name: "pause"
       PropertyChanges { target: scene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges { target: waveDefeatedScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = waveDefeatedScene
     State {
       name: "credits"
       PropertyChanges { target: creditsScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = creditsScene
     State {
       name: "gameNetwork"
       PropertyChanges {target: vplayGameNetworkScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = vplayGameNetworkScene
     State {
       name: "gameover"
       PropertyChanges { target: scene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges { target: waveDefeatedScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = waveDefeatedScene
     State {
       name: "levels"
       PropertyChanges { target: levelScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = levelScene
     State {
       name: "waveDefeated"
       PropertyChanges { target: scene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges { target: waveDefeatedScene; opacity: 1}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           window.activeScene = waveDefeatedScene

   transitions: [
     Transition {
       from: "main"
       //to: "game"
       animations: mainMenuFadeAnimation
     Transition {
       from: ""
       to: "main"
       PropertyAnimation { target: mainMenuScene; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }

   // Animation for fading the mainmenu scene over another
   NumberAnimation {
     id: mainMenuFadeAnimation
     target: mainMenuScene
     duration: 900
     property: "opacity"
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded