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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../gameScene/hud"
 import "PathCreationLogic.js" as Logic
 import Felgo 4.0

 Item {
   id: draggableArea
   // this gets enabled only, when LevelEditingMenu.state === "PathCreation" is set to true

   // set this size to the playfield (=scene.height-hud.height)

   // this is required, so the path waypoints are snapped to a grid
   property real pathSize: scene.gridSize*2

   property bool isDraggingPath: false

   // this are the center points of the waypoints - the images for starting and stopping the dragging are centered around this point!
   property variant firstWaypoint: Qt.point(16, 48)
   // 1 to the left from the right anchor,
   property variant finalWaypoint: Qt.point(464, 208)

   // the green range is shown where to start the dragging, and the red range where to end it
   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: firstWaypointImage
     x: firstWaypoint.x-width/2
     y: firstWaypoint.y-height/2

     width: 2*gridSize
     height: 2*gridSize
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/menu_labels/range_radius_allowed.png")

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: finalWaypointImage
     x: finalWaypoint.x-width/2
     y: finalWaypoint.y-height/2
     width: 2*gridSize
     height: 2*gridSize
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/menu_labels/range_radius_forbidden.png")

     // with hoverEnabled, it also doesn't work!
 //    MouseArea {
 //      anchors.fill: parent
 //      hoverEnabled: true

 //      onContainsMouseChanged: {
 //        console.debug("containsMouse changed to", containsMouse)
 //      }
 //      onEntered: console.debug("target point onEntered")
 //    }

   Item {
     id: pathCreationDraggedObject
     visible: isDraggingPath

     // just for debugging
     Rectangle {
       width: pathSize; height:pathSize
       opacity: 0.3
       anchors.centerIn: parent

   // this is shown at the position of the last waypoint (the image there can not be drawn yet, because the direction isnt known
   Item {
     id: lastWaypointPosition
     visible: isDraggingPath

     // just for debugging
     Rectangle {
       width: pathSize; height:pathSize
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       opacity: 0.5

 //      SequentialAnimation on opacity{
 //        NumberAnimation {
 //          to: 1
 //        }
 //        NumberAnimation {
 //          to: 0
 //        }
 //      }

   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: firstWaypointImage

     // this is only for testing!
     // drag is not good here, because then the initial offset is used!
     //drag.target: pathCreationDraggedObject

     property bool targetReached: false

     onPressed: {
       isDraggingPath = true

       console.debug("start creating a new path")

       targetReached = false;

       // initialize with an empty array, so all path entities get removed

       Logic.pressed(firstWaypoint.x, firstWaypoint.y);
       // the mouse pos cant be set, it is read-only!
       //mouseX = firstWaypoint.x
       //mouseY = firstWaypoint.y

     onPositionChanged: {

       // because of anchors.fill to the image, the x position is moved by the position of firstWaypointImage!
       var sceneMouseX = mouseX+firstWaypointImage.x;
       var sceneMouseY = mouseY+firstWaypointImage.y;

       // limit to the logical scene bounds
       else if(sceneMouseX<0)
       else if(sceneMouseY<0)


       if(sceneMouseX>finalWaypointImage.x && sceneMouseX<finalWaypointImage.x+finalWaypointImage.width
           && sceneMouseY>finalWaypointImage.y && sceneMouseY<finalWaypointImage.y+finalWaypointImage.height) {

         console.debug("the final waypoint is reached! stop there!")


         // for knowing that finishPathToLastWaypoint() needs not be called any more
         targetReached = true;

       } else {
         Logic.positionChanged(sceneMouseX, sceneMouseY);

       pathCreationDraggedObject.x = sceneMouseX;
       pathCreationDraggedObject.y = sceneMouseY;

     onReleased: {
       console.debug("the mouse was released, build path to last waypoint")

       if(!targetReached) {

         // NOPE: add a waypoint in between here
         // don't add it here - it might be a straight line, then the waypoint couldnt be rotated!
 //        var sceneMouseX = mouseX+firstWaypointImage.x;
 //        var sceneMouseY = mouseY+firstWaypointImage.y;
 //        Logic.positionChanged(sceneMouseX, sceneMouseY);

         // NOTE: this is also called, when the target is reached! so we need to test if the path was already created before in onPositionChanged!

     onExited: {
       console.debug("PathCreationOverlay: mouseArea.onExited")
       // this is called when the initial size is left, but creating the path must go on! until the mouse is released!
 //      if(!targetReached) {
 //        // NOTE: this is also called, when the target is reached! so we need to test if the path was already created before in onPositionChanged!
 //        finishPathToLastWaypoint();
 //      }

   function finishPathToLastWaypoint() {
     isDraggingPath = false

     Logic.released(finalWaypoint.x, finalWaypoint.y)

     isDraggingPath = false;

     console.debug("update the waypoints of PathEntity to this array:")

     var newWaypoints = Logic.waypoints

     // here, the waypoints would not be valid! so not possible to directly assign an array from the js file!
     // thus copy it below!
 //    storedWaypoints = newWaypoints;
 //    for(var i=0;i<storedWaypoints.length; i++) {
 //      console.debug("A: storedWP[", i, "]:", storedWaypoints[i].x, storedWaypoints[i].y)
 //    }

     // NOTE: assigning an Array() object to a property DOES NOT WORK!!!
     // you must initialize it with [], not with "new Array" to work!!!
     var tempWP = new Array;

     for(var i=0;i<newWaypoints.length; i++) {
       // this is valid, but storedWaypoints is not valid!
       console.debug("newWayPoints[", i, "]:", newWaypoints[i].x, newWaypoints[i].y)
       // both work
       tempWP.push({ x: newWaypoints[i].x, y:newWaypoints[i].y });
       //tempWP.push( Qt.point(newWaypoints[i].x, newWaypoints[i].y) );
       console.debug("tempWP[", i, "]:", tempWP[i].x, tempWP[i].y)

 //    storedWaypoints = tempWP;
 //    for(var i=0;i<storedWaypoints.length; i++) {
 //      console.debug("B: storedWP[", i, "]:", storedWaypoints[i].x, storedWaypoints[i].y)
 //    }

     // NOTE: this does NOT work!

     // this works
 //    level.pathEntity.initializeFromWaypoints(tempWP);

   signal waypointCreated(variant waypoint)

   onWaypointCreated: {

     // set this, to see the last position of the waypoint
     lastWaypointPosition.x = waypoint.x
     lastWaypointPosition.y = waypoint.y

     console.debug("PathCreationOverlay: new waypoint got created at pos", waypoint.x, waypoint.y)

   // for testing, if the storing to the property works
 //  property variant storedWaypoints

   //  MouseArea {
   //    enabled: false
   //    anchors.fill: parent

   //    onPressed: {
   //      console.debug("start creating a new path")

   //      Logic.pressed(mouseX, mouseY);

   //    }

   //    onPositionChanged: {
   //      Logic.positionChanged(mouseX, mouseY);

   //    }

   //    onReleased: {
   //      Logic.released(mouseX, mouseY);

   //    }

   //    onExited: {
   //      console.debug("PathCreationOverlay: onExited!")
   //    }
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