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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // a healthbar should never get rotated with the entity! so at first a rotation is needed, then move it to the desired position
 // thus an additional Item is needed, because otherwise at first the transform is applied, and afterwards the movement
 // TODO: instead of applying the reverse rotation of the parent, this item should be implemented in C++ and set the QGraphicsItem flag ItemIgnoresTransformations!
 //Item {
 // the VisualItemPropertyObserver uses batched position updating, so prefer it over the normal item
 Item {
 /* use this for debugging visually where the rectangle is:
   it should always be in the center unrotated when ignoreParentRotation is set to true
 Rectangle {
     color: "grey"
     opacity: 0.8*/


     // if it is not set (e.g. for turbine or for hud healthbar), the rectangles are used!
     // there is a problem when a spritesheet is used, because e.g. at the wave item there is a healthbar, and if it would be added there as a sprite, the order of the spriteBatchNode would be wrong!
     // so the alternative would be to only use a rectangle there, but not for the entities!
     property url spriteSheetSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("")
     // if this is set explicitly by the user, it is prevented to load the rectangle version first before the spriteSheet gets set, but loads the spriteSheet version from the beginning, regardless if the source is empty or not
     property bool useSpriteVersion: false

     // initialize the health bar with 100% alive, so all is green
     // this will vary between 0 and 1
     property real percent: 1.0
     // guarantee that it is always in the range 0...1
     onPercentChanged: {
       //console.debug("Healthbar: percent changed to", percent)

       // NOTE: this must not be set here, otherwise the binding with the HealthComponent would be removed!!!
       // it must be guaranteed from HealthComponent that this is not between 0 and 1
       // alternatively, another internal property (internalPercent) could be created, which gets clipped to 0|1 range
 //        if(percent<0)
 //            percent=0;
 //        else if(percent>1)
 //            percent=1;

     // instead of calculating the position with transforms, use nested items!
     // the rotation will be reverted by applying the reverse rotation - the child item nonRotatedItem can then be positioned normally without the parent rotation!
     property bool ignoreParentRotation: true
     // needs not to be created newly, as the property exists for VisualItemPropertyObserver
     // when this flag is set, setting a rotation is useless as the rotation value gets overwritten every time the parent rotation changes!
     // as further performance improvement, only set ignoreParentRotation to true (thus connect the rotationChanged signal of parent in C++) when this item is visible!
 //    ignoreParentRotation: visible

     // alternatively, a binding with a when-condition could be used, but that should not make a performance difference!
     // this would be fastest (test binding difference on mobile devices)! - the binding difference is not big, the limiting factor here is that it is called that often!
     //rotation: -parent.rotation // by overwriting the rotation in the calling class, this may be overwritten
     //rotation: (visible && ignoreParentRotation) ? -parent.rotation : 0
     Binding {
         target: healthbar
         property: "rotation"
         value: -healthbar.parent.rotation
         when: ignoreParentRotation && visible

     property alias absoluteX: nonRotatedItem.x
     property alias absoluteY: nonRotatedItem.y

     // ATTENTION: this is necessary, otherwise the reverted rotation would be applied in the center leading to wrong results!
     // this must be provided when width or height are not 0, to get the expected reverting effect with ignoreParentRotation set to true!
     transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft

     Loader {
         id: nonRotatedItem

         // width & height need not be set explicitly, they get set to the source component!

         // if a spriteSheetSource was set explicitly, the sprite version will be used
         // only use the spritesheet on cocos renderer! so not on Meego or Symbian, as performance is worse there with clipped images!
         // a check of spriteSheetSource.toString() is a slow process! 1 binding needs 27ms on Windows, which is far too long!
         // think of a faster approach for this binding!
         sourceComponent: (useSpriteVersion || spriteSheetSource!="") ? spriteBarsComponent : rectangleBarsComponent

         // for testing individually
         //sourceComponent: rectangleBarsComponent
         //sourceComponent: spriteBarsComponent

     // this gets loaded when a spritesheetSource was defined
     Component {
         id: spriteBarsComponent

         Item {
             Component.onCompleted: console.debug("Healthbars loaded from spritesheet with source", spriteSheetSource)

             width: healthbar.width
             height: healthbar.height

             MultiResolutionImage {
                 id: greenHealthbarSprite
 //                filename: healthbar.spriteSheetSource
                 source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/menu_labels/green.png")
                 // there must be a 1 pixel wide border (thus the image is 3x3 pixels), otherwise the texture will look blurred
                 // these must get set explicitly from outside!
                 width: healthbar.width*healthbar.percent
                 height: healthbar.height
                 translateToCenterAnchor: false

             MultiResolutionImage {
                 id: redHealthbarSprite
 //                filename: healthbar.spriteSheetSource
                 source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/menu_labels/red.png")
                 // there must be a 1 pixel wide border (thus the image is 3x3 pixels), otherwise the texture will look blurred
                 // these must get set explicitly from outside!
                 width: healthbar.width*(1-healthbar.percent)
                 height: healthbar.height

                 translateToCenterAnchor: false
                 anchors.right: parent.right
         } // end of Item
     } // end of component

     Component {
         id: rectangleBarsComponent

         Item {
             Component.onCompleted: console.debug("Healthbars loaded from rectangle")

             //id: nonRotatedItem
             width: healthbar.width
             height: healthbar.height

             Rectangle {
                 width: healthbar.width*healthbar.percent
                 height: healthbar.height
                 // green
                 color: "#2cc908"
             Rectangle {
                 width: healthbar.width*(1-healthbar.percent)
                 height: healthbar.height
                 // red
                 color: "#e00f0f"
                 anchors.right: parent.right
         } // end of item
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded