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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 // this is only needed to get access to Box2DFixture class, containing the categories

 TowerBase {
     id: nailgun
     entityType: "nailgun"

     // these get set per tower, are the logic properties and could be put into an own component!?
     shootDelayInMilliSeconds: level.balancingSettings.nailgun.shootDelayInMilliSeconds
     cost: level.balancingSettings.nailgun.cost
     saleRevenue: level.balancingSettings.nailgun.saleRevenue
     upgradeLevels: level.balancingSettings.nailgun.upgradeLevels

     NailgunSprite {
         id: sprite

     GameSoundEffect {
         id: shootEffect
         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/snd/nailgunShoot04.wav")
         volume: 0.7

     Timer {
         id: shootTimer
         interval: shootDelayInMilliSeconds // fire every x ms - this should be adjusted by the designer, and might be upgraded for the tower!
         repeat: true
         triggeredOnStart: true // causes onTriggered to be called when running switches to true - this is important because otherwise the initial rotation action would only be started "interval" ms after the initial contact
         // running gets set when aimingAtTargetChanged changes! also only shoot, when a target is set!
         onTriggered: {
           console.debug("Nailgun: shootTimer triggered! this:", shootTimer)
             // play a fire sound effect and play the fire animation when the squaby is aimed

     onAimingAtTargetChanged: aimingAtTarget => {
         console.debug("aimingAtTarget of nailgun changed to:", aimingAtTarget);
         if(aimingAtTarget && !shootTimer.running) {
             shootTimer.running = true;

     onTargetRemoved: {
         shootTimer.running = false;

     // TODO: add pooling to the towers, so overwrite onMovedToPool instead of onEntityDestroyed then
     onEntityDestroyed: {
       // when this entity got destroyed, but put into an array to avoid immediate removal because of delayEntityRemoval is set to true, the timer must be stopped!
       shootTimer.running = false;

     //property date lastShoot: new Date()

     // play the animation and the sound - gets called only if the target is aimed at
     function shoot() {

       // this might be false when the game is restarted, because the shootTimer is restarted when the pauseScene is left!
       // thus, to avoid an error below when accessing the targetEntity, stop the timer here
       if(!targetEntity) {
         shootTimer.running = false;

         //var now = new Date();
         //var dt = now-lastShoot;
         //lastShoot = now;
         //console.debug("Nailgun: shoot() called, dt:", dt);


         // call this directly on the entity, alternatively call it on the healthComponent?
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