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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtMultimedia 6.0 // needed for SoundEffect.Infinite
 import Felgo 4.0
 // this is only needed to get access to Box2DFixture class, containing the categories

 import "../particles" // for FireParticles

 TowerBase {
     id: flamethrower
     entityType: "flamethrower"

     /// The squaby health component gets reduced by that amount. This value can be upgraded with the second upgrade (tho 2 towers, so the flamethrower applies more damage).
     //*0.001*100 // as an optimization, multiply it with 0.001 to avoid having to multiply it every shoot()
     property real flameAreaDamagePerSecond: level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.flameAreaDamagePerSecond
     // flag created to start the particle effects also from outside for performance tests.
     property bool running: false
     onRunningChanged: {
       if(running) {

         shootTimer.running = true;

         // starts the looping audio effect

         // Start particles
 //        if (__currentUpgradeLevels.damagePerSecond > 0) {
 //          if(currentParticles < maximumParticles) {
 //            currentParticles++
 //            fireParticle2.start();
 //          }
 //        }
 //        if(currentParticles < maximumParticles) {
 //          currentParticles++
 //          fireParticle1.start();
 //        }
       } else {
         // stop the looping audio effect

 //        // Stop particle effects
 //        if (__currentUpgradeLevels.damagePerSecond > 0) {
 //          if(fireParticle2.running) {
 //            currentParticles--
 //            fireParticle2.stop();
 //          }
 //        }
 //        if(fireParticle1.running) {
 //          currentParticles--
 //          fireParticle1.stop();
 //        }
         shootTimer.running = false;

     shootDelayInMilliSeconds: level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.shootDelayInMilliSeconds
     cost: level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.cost
     saleRevenue: level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.saleRevenue
     upgradeLevels: level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.upgradeLevels

     // TODO: initialize this automatically in TowerBase in onCompleted() for all upgradeLevels!
     __currentUpgradeLevels: { "range": 0, "damagePerSecond": 0 }

     // TODO: add pooling to the towers, so overwrite onMovedToPool instead of onEntityDestroyed then
     onEntityDestroyed: {
       // when this entity got destroyed, but put into an array to avoid immediate removal because of delayEntityRemoval is set to true, the timer must be stopped!
       shootTimer.running = false;

     FlamethrowerSprite {
       id: sprite

     GameSoundEffect {
         id: shootEffect
         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/snd/flamethrowerFire01.wav")
         // the sound effect should looop when a squaby is aimed at
         loops: SoundEffect.Infinite

 //    GameParticle {
 //        id: fireParticle1
 //        fileName: Qt.resolvedUrl("../particles/FireParticle.json")
 //        y: 0
 //        x: 15
 //    }

 //    GameParticle {
 //        id: fireParticle2
 //        fileName: Qt.resolvedUrl("../particles/FireParticle.json")
 //        y: -5
 //        x: 15
 //    }

     Timer {
         id: shootTimer
         // this adjusts how often hit() is called! the damage will always be flameAreaDamagePerSecond, regardless of this setting!
         // so this only has a visual effect, how often the healthbar should be updated!
         // don't set it too high, because then it lasts long until the first damage is applied which doesn't look good!
         // and also don't set it too low, because then many times hit() is called which is bad for performance!
         interval: 300
         repeat: true
         triggeredOnStart: true // causes onTriggered to be called when running switches to true - this is important because otherwise the initial rotation action would only be started "interval" ms after the initial contact
         // running gets set when aimingAtTargetChanged changes! also only shoot, when a target is set!
         onTriggered: {
             // apply damage to all squabies within the flameDamageArea

         onRunningChanged: {
           console.debug("Flamethrower: running changed to", running)
           if(running) {
             // this must be done here, because if the game is paused and then resumed, it would instantly kill a squaby when the tower was firing before
             __lastShoot = new Date()

     onAimingAtTargetChanged: aimingAtTarget => {
         console.debug("aimingAtTarget of flamethrower changed to:", aimingAtTarget);
         if(aimingAtTarget && !shootTimer.running) {

             // __lastShoot must not be set here, because then users could cheat by pressing the pause button and then the next flamethrower shot would kill the squaby instantly when resumed again
             //__lastShoot = new Date();
             running = true

     onTargetRemoved: {
         running = false
         // this would lead to error: Cannot assign null to QDateTime
         //__lastShoot = null;

     onTowerUpgradedWithCustomUpgrade: (upgradeType, upgradeData) => {
         if(upgradeType === "damagePerSecond") {
             flameAreaDamagePerSecond = upgradeData.value;

     onTowerUpgraded: {
 //        if(upgradeType === "damagePerSecond") {
 //          // decrease particle if running, because changing maxParticles will start the particle and we have to stop it.
 //          if(fireParticle1.running) {
 //            currentParticles--
 //          }

 //          // reduce particle number
 //          fireParticle1.maxParticles = fireParticle1.maxParticles/2
 //          // stop the particle because setting the maxParticles count respawns the particle
 //          fireParticle1.stop()
 //          fireParticle2.maxParticles = fireParticle2.maxParticles/2
 //          // stop the particle because setting the maxParticles count respawns the particle
 //          fireParticle2.stop()

 //            // Add second flame
 //            fireParticle1.y = 5;

 //          if(running && currentParticles < maximumParticles) {
 //            currentParticles++
 //            fireParticle1.start();
 //            fireParticle2.start();
 //          }
 //        }
 //        else if(upgradeType === "range") {
 //            // Change to napalm
 //            fireParticle1.startColor = "#ffffff"
 //            fireParticle1.startColorAlpha = 0.7
 //            fireParticle1.textureFileName = Qt.resolvedUrl("../particles/particleNapalm.png");

 //            fireParticle2.startColor = "#ffffff"
 //            fireParticle2.startColorAlpha = 0.7
 //            fireParticle2.textureFileName = Qt.resolvedUrl("../particles/particleNapalm.png");
 //        }

     // gets set when a new target is found, and reset when it is removed
     property date __lastShoot

     // play the animation and the sound - gets called only if the target is aimed at
     function shoot() {

       // this might be false when the game is restarted, because the shootTimer is restarted when the pauseScene is left!
       // thus, to avoid an error below when accessing the targetEntity, stop the timer here
       if(!targetEntity) {
         shootTimer.running = false;

       var now = new Date;
       var dt = now-__lastShoot;
       __lastShoot = now;

       var damage = flameAreaDamagePerSecond*dt*0.001;

       // call this directly on the entity, alternatively call it on the healthComponent?
       targetEntity.hitByValue(entityId, entityType, damage);

       // this avoids the function call forwarding and directly modifies the health property - the difference is not so big (0.1 ms), so it is worth the better API unless this is called every frame!
       //targetEntity.healthComponent.currentHealth -= damage;

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