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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../../common"

 Item {
   id: levelSelectionItem

   property bool isDownloaded: levelEditor.isLevelDownloaded(modelData.levelId)
   property bool isAuthorCreated: modelData.storageLocation == "authorGenerated"
   property bool isPublished: modelData.publishedLevelId !== undefined
   property bool isRated: modelData.rating !== undefined
   property bool isUserLevel: modelData.storageLocation === levelEditor.userGeneratedLevelsLocation
   property bool isLoggedInPlayer: (modelData && modelData.user && modelData.user.id === gameNetwork.user.userId) ? true : false

   // information visibility
   property bool ratingAndDownloadedVisible: levelScene.state == "communityLevels"

   // button visibility
   property bool playButtonVisible: levelScene.state != "demoLevels" && levelScene.state != "communityLevels"
   property bool demoPlayButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "demoLevels"
   property bool editButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "myLevels" && levelScene.subState == "createdLevels" && !isPublished
   property bool removeButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "myLevels" && levelScene.subState == "createdLevels" && !isPublished
   property bool unpublishButtonVisible: isAuthorCreated && isPublished
   property bool leaderboardButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "myLevels" && levelScene.subState == "downloadedLevels" || isAuthorCreated && isPublished
   property bool downloadButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "communityLevels" && !levelEditor.isLevelDownloaded(modelData.levelId) && !(isUserLevel && isLoggedInPlayer)
   property bool rateButtonVisible: levelScene.state == "communityLevels" && isDownloaded

   // define the size
   width: 110
   // set height, depending on if there's a user, whose name should be displayed
   height: modelData.user ? 70 : 65

   // this is the base rectangle in the background
   Rectangle {
     width: parent.width
     height: parent.height

     border.width: 1
     border.color: "black"
     radius: 3

     // background gradient
     gradient: {
       // all downloaded levels, and all self-published levels in the
       // communityLevels view, have this downloadedGradient as background
       if(isDownloaded && !isAuthorCreated || isUserLevel && isLoggedInPlayer)
         return downloadedGradient
       // all self created and published levels in the myLevels view, have this
       // publishedGradient as background
       else if(isAuthorCreated && isPublished)
         return publishedGradient
       // by default, defaultGradient is the background
         return defaultGradient

     Gradient {
       id: defaultGradient
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#cccccc" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: "#e0e0e0" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#cccccc" }

     Gradient {
       id: downloadedGradient
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#67e667" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: "#8cff8c" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#67e667" }

     Gradient {
       id: publishedGradient
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#e6e667" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: "#ffff8c" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#e6e667" }


   // level name
   Text {
     id: levelName
     text: modelData.levelName

     height: 16

     // position and size
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.right: removeButton.left
     anchors.left: parent.left
     // margins
     anchors.margins: 5
     anchors.bottomMargin: 0

     // make font size dynamic
     fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
     font.pixelSize: 13
     minimumPixelSize: 8

   // user name
   Text {
     id: userName

     // if user name exists, display it
     text: modelData.user ? modelData.user.name : ""

     height: 5

     // anchoring
     anchors.top: levelName.bottom
     anchors.right: removeButton.left
     anchors.left: parent.left
     // margins
     anchors.margins: 5
     anchors.topMargin: 0

     font.pixelSize: 8

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: ratingIcon

     visible: ratingAndDownloadedVisible

     width: 15
     height: 15

     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.bottom: downloadedIcon.top
     anchors.leftMargin: 5

     source: "../../../assets/ui/star.png"

   Text {
     id: ratingText

     visible: ratingAndDownloadedVisible

     height: ratingIcon.height

     anchors.left: ratingIcon.right
     anchors.verticalCenter: ratingIcon.verticalCenter
     anchors.leftMargin: 2

     verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

     font.pixelSize: 10

     text: {
       // if rating exists, round it and set it as text
       if(modelData["average_quality"]) {
         var rating = modelData["average_quality"]
         var roundedRating = Math.round(rating * 10) / 10
         return ""+roundedRating
       // otherwise set 0 as text
         return "0"

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: downloadedIcon

     visible: ratingAndDownloadedVisible

     width: 15
     height: 15

     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.margins: 5

     source: "../../../assets/ui/download.png"

   Text {
     id: downloadedText

     visible: ratingAndDownloadedVisible

     height: downloadedIcon.height

     anchors.left: downloadedIcon.right
     anchors.verticalCenter: downloadedIcon.verticalCenter
     anchors.leftMargin: 2

     verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

     font.pixelSize: 10

     text: modelData["times_downloaded"] ? modelData["times_downloaded"] : "0"


   // button to start the level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: playButton

     visible: playButtonVisible

     width: 50
     height: 30

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/play.png"

     // start level
     onClicked: {


   // a wider button to start a demo level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: demoPlayButton

     visible: demoPlayButtonVisible

     height: 30

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/play.png"

     // start level
     onClicked: {


   // button to edit the level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: editButton

     visible: editButtonVisible

     width: 50
     height: 30

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/edit.png"

     // edit level
     onClicked: levelScene.editLevelPressed(modelData)

   // button to remove the level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: removeButton

     visible: removeButtonVisible

     width: 30
     height: 20

     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/remove.png"

     color: "#ff9999"

     onClicked: {
       // show removeLevelDialog
       removeLevelDialog.levelData = modelData
       removeLevelDialog.opacity = 1

   // button to unpublish the level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: unpublishButton

     visible: unpublishButtonVisible

     width: 30
     height: 20

     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/remove.png"

     color: "#ff9999"

     onClicked: {
       // show unpublishDialog
       unpublishDialog.levelData = modelData
       unpublishDialog.opacity = 1

   // button to show the leaderboard for this level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: leaderboardButton

     visible: leaderboardButtonVisible

     width: 50
     height: 30

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/leaderboard.png"

     onClicked: {
       // id only exists in published levels
       var leaderboard = modelData.id

       // if modelData doesn't have an id, check if it has publishedLevelId
         leaderboard = modelData.publishedLevelId

       // if level is published...
       if(leaderboard) {
         // ...show leaderboard

   // button to download the level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: downloadButton

     visible: downloadButtonVisible

     width: 40
     height: 35

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: "../../../assets/ui/download.png"

     onClicked: levelEditor.downloadLevel(modelData)

   // button to rate this level
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: rateButton

     visible: rateButtonVisible

     // disable this button, if this level has been rated
     enabled: !isRated

     width: 40
     height: 35

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: 2

     image.source: {
       // if the level hasn't been rated yet, show rate image
       if(!isRated) {
       // otherwise show the user's rating
       else {
         switch(modelData.rating.quality) {
           case 5: return "../../../assets/ui/rate_5stars.png"
           case 4: return "../../../assets/ui/rate_4stars.png"
           case 3: return "../../../assets/ui/rate_3stars.png"
           case 2: return "../../../assets/ui/rate_2stars.png"
           default: return "../../../assets/ui/rate_1star.png"

     onClicked: {
       // set level data and show rating dialog
       ratingDialog.levelData = modelData
       ratingDialog.opacity = 1
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