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Particle Editor Demo

   This style enables the GUI Elements and ItemEditor styles from VPlay 1.0.
 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1

 Item {
     This alias is used to access the buttonStyle. Used for instance in GameButton to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Button element.
     \sa GameButton
   property alias buttonStyle:buttonStyleComponent

     This alias is used to access the switchStyle. Used for instance in GameSwitch to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Switch element.
     \sa GameSwitch
   property alias switchStyle:switchStyleComponent

     This alias is used to access the sliderStyle. Used for instance in GameSlider to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Slider element.
     \sa GameSlider
   property alias sliderStyle:sliderStyleComponent

     This alias is used to access the textFieldStyle. Used for instance in GameTextField to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls TextField element.
     \sa GameTextField
   property alias textFieldStyle:textFieldStyleComponent

     This alias is used to access the scrollViewStyle. Used for instance in GameScrollView to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick ScrollView element.
     \sa GameScrollView
   property alias scrollViewStyle:scrollViewStyleComponent

     This alias is used to access the itemEditorStyle. Used for instance in ItemEditor to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick GUI elements.
     \sa ItemEditor
     \sa ItemEditorStyle
   property alias itemEditorStyle:itemEditorStyle

     This property is used to change the color of the window background in GUI elements and in the ItemEditor.
     \sa ItemEditor
     \sa ItemEditorStyle
   property color windowBackgroundColor: "#212126"

     This property is used to change the color of the background in GUI elements.
   property color elementBackgroundColor: "#2c2b2a"

     This property is used to change the color of the foreground in GUI elements.
   property color elementForegroundColor: "#413d3c"

     This property is used to change the color of the highlight effects in GUI elements.
   property color elementHighlightColor: Qt.lighter("#468bb7", 1.2)

     This property is used to change the color of the highlight effects when the element is not hovered or pressed in GUI elements.
   property color elementNormalColor: Qt.darker("#468bb7", 1.4)

     This property is used to change the color of the GameButton text.
   property color buttonTextColor: "white"

     This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameButton text.
   property int buttonTextPixelSize: 12

     This property is used to change the color of the GameSwitch text.
   property color switchTextColor: "white"

     This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameSwitch text.
   property int switchTextPixelSize: 11

     This property is used to change the color of the GameTextField text.
   property color textFieldTextColor: "white"

     This property is used to change the color of the placeholder text of the GameTextField.
   property color textFieldPlaceholderTextColor: "grey"

     This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameTextField text.
   property int textFieldTextPixelSize: 14

     This property is used to change the color of the itemEditor label text.
   property color itemEditorLabelTextColor: "white"

     This property is used to change the pixel size of the itemEditor label text.
   property int itemEditorLabelTextPixelSize: 11

     This alias is used to change the font of the itemEditor label.
   property alias itemEditorLabel: itemEditorLabel

   // Button Style
   Component {
     id: buttonStyleComponent
     ButtonStyle {
       panel: MultiResolutionImage {
         implicitHeight: 27
         implicitWidth: 69
         scale: control.pressed ? 0.9 : 1
         source: "../assets/img/button.png"
         Text {
           text: control.text
           anchors.centerIn: parent
           color: buttonTextColor
           font.pixelSize: buttonTextPixelSize
           // causes bad fonts and other problems http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/22158
           //renderType: Text.NativeRendering
           renderType: Text.QtRendering

   // Switch Style
   Component {
     id: switchStyleComponent
     SwitchStyle {
       groove: Item {
         implicitHeight: 18
         implicitWidth: 54

         MultiResolutionImage {
           implicitHeight: 18
           implicitWidth: 78
           source: control.checked ? "../assets/img/switch-on.png" : "../assets/img/switch-off.png"
       handle: MultiResolutionImage {
         implicitHeight: 16
         implicitWidth: 25
         source: "../assets/img/switch-thumb.png"

   // Slider Style
   Component {
     id: sliderStyleComponent
     SliderStyle {
       handle: MultiResolutionImage {
         implicitHeight: 38
         implicitWidth: 38
         source: "../assets/img/slider-handle.png"

       groove: MultiResolutionImage {
         implicitHeight: 20
         implicitWidth: 185
         source: "../assets/img/slider-background.png"
         Rectangle {
           z: -1
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           antialiasing: true
           radius: 1
           color: elementHighlightColor
           height: 4
           width: styleData.handlePosition+5

   // TextField Style
   Component {
     id: textFieldStyleComponent
     TextFieldStyle {
       renderType: Text.QtRendering
       textColor: textFieldTextColor
       font.pixelSize: textFieldTextPixelSize
       padding { top: 0 ; left: Math.round(control.__contentHeight/3) ; right: control.__contentHeight/3 ; bottom: 0 }

       background: Item {
         implicitHeight: 25
         implicitWidth: 160
         MultiResolutionImage {
           source: "../assets/img/textinput.png"
           implicitHeight: 6
           implicitWidth: 160
           anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
           anchors.left: parent.left
           anchors.right: parent.right

   // ScrollView Style
   Component {
     id: scrollViewStyleComponent
     ScrollViewStyle {
       transientScrollBars: true
       handle: Item {
         implicitWidth: 7
         implicitHeight: 13
         Rectangle {
           color: elementBackgroundColor
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.topMargin: 3
           anchors.leftMargin: 2
           anchors.rightMargin: 2
           anchors.bottomMargin: 3
           Rectangle {
             color: elementForegroundColor
             anchors.fill: parent
             anchors.topMargin: 1
             anchors.leftMargin: 1
             anchors.rightMargin: 1
             anchors.bottomMargin: 1
       scrollBarBackground: Item {
         implicitWidth: 7
         implicitHeight: 13

   // ItemEditor Style
   ItemEditorStyle {
     id: itemEditorStyle
     contentDelegateBackground: MultiResolutionImage {
       source: "../assets/img/window.png"
       anchors.fill: parent
     contentDelegateTypeList: MultiResolutionImage {
       source: "../assets/img/window.png"
       anchors.fill: parent
     label: Text {
       id: itemEditorLabel
       color: itemEditorLabelTextColor
       font.pixelSize: itemEditorLabelTextPixelSize
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded