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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.12
 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../common"
 import "../interface"

 SceneBase {
   id: menuScene

   // signal that indicates that other scenes should be displayed
   signal menuButtonPressed(string button)

   property alias localStorage: localStorage   // is used by ONUMain to access gamesPlayed counter
   property alias tokenInfo: tokenInfo         // used by ONUMainItem to trigger tokenInfo animation
   property bool _initialTokens: false         // is set to true when user gets initial tokens

   // background music
   BackgroundMusic {
     volume: 0.20
     id: ambienceMusic
     source: "../../assets/snd/bg.mp3"

   // timer plays the background music
   Timer {
     id: timerMusic
     interval: 100; running: true; repeat: true
     onTriggered: {
       running = false

   // background
   Image {
     id: background
     source: "../../assets/img/BG.png"
     anchors.fill: menuScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
     smooth: true

   // the title image
   Image {
     id: titleImage
     anchors.horizontalCenter: gameWindowAnchorItem.horizontalCenter
     anchors.top: gameWindowAnchorItem.top
     anchors.topMargin: 15
     source: "../../assets/img/Title.png"
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
     width: 380

   // button opens powered by Felgo message and links to the website
   MouseArea {
     anchors.top: titleImage.top
     anchors.bottom: titleImage.bottom
     anchors.left: titleImage.left
     anchors.leftMargin: 55
     anchors.right: titleImage.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 55
     width: 240
     height: 30

     onClicked: {
       website.visible = true

   // detailed playerInfo window
   Rectangle {
     id: info
     radius: 15
     color: "white"
     border.color: "#28a3c1"
     border.width: 2.5
     visible: true
     width: 130

     anchors {
       top: localTag.top
       bottom: localTag.bottom
       right: localTag.right
       topMargin: localTag.height / 2 - 9
       bottomMargin: - 6
       rightMargin: - 3

     // detailed playerInfo text
     Item {
       y: 34

       Text {
         id: infoText
         text: "Rank: " + rank + "\nLevel: " + localTag.level + "\nScore: " + localTag.highscore
         font.family: standardFont.name
         color: "black"
         font.pixelSize: 8
         width: contentWidth
         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
         anchors.left: parent.left
         anchors.leftMargin: 14
         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

         property string rank: localTag.rank > 0 ? "#" + localTag.rank : "-"

     // clickable area to hide the detailed playerInfo
     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: parent
       onClicked: info.visible ^= true

   // button leading to the profile view
   MenuButton {
     action: "profile"
     color: "transparent"
     width: 30
     height: 30
     buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Settings.png"
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 10
     anchors.right: info.left
     anchors.rightMargin: 5
     visible: info.visible
     onClicked: {
       ga.logEvent("User", "Profile")

   GameButton {
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.bottom: increaseTokenButton.top
     text: storeScene.tokens === 0 ? "Set to 20" : "Set to 0"
     onClicked: storeScene.tokens === 0 ? storeScene.giveTokens(20 - storeScene.tokens) : storeScene.takeTokens(storeScene.tokens)
     visible: system.desktopPlatform && !system.publishBuild && enableStoreAndAds

   GameButton {
     anchors.right: increaseTokenButton.left
     anchors.bottom: increaseTokenButton.bottom
     text: "Token--"
     onClicked: storeScene.takeTokens(1)
     visible: system.desktopPlatform && !system.publishBuild && enableStoreAndAds

   GameButton {
     id: increaseTokenButton
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.bottom: tokenInfo.top
     anchors.bottomMargin: 15
     text: "Token++"
     onClicked: storeScene.giveTokens(1)
     visible: system.desktopPlatform && !system.publishBuild && enableStoreAndAds

   TokenInfo {
     id: tokenInfo
     tokens: storeScene.tokens
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 85
     onClicked: menuButtonPressed("store")
     visible: enableStoreAndAds

   // local player tag
   PlayerTag {
     id: localTag
     player: gameNetwork.user
     nameColor: info.visible ? "#28a3c1" : "white"
     menu: true
     avatarSource: gameNetwork.user.profileImageUrl ? gameNetwork.user.profileImageUrl : "../../assets/img/User.png"
     level: Math.max(1, Math.min(Math.floor(gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard / 300), 999))
     highscore: gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard
     rank: gameNetwork.userPositionForCurrentActiveLeaderboard

     scale: 0.5
     transformOrigin: Item.BottomRight
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 10
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 10

     infoButton.enabled: player.name != ""
     infoButton.onClicked: {
       ga.logEvent("User", "Own Player Details")
       info.visible ^= true

   // credits
   Text {
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 10
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 10
     font.pixelSize: 6
     color: "white"
     text: "UNO © 2016 Matell, Inc."
     visible: false

   // main menu
   Column {
     id: gameMenu
     anchors.top: titleImage.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: 10
     anchors.horizontalCenter: gameWindowAnchorItem.horizontalCenter
     spacing: 6

     MenuButton {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       text: "Quick Game"
       action: "quick"
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Quick Game")
         flurry.logEvent("User.Quick Game")

     MenuButton {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       text: "Matchmaking"
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Matchmaking")

     MenuButton {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       text: "Single Player"
       action: "single"
       //visible: false
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Single Game")
         flurry.logEvent("User.Single Game")

   // animation to slide the community menu in and out
   NumberAnimation {
     id: slideAnimation
     running: false
     target: community
     property: "anchors.bottomMargin"
     duration: 200
     to: 0
     easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad

   // community submenu
   Column {
     id: community
     width: communityButton.width
     spacing: 4
     anchors.left: gameWindowAnchorItem.left
     anchors.leftMargin: 10
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: (community.height - communityButton.height) * (-1) + 10

     // community button to slide the community submenu in and out
     ButtonBase {
       id: communityButton
       color: "transparent"
       width: 38
       height: 38
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/More.png"

       property bool hidden: true

       onClicked: {
         hidden = !hidden
         ga.logEvent("User", "Community Menu")
         flurry.logEvent("User.Community Menu")

       // slides the community menu in or out depending on the hidden
       function slideMenu(){
         if (hidden){
           slideAnimation.to = (community.height - communityButton.height) * (-1) + 10
           opacity = 1.0
           slideAnimation.to = 10
           opacity = 0.6

     MenuButton {
       action: "friends"
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Friends.png"
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Friends")
       opacity: communityButton.hidden ? 0 : 1

     // button to connect with facebook
     ButtonBase {
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Facebook.png"
       visible: !system.desktopPlatform && !gameNetwork.facebookConnectionSuccessful

       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Show Facebook")
         connectFacebook.visible ^= true

     // button to share the game
     ButtonBase {
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Share.png"
       visible: !system.desktopPlatform

       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Share")
         nativeUtils.share("Come and play " + gameTitle + " with me, the best multiplayer card game! My player name is " + gameNetwork.displayName, "https://felgo.com/one-download/")

     // music and sound effect toggle buttons
     Row {
       spacing: 4

       // button to toggle the music
       ButtonBase {
         color: "transparent"
         width: communityButton.width
         height: communityButton.height
         anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
         buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Music.png"
         opacity: settings.musicEnabled ? 1.0 :  0.6
         onClicked: {
           ga.logEvent("User", "Music")
           settings.musicEnabled ^= true

       // button to toggle the sound effects
       ButtonBase {
         color: "transparent"
         width: communityButton.width
         height: communityButton.height
         anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
         buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Sound.png"
         opacity: settings.soundEnabled ? 1.0 :  0.6
         onClicked: {
           ga.logEvent("User", "Sound")
           settings.soundEnabled ^= true

     // button to send feedback to Felgo
     ButtonBase {
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Instructions.png"
       onClicked: window.state = "instructions"
       visible: false

     // button to send feedback to Felgo
     ButtonBase {
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Invites.png"
       onClicked: showFeedback()

   // message and leaderboard buttons
   Row {
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.left: community.right
     anchors.bottomMargin: 10
     anchors.leftMargin: community.spacing
     spacing: community.spacing

     MenuButton {
       id: inboxButton
       action: "inbox"
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Messages.png"
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Messages")

     MenuButton {
       action: "leaderboard"
       color: "transparent"
       width: communityButton.width
       height: communityButton.height
       anchors.margins: communityButton.anchors.margins
       buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Network.png"
       onClicked: {
         ga.logEvent("User", "Network")

   ConnectFacebookWindow {
     id: connectFacebook
     visible: false
     scale: 0.5
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     onConnectFacebookClicked: {
       // close community submenu after showing facebook dialog

   LikeWindow {
     id: like
     visible: false
     scale: 0.5
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem

   RatingWindow {
     id: rating
     visible: false
     scale: 0.5
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem

   FeedbackWindow {
     id: feedback
     visible: false
     scale: 0.5
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem

   WebsiteWindow {
     id: website
     visible: false
     scale: 0.5
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem

   // connect to the FelgoGameNetwork to handle new inbox entries
     target: gameNetwork

       var conv = gameNetwork.inboxEntries
       var count = 0
       for(var i = 0; i < conv.length; i++){
         count += conv[i].unread_count
       inboxButton.notification = count

   Connections {
     target: window.loadingScene
     onOpacityChanged: {
       if (window.loadingScene.opacity == 0){
         if (localStorage.getValue("appstarts") > 5 && !localStorage.getValue("feedbackSent")){

   // define Storage item for loading/storing key-value data
   // ask the user for feedback after opening the app 5 times
   Storage {
     id: localStorage
     property int appStarts: 0
     property int gamesPlayed: 0 // store number of games played
     property real lastLogin: 0   // date (day) of last login (reward received)

     // update app starts counter
     Component.onCompleted: {
       // uncomment this to clear the storage

       var nr = localStorage.getValue("appstarts")
       if(nr === undefined) nr = 0

       localStorage.setValue("appstarts", nr)
       appStarts = nr

       // init or load gamesPlayed counter
       if(localStorage.getValue("gamesplayed") === undefined)
         localStorage.setValue("gamesplayed", 0)
       gamesPlayed = localStorage.getValue("gamesplayed")

       // init or load last login day
       if(localStorage.getValue("lastlogin") === undefined)
         localStorage.setValue("lastlogin", 0) // will be correctly set when first checked
       lastLogin = localStorage.getValue("lastlogin")

     // set and store gamesPlayed locally
     function setGamesPlayed(count) {
       localStorage.setValue("gamesplayed", count)
       localStorage.gamesPlayed = count

     // set and store last login day
     function setLastLogin(day) {
       localStorage.setValue("lastlogin", day)
       localStorage.lastLogin = day

   // sync messages on the main menu page
   onVisibleChanged: {

   function showFeedback(){
     ga.logEvent("User", "Show Feedback Dialog")
     like.visible = true

   // enter scene will be called whenever menuScene is shown
   function enterScene() {

   // check date to give daily bonus
   function checkDailyBonus() {

     var today = new Date()
     var todayTruncated = new Date(today.getTime()-today.getHours()*3600000-today.getMinutes()*60000-today.getSeconds()*1000-today.getMilliseconds())
     console.debug("Today truncated is " + todayTruncated.getTime().toString())
     var storedLastLoginMS = localStorage.lastLogin
     console.debug("Read from database " + storedLastLoginMS)
     if(storedLastLoginMS === 0) {
       // start with 20 tokens
       _initialTokens = true
       localStorage.setLastLogin(todayTruncated.getTime().toString()) // initialize
       if(storeScene.tokens < 20)
         storeScene.giveTokens(20 - storeScene.tokens)
     else if(todayTruncated.getTime().toString() > storedLastLoginMS) {
       // give daily bonus
       console.debug("Last login was a day ago, give player bonus")
       storeScene.giveTokens(gameTokensEarnedPerDay) // increase tokens by 1
       dailyTokenDialog.visible = true

     if (!system.publishBuild && !_initialTokens && storeScene.tokens < 20) {
       // always start with 20 tokens for debug builds
       _initialTokens = true
       storeScene.giveTokens(20 - storeScene.tokens)
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