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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 // the cards in the hand of the player
 Item {
   id: playerHand
   width: 400
   height: 134

   property double zoom: 1.0
   property int originalWidth: 400
   property int originalHeight: 134

   // amount of cards in hand in the beginning of the game
   property int start: 7
   // array with all cards in hand
   property var hand: []
   // the owner of the cards
   property var player: MultiplayerUser{}
   // whether the player pressed the ONUButton or not
   property bool onu: false
   // the score at the end of the game
   property int score: 0
   // value used to spread the cards in hand
   property double offset: width/10

   // sound effect plays when drawing a card
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: drawSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/draw.wav"

   // sound effect plays when depositing a card
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: depositSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/deposit.wav"

   // sound effect plays when winning the game
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: winSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/win.wav"

   // playerHand background image
   // the image changes for the active player
   Image {
     id: playerHandImage
     source: multiplayer.activePlayer === player && !gameLogic.acted? "../../assets/img/PlayerHand2.png" : "../../assets/img/PlayerHand1.png"
     width: parent.width / 400 * 560
     height: parent.height / 134 * 260
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: parent.height * (-0.5)
     z: 0
     smooth: true

     onSourceChanged: {
       z = 0

   // playerHand blocked image is visible when the player gets skipped
   Image {
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     source: "../../assets/img/Blocked.png"
     width: 170
     height: width
     z: 100
     visible: depot.skipped && multiplayer.activePlayer == player
     smooth: true

   // playerHand bubble image is visible when the player pressed the ONUButton
   Image {
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.right: parent.right
     source: "../../assets/img/Bubble.png"
     rotation: parent.rotation * (-1)
     width: 60
     height: width
     z: 100
     visible: onu
     smooth: true

   // start the hand by picking up a specified amount of cards
   function startHand(){

   // reset the hand by removing all cards
   function reset(){
     while(hand.length) {
     onu = false

   // organize the hand and spread the cards
   function neatHand(){
     // sort all cards by their natural order
     hand.sort(function(a, b) {
       return a.order - b.order

     // recalculate the offset between cards if there are too many in the hand
     // make sure they stay within the playerHand
     offset = originalWidth * zoom / 10
     if (hand.length > 7){
       offset = playerHand.originalWidth * zoom / hand.length / 1.5

     // calculate the card position and rotation in the hand and change the z order
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       var card = hand[i]
       // angle span for spread cards in hand
       var handAngle = 40
       // card angle depending on the array position
       var cardAngle = handAngle / hand.length * (i + 0.5) - handAngle / 2
       //offset of all cards + one card width
       var handWidth = offset * (hand.length - 1) + card.originalWidth * zoom
       // x value depending on the array position
       var cardX = (playerHand.originalWidth * zoom - handWidth) / 2 + (i * offset)

       card.rotation = cardAngle
       card.y = Math.abs(cardAngle) * 1.5
       card.x = cardX
       card.z = i + 50 + playerHandImage.z

   // pick up specified amount of cards
   function pickUpCards(amount){
     onuButton.button.enabled = false
     var pickUp = deck.handOutCards(amount)
     // add the stack cards to the playerHand array
     for (var i = 0; i < pickUp.length; i ++){
       if (multiplayer.localPlayer == player){
         pickUp[i].hidden = false
     // reorganize the hand

   // change the current hand card array
   function syncHand(cardIDs) {
     hand = []
     for (var i = 0; i < cardIDs.length; i++){
       var tmpCard = entityManager.getEntityById(cardIDs[i])
       deck.cardsInStack --
       if (multiplayer.localPlayer == player){
         tmpCard.hidden = false
     // reorganize the hand

   // change the parent of the card to playerHand
   function changeParent(card){
     card.newParent = playerHand
     card.state = "player"

   // check if a card with a specific id is on this hand
   function inHand(cardId){
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       if(hand[i].entityId === cardId){
         return true
     return false

   // remove card with a specific id from hand
   function removeFromHand(cardId){
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       if(hand[i].entityId === cardId){
         hand[i].width = hand[i].originalWidth
         hand[i].height = hand[i].originalHeight
         hand.splice(i, 1)

   // highlight all valid cards by setting the glowImage visible
   function markValid(){
     if (!depot.skipped && !gameLogic.gameOver && !colorPicker.chosingColor){
       for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
         if (depot.validCard(hand[i].entityId)){
           hand[i].glowImage.visible = true
           hand[i].glowImage.visible = false
           hand[i].saturation = -0.5
           hand[i].lightness = 0.5
       // mark the stack if there are no valid cards in hand
       var validId = randomValidId()
       if(validId == null){

   // unmark all cards in hand
   function unmark(){
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       hand[i].glowImage.visible = false

   // scale the whole playerHand of the active localPlayer with a zoom factor
   function scaleHand(scale){
     zoom = scale
     playerHand.height = playerHand.originalHeight * zoom
     playerHand.width = playerHand.originalWidth * zoom
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       hand[i].width = hand[i].originalWidth * zoom
       hand[i].height = hand[i].originalHeight * zoom

   // get a random valid card id from the playerHand
   function randomValidId(){
     var valids = getValidCards()
     if (valids.length > 0){
       // return a random valid card from the array
       var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (valids.length))
       return valids[randomIndex].entityId
       return null

   // get an array with all valid cards
   function getValidCards(){
     var valids = []
     // put all valid card options in the array
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i ++){
       if (depot.validCard(hand[i].entityId)){
     return valids

   // if the player deposited their second to last card without pressing onu
   // they missed their chance to activate the ONUButton
   function missedOnu(){
     if (hand.length === 0 && !onu){
       if (multiplayer.myTurn) onuButton.button.enabled = false
       return true
     } else {
       return false

   // check if the player can activate the onu button
   function closeToWin(){
     // if the player has 2 or less cards in his hand
     if (hand.length == 2){
       // automatically activate onu for the player if he's disconnected or when the ONUButton is removed from the game (onuButton.visible = false)
       // do not auto-activate it when the player is skipped, onu is already active or the game is already over
       var userDisconnected = (!multiplayer.activePlayer || !multiplayer.activePlayer.connected)
       if ((!onuButton.visible || userDisconnected) && !depot.skipped && !onu && !gameLogic.gameOver){
         var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
       // enable the button if the active player is connected
       var valids = getValidCards()
       if (multiplayer.myTurn && !depot.skipped && !gameLogic.gameOver && !onu && valids.length > 0){
         onuButton.button.enabled = true
       } else if (multiplayer.myTurn){
         onuButton.button.enabled = false
       return true
     }else if (multiplayer.myTurn){
       // deactivate the button if the player has more than 2 cards in his hand
       onuButton.button.enabled = false
       return false

   // check if the player has won with zero cards left
   function checkWin(){
     if (hand.length == 0 && onu){
       return true
       return false

   // calculate all card points in hand
   function points(){
     var points = 0
     for (var i = 0; i < hand.length; i++) {
       points += hand[i].points
     return points

   // animate the playerHand width and height
   Behavior on width {
     NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 400 }

   Behavior on height {
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