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Juicy Squash Simple - Match-3 Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 Item {
   id: gameArea

   // shall be a multiple of the blockSize
   // the game field is 8 columns by 12 rows big
   width: blockSize * 8
   height: blockSize * 12

   // properties for game area configuration
   property double blockSize
   property int rows: Math.floor(height / blockSize)
   property int columns: Math.floor(width / blockSize)

   // properties for increasing game difficulty
   property int maxTypes
   property int clicks

   // array for handling game field
   property var field: []

   // gameover signal
   signal gameOver()

   // calculate field index
   function index(row, column) {
     return row * columns + column

   // fill game field with blocks
   function initializeField() {
     // reset difficulty
     gameArea.clicks = 0
     gameArea.maxTypes = 3

     // clear field

     // fill field
     for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
       for(var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
         gameArea.field[index(i, j)] = createBlock(i, j)

   // clear game field
   function clearField() {
     // remove entities
     for(var i = 0; i < gameArea.field.length; i++) {
       var block = gameArea.field[i]
       if(block !== null)  {
     gameArea.field = []

   // create a new block at specific position
   function createBlock(row, column) {
     // configure block
     var entityProperties = {
       width: blockSize,
       height: blockSize,
       x: column * blockSize,
       y: row * blockSize,

       type: Math.floor(Math.random() * gameArea.maxTypes), // random type
       row: row,
       column: column

     // add block to game area
     var id = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(
           Qt.resolvedUrl("Block.qml"), entityProperties)

     // link click signal from block to handler function
     var entity = entityManager.getEntityById(id)

     return entity

   // handle user clicks
   function handleClick(row, column, type) {

     // copy current field, allows us to change the array without modifying the real game field
     // this simplifies the algorithms to search for connected blocks and their removal
     var fieldCopy = field.slice()

     // count and delete connected blocks
     var blockCount = getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column, type)
     if(blockCount >= 3) {

       // calculate and increase score
       // this will increase the added score for each block, e.g. four blocks will be 1+2+3+4 = 10 points
       var score = blockCount * (blockCount + 1) / 2
       scene.score += score

       // emit signal if game is over

       // increase difficulty every 10 clicks until maxTypes == 5
       if((gameArea.maxTypes < 5) && (gameArea.clicks % 10 == 0))

   // recursively check a block and its neighbours
   // returns number of connected blocks
   function getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column, type) {
     // stop recursion if out of bounds
     if(row >= rows || column >= columns || row < 0 || column < 0)
       return 0

     // get block
     var block = fieldCopy[index(row, column)]

     // stop if block was already checked
     if(block === null)
       return 0

     // stop if block has different type
     if(block.type !== type)
       return 0

     // block has the required type and was not checked before
     var count = 1

     // remove block from field copy so we can't check it again
     // also after we finished searching, every correct block we found will leave a null value at its
     // position in the field copy, which we then use to remove the blocks in the real field array
     fieldCopy[index(row, column)] = null

     // check all neighbours of current block and accumulate number of connected blocks
     // at this point the function calls itself with different parameters
     // this principle is called "recursion" in programming
     // each call will result in the function calling itself again until one of the
     // checks above immediately returns 0 (e.g. out of bounds, different block type, ...)
     count += getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row + 1, column, type) // add number of blocks to the right
     count += getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column + 1, type) // add number of blocks below
     count += getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row - 1, column, type) // add number of blocks to the left
     count += getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column - 1, type) // add number of bocks above

     // return number of connected blocks
     return count

   // remove previously marked blocks
   function removeConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy) {
     // search for blocks to remove
     for(var i = 0; i < fieldCopy.length; i++) {
       if(fieldCopy[i] === null) {
         // remove block from field
         var block = gameArea.field[i]
         if(block !== null) {
           gameArea.field[i] = null

   // move remaining blocks to the bottom and fill up columns with new blocks
   function moveBlocksToBottom() {
     // check all columns for empty fields
     for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {

       // start at the bottom of the field
       for(var row = rows - 1; row >= 0; row--) {

         // find empty spot in grid
         if(gameArea.field[index(row, col)] === null) {

           // find block to move down
           var moveBlock = null
           for(var moveRow = row - 1; moveRow >= 0; moveRow--) {
             moveBlock = gameArea.field[index(moveRow,col)]

             if(moveBlock !== null) {
               gameArea.field[index(moveRow,col)] = null
               gameArea.field[index(row, col)] = moveBlock
               moveBlock.row = row
               moveBlock.fallDown(row - moveRow)

           // if no block found, fill whole column up with new blocks
           if(moveBlock === null) {
             var distance = row + 1

             for(var newRow = row; newRow >= 0; newRow--) {
               var newBlock = createBlock(newRow - distance, col)
               gameArea.field[index(newRow, col)] = newBlock
               newBlock.row = newRow

             // column already filled up, no need to check higher rows again

       } // end check rows starting from the bottom
     } // end check columns for empty fields

   // check if game is over
   function isGameOver() {
     var gameOver = true

     // copy field to search for connected blocks without modifying the actual field
     var fieldCopy = field.slice()

     // search for connected blocks in field
     for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
       for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {

         // test all blocks
         var block = fieldCopy[index(row, col)]
         if(block !== null) {
           var blockCount = getNumberOfConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, col, block.type)

           if(blockCount >= 3) {
             gameOver = false


     return gameOver

   // returns true if all animations are finished and new blocks may be removed
   function isFieldReadyForNewBlockRemoval() {
     // check if top row has empty spots or blocks not fully within game area
     for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
       var block = field[index(0, col)]
       if(block === null || block.y < 0)
         return false

     // field is ready
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