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Durdles - 2-Player Action Game

 pragma Singleton
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 QtObject {
   id: gameInfo

   // statistic
   property string winner
   property bool winnerRed: false
   property int redVictory: 0
   property int blueVictory: 0
   property bool gameOver: false           // indicates a gameover and shows gameovermessage
   property bool gamePaused: true          // freezes the animations, the controls, the opponent and the powerup spawn
                                           // in the beginning while countdown is running and at the gameOver window
   // powerUps
   property int powerUpCount: 0
   property int maxPowerUpsOnField: 4
   property int speed: 2                   // for the accelerator powerup, doubles the tank speed
   property int shieldDamageReduction: 65  // percentage of damage reduction when you have the shield powerup

   // menu layout
   property color red: "red"
   property color blue: "blue"
   property int border: 2
   property int radius: 7
   property double lighterColor: 1.7       // lighter colors are 70% lighter than normal colors
   property double opacity: 0.3            // opacity for movement control, shot and energy bar

   // energy management
   property int maxEnergy: 100
   property int fillEnergy: 25             // extra energy powerup
   property int normalDamage: 18           // tank, opponent, obstacle
   property int powerDamage: 36            // with PowerUp

   // controller parameters
   readonly property double maximumPlayerVelocity: 0.8
   property real damping: 10

   // controller modes
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded