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ChickenOutbreak Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // gets displayed when the game is lost, and shows the reached score and if there was a new highscore reached
 SceneBase {

   onBackButtonPressed: {
     window.state = "main"

   // this allows faster navigation through the scenes by pressing the Enter(=Return) key
   Keys.onReturnPressed: {
     window.state = "main"

   // 3 different formats of the image are provided (-sd, -hd and -hd2)
   BackgroundImage {
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/gameOverScreen.png")
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   Image {
     // position manually so it is in the center of the egg
     x: 40
     y: 120
     scale: 0.3
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/chicken-dead01.png")

   MenuText {
     y: 40
     text: qsTr("Game Over")
     font.pixelSize: 35

   MenuText {
     id: scoreText
     y: 300
     text: qsTr("Your score: ") + lastScore

   MenuText {
     id: newMaximumHighscore
     text: qsTr("New highscore!!!")
     font.pixelSize: 14
     color: "#8f2727"
     visible: true
     anchors.top: scoreText.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: 10
     //visible: false gets set in enterScene

   MenuButton {
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 30
     text: qsTr("Continue")
     onClicked: window.state = "main"

   function enterScene() {

     if(lastScore > maximumHighscore) {
       maximumHighscore = lastScore;
       newMaximumHighscore.visible = true;
     } else
       newMaximumHighscore.visible = false;

     // Check achievements
     var grains = player.bonusScore;
     var deaths = player.deaths;

     console.log("Collected grains:", grains);

     if (grains >= 10) {
       // it gets reported both to VPGN and GameCenter with this call, because gameCenterItem was set!
       gameNetwork.unlockAchievement("grains10", true)
     } if (grains >= 25) {
       gameNetwork.unlockAchievement("grains25", true)
     } if (grains >= 50) {
       gameNetwork.unlockAchievement("grains50", true)
     } if (deaths >= 10){
       gameNetwork.unlockAchievement("chickendead1", true)

     console.log("Player's death count:", deaths);
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded