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Component Showcase Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.4
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as Quick2
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
 import Felgo 3.0

 import "pages"

 Page {
   // make page navigation public, so app-demo launcher can track navigation changes and log screens with Google Analytics
   property alias navigation: navigation

   // for windows platform check
   property bool isWindows: system.isPlatform(4) || system.isPlatform(9) || system.isPlatform(10) // windows, winPhone or winRT

   useSafeArea: false // main page fills whole window

   Navigation {
     id: navigation

     NavigationItem {
       id: componentsItem
       title: "Components"
       icon: IconType.calculator

       NavigationStack {
         // we use initial page and component is here instead of setting the Page as a child
         // this is only required to avoid initialization issues when running this app within Felgo Sample Launcher
         initialPage: appComponentsPage

         Component {
           id: appComponentsPage
           Page {
             id: page
             title: componentsItem.title
             rightBarItem: stackLayout.currentIndex >= 0 ? stackLayout.children[stackLayout.currentIndex].rightBarItem : null

             AppTabBar {
               id: tabBar
               contentContainer: stackLayout
               AppTabButton { text: "Overview" }
               AppTabButton { text: "Example Page" }

             StackLayout {
               id: stackLayout
               width: parent.width
               anchors.top: tabBar.bottom
               anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
               clip: true

               // we need a Wrapper-Item because the Page always fills its parent,
               // which would be the bigger container within SwipeView
               AppComponentsPage { }
               ExamplePage { }
         } // initial page component


     NavigationItem {
       id: effectsItem
       title: "Effects"
       icon: IconType.bolt

       NavigationStack {
         EffectsPage { title: effectsItem.title }

     NavigationItem {
       id: controlsItem
       title: "Controls"
       icon: IconType.toggleoff

       NavigationStack {
         navigationBarShadow: false
         ControlsPage { title: controlsItem.title }

     NavigationItem {
       id: featuresItem
       title: "Features"
       icon: IconType.listalt

       NavigationStack {
         FeaturesPage { title: featuresItem.title }

     NavigationItem {
       id: listViewItem
       title: "List View"
       icon: IconType.list

       NavigationStack {
         splitView: tablet
         SimpleListPage { title: listViewItem.title }
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