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Component Showcase Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../common"

 FlickablePage {
   id: examplePage
   property bool activated: true

   // configure custom rightBarItem for navigation bar of example page
   rightBarItem:  NavigationBarRow {
     ActivityIndicatorBarItem {
       id: busyBarItem
       animating: examplePage.activated
       showItem: showItemAlways
     IconButtonBarItem {
       icon: examplePage.activated ? IconType.toggleon : IconType.toggleoff
       onClicked: examplePage.activated = !examplePage.activated
       title: "Toggle"

   flickable.contentHeight: scrollCol.height + dp(8)

   Column  {
     id: scrollCol
     width: parent.width

     SectionHeader { icon: IconType.thumbsup; text: "Rich User Interface, Less Code" }
     SectionDescription { text: "This example only requires about 120 lines code." }
     Repeater {
       model: [
         { text: "Default UI Elements",
           detailText: "No custom components are used here.",
           icon: IconType.tablet },
         { text: "Swipe a list row for more options",
           detailText: "This SwipeOptionsContainer has a left option and a right option.",
           icon: IconType.list },
         { text: "What else is shown?",
           detailText: "SimpleRow, SwipeButton, ActivityIndicator, AppSwitch, AppButton, AppText",
           icon: IconType.question }
       delegate: SwipeOptionsContainer {
         id: container
         height: row.height
         enabled: !(isSnapped && isRight)

         //the actual list item
         SimpleRow {
           id: row
           style.showDisclosure: false

         //left swipe option (when swiping list item to right)
         leftOption: SwipeButton {
           text: "Option"
           icon: IconType.gear
           height: row.height
           onClicked: {
             row.item.text = "Option clicked"

             //hide left option when clicked

         //right swipe option (when swiping list item to left)
         rightOption: AppActivityIndicator {
           width: row.height
           anchors.centerIn: parent

         //hide right option after timer finishes
         onRightOptionShown: hideTimer.start()

         property Timer hideTimer: Timer {
           running: false
           interval: 1000
           onTriggered: container.hideOptions()

     SectionSpacer { }
     SectionHeader { text: "Signals and Property Binding" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Press the switch below or in the navigation bar. Both items are linked together and also affect both of the activity indicators.\n
 This is achieved by binding the checked and activated states of the controls in a single code line." }
     SectionContent { contentItem: Row {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

         AppSwitch {
           id: sw
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           checked: examplePage.activated
           updateChecked: false //always keep the property binding
           onToggled: examplePage.activated = !examplePage.activated

         AppActivityIndicator {
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           animating: examplePage.activated
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