Learn what Felgo offers to help your business succeed. Start your free evaluation today! Felgo for Your Business

Component Showcase Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtMultimedia 5.5
 import "../common"
 import "../controls"
 import "../qmlvideofx/qml"

 Page {
   id: page
   // get the total height of status bar and navigation bar
   readonly property real statusHeight: nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.top > Theme.statusBarHeight ? nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.top : Theme.statusBarHeight
   readonly property real barHeight: dp(Theme.navigationBar.height) + statusHeight

   // navigation bar is 100 percent translucent, the page then also fills the whole screen
   // this allows us to display a custom navigation bar background for this page
   navigationBarTranslucency: 1.0
   useSafeArea: false // do not automatically align page content with safe area

   // custom navigation bar background that shows an image
   Rectangle {
     id: background
     width: parent.width
     height: barHeight
     color: Theme.navigationBar.backgroundColor

     // add the image
     Image {
       id: bgImage
       source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
       anchors.fill: parent
       fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
       opacity: 0.15 + 0.15 * (blurRadius / 64)

       // the strength of the blur is based on the flickable scroll position
       property real blurRadius: Math.max(0, Math.min(64, pageFlickable.contentY * 0.25))

       // apply blur effect
       layer.enabled: true
       layer.effect: FastBlur {
         radius: bgImage.blurRadius
   } // Rectangle

   Item {
     id: flickArea
     anchors.top: background.bottom
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.left: parent.safeArea.left
     anchors.right: parent.safeArea.right

     // flickable
     AppFlickable {
       id: pageFlickable
       anchors.fill: parent
       contentHeight: content.height + dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding) * 2

       // show/hide embedded video during scrolling to opimize scroll performance
       property real yBeginning: 0
       property real yDelta: pageFlickable.contentY - pageFlickable.yBeginning
       property real videoContentY: 0
       Component.onCompleted: pageFlickable.yBeginning = pageFlickable.contentY
       onHeightChanged: videoContentY = appsVideo.parent.mapToItem(pageFlickable.contentItem, 0 , 0).y
       onContentHeightChanged: videoContentY = appsVideo.parent.mapToItem(pageFlickable.contentItem, 0 , 0).y

       // add abckground to flickable to also have background within shader effect
       Rectangle {
         anchors.fill: parent
         color: page.backgroundColor

       // remove focus from controls if clicked outside
       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: pageFlickable.forceActiveFocus()

       // content
       Column  {
         id: content
         width: parent.width

         // Custom Shaders
         SectionHeader { icon: IconType.photo; text: "Custom Shader Effects" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Use Felgo for eye-catching UI animations, graphical effects, and custom shader effects." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: AppButton {
             text: fxControls.visible ? "Hide Shader Example" : "Open Shader Example"
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             flat: false
             onClicked: {
               if(!fxControls.visible) {
               else {
                 if(appsVideo.started) {
                   appsVideo.pausedByUser = true

         // embedded apps video
         Rectangle {
           color: "black"
           width: parent.width
           height: width / 1280 * 720

           SectionContent {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             color: "transparent"
             contentItem: Column {
               width: parent.width
               anchors.centerIn: parent
               spacing: dp(10)

               AppImage {
                 source: "../../assets/playicon.png"
                 width: dp(75)
                 height: width / sourceSize.width * sourceSize.height
                 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               AppText {
                 width: parent.width * 0.75
                 text: "Tap to play video for live video shader effects"
                 horizontalAlignment: AppText.AlignHCenter
                 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                 wrapMode: AppText.WordWrap
                 font.pixelSize: sp(16)
                 color: "white"

           Video {
             id: appsVideo
             anchors.fill: parent
             source: isWindows ? "https://www.felgo.com/resources/apps/Felgo_mobile.wmv" : "../../assets/multimedia/Felgo_mobile.mp4"
             autoLoad: true
             property bool started: false
             property bool pausedByUser: false
             onPlaying: { pausedByUser = false; started = true }
             onStopped: { pausedByUser = false; started = false }

             // hide and stop pause if not within visible view to improve performance
             visible: (pageFlickable.yDelta + pageFlickable.height >= pageFlickable.videoContentY) && (pageFlickable.yDelta <= pageFlickable.videoContentY + height)
             onVisibleChanged:if(!visible && started) pause(); else if(visible && started && !pausedByUser) play();

             // play / pause video on click
             MouseArea {
               anchors.fill: parent
               onClicked: {
                 if(!appsVideo.started) {
                 else {
                   if(appsVideo.pausedByUser) appsVideo.play(); else { appsVideo.pause(); appsVideo.pausedByUser = true }

         // Animations
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { icon: IconType.exchange; text: "Powerful Animations" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Easily add animations for the properties of an element. Smooth transitions to the target value are automatically created." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             spacing: dp(10)

             // color animation
             Rectangle {
               id: colorRect
               width: parent.width
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               radius: height * 0.5
               height: dp(50)
               color: "green"

               AppText { text: "Color Change"; anchors.centerIn: parent; font.pixelSize: sp(11); color: "white" }
               PropertyAnimation {
                 target: colorRect
                 property: "color"
                 to: "orange"
                 running: true
                 duration: 1000
                 onStopped: {
                   to = (colorRect.color.r !== 0) ? "green" : "orange"
             } // color animation

             // movement
             Rectangle {
               id: moveCircle
               width: dp(75)
               height: dp(50)
               radius: width * 0.5
               color: "#01a9e2"
               x: leftX
               property real leftX: 0
               property real rightX: parent.width - moveCircle.width

               AppText { text: "Movement"; anchors.centerIn: parent; font.pixelSize: sp(11); color: "white" }
               PropertyAnimation {
                 target: moveCircle
                 property: "x"
                 to: moveCircle.rightX
                 running: true
                 duration: 1500
                 onStopped: {
                   to = (moveCircle.x > moveCircle.leftX) ? moveCircle.leftX : moveCircle.rightX
                 easing.type: Easing.OutBounce

             // rotation
             Row {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               height: dp(50)
               spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
               AppImage {
                 id: rotateImage
                 width: height
                 height: parent.height
                 source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
                 RotationAnimation {
                   target: rotateImage
                   running: true
                   from: 0
                   to: 360
                   duration: 2000
                   loops: Animation.Infinite

               AppText {
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 text: "Rotation"
                 font.pixelSize: sp(11)

           } // animation column
         } // Animations SectionContent

         // combined animations and easing
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { text: "Combined Animations and Easing" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Combine multiple types to create cool animations." }
         SectionContent {
           contentItem: Item {
             width: animationImage.width + animationText.width
             height: dp(50)
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

             AppImage {
               id: animationImage
               width: dp(50)
               height: dp(50)
               source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
               opacity: 0
             AppText {
               id: animationText
               anchors.leftMargin: dp(10)
               anchors.left: animationImage.right
               width: dp(180)
               text: "Create beautiful animations in no time."
               y: animationImage.y + animationImage.height
               opacity: 0

             SequentialAnimation {
               running: true
               loops: Animation.Infinite

               // logo fade in
               ParallelAnimation {
                 id: logoFadeIn
                 readonly property int duration: 1500
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationImage
                   property: "opacity"
                   to: 1
                   duration: logoFadeIn.duration * 0.75
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationImage
                   property: "scale"
                   from: 1.5
                   to: 1
                   duration: logoFadeIn.duration
                   easing.type: Easing.OutBounce
                 RotationAnimation {
                   target: animationImage
                   from: 180
                   to: 360
                   duration: logoFadeIn.duration * 0.5
               // text fade in
               ParallelAnimation {
                 id: textFadeIn
                 readonly property int duration: 1000
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationText
                   property: "opacity"
                   to: 1
                   duration: textFadeIn.duration * 0.5
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationText
                   property: "y"
                   from: animationImage.y + animationImage.height
                   to: (animationImage.height - animationText.height) * 0.5
                   duration: textFadeIn.duration * 0.5
                   easing.type: Easing.OutExpo
                 ColorAnimation {
                   target: animationText
                   property: "color"
                   from: "black"
                   to: Theme.tintColor
                   duration: textFadeIn.duration
               PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 }
               // all fade out
               ParallelAnimation {
                 id: allFadeOut
                 readonly property int duration: 250
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationImage
                   property: "opacity"
                   to: 0
                   duration: allFadeOut.duration
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationText
                   property: "opacity"
                   to: 0
                   duration: allFadeOut.duration
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationImage
                   property: "scale"
                   to: 1.5
                   easing.type: Easing.InExpo
                   duration: allFadeOut.duration
                 NumberAnimation {
                   target: animationText
                   property: "y"
                   to: animationImage.y - animationText.height
                   easing.type: Easing.InExpo
                   duration: allFadeOut.duration
               PauseAnimation { duration: 1500 }
         } // Combined Animation SectionContent

         SectionDescription { text: "Different easing settings allow to customize the interpolation of animated properties. Click \"show\" to open a dialog that uses the selected setting." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: Row {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             spacing: dp(10)

             CustomComboBox {
               id: easingComboBox
               implicitWidth: dp(100) + 30
               model: ["OutBounce", "OutBack", "Linear", "OutCubic"]
               anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             AppButton { text: "Show"; onClicked: easingDialog.open() }
         } // Easing SectionContent

         // transitions
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { text: "Transition Effects" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Use animations to automatically add a transition effect when your view changes." }
         SectionContent {
           verticalMargin: 0
           horizontalMargin: 0
           contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             spacing: dp(10)

             ListView {
               id: appListView
               width: parent.width
               height: dummyModel.count * dp(Theme.listItem.minimumHeight) + dp(1)
               model: ListModel { id: dummyModel }
               delegate: SimpleRow {
                 id: row
                 text: title
                 style.showDisclosure: false
                 property bool isSubItem: title.substring(0, 4) === "Sub-"

                 // button to remove from list
                 IconButton {
                   id: closeButton
                   icon: IconType.close
                   anchors.right: parent.right
                   anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                   onClicked: {
                     for(var i = 0; i < dummyModel.count; i++) {
                       if(dummyModel.get(i).title === title) {
                         removeTransition.targetY = row.y - dp(20)
                         dummyModel.remove(i, 1)

                 // button add item
                 IconButton {
                   visible: !row.isSubItem
                   icon: IconType.pluscircle
                   anchors.right: closeButton.left
                   anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                   onClicked: {
                     for(var i = 0; i < dummyModel.count; i++) {
                       if(dummyModel.get(i).title === title) {
                         var subTitle = "Sub-"+title
                         var j = 1
                         while(i+j < dummyModel.count && dummyModel.get(i+j).title === subTitle) {
                           subTitle = "Sub-"+subTitle
                         dummyModel.insert(i+j, { title: subTitle })

               // set up transition animations
               add: Transition {
                 ParallelAnimation {
                   NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0; to: 1; duration: 200 }
                   NumberAnimation { property: "x"; from: -width; duration: 600; easing.type: Easing.OutBack }
               addDisplaced: Transition {
                 NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 100 }
               remove: Transition {
                 id: removeTransition
                 property real targetY: 0
                 ParallelAnimation {
                   NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 400 }
                   NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; to: 0; duration: 400 }
                   NumberAnimation { id: yAnim; property: "y"; to: removeTransition.targetY; duration: 400 }
               removeDisplaced: Transition {
                 NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 400 }

               // fill with dummy data
               Component.onCompleted: { reset() }
               function reset() {
                 for(var i=0; i < 3; i++)
                   dummyModel.insert(i, { title: "Item "+i })
             AppButton {
               horizontalMargin: 0; verticalMargin: 0
               text: "Reset"; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; onClicked: appListView.reset() }
         } // Transition SectionContent

         // Graphical Effects
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { icon: IconType.bolt; text: "Graphical Effects" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Many different graphical effects are available and can be applied to any UI element.\n
 The displace effect displayed below adds a horizontal and vertical pixel offset based on the Felgo logo. The properties of such graphical effects can also be animated." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: AppImage {
             id: displacementImage
             height: dp(150)
             width: height / sourceSize.height * sourceSize.width
             source: "../../assets/devices.png"
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             layer.enabled: true
             layer.effect: Displace {
               id: displaceEffect
               displacement: 0.2
               displacementSource: Rectangle {
                 width: displacementImage.width
                 height: displacementImage.height
                 color: Qt.rgba(0.5,0.5,0,1)

                 AppImage {
                   id: displaceLogo
                   anchors.fill: parent
                   fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
                   source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"

                 PropertyAnimation {
                   target: displaceEffect
                   property: "displacement"
                   to: 0.3
                   running: true
                   duration: 1500
                   onStopped: {
                     to *= -1
                   easing.type: Easing.OutBounce
               } // displacement source
             } // Displace effect
           } // Displacement Image
         } // Displace Effect SectionContent

         // Blend
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { text: "Blend Effect" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Choose between different blend modes when layering items.\n
 Note: Not all available effect modes are shown. This also applies to the color and style effects below." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)

             Row {
               spacing: parent.spacing
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               height: blendComboBox.height

               AppText { text: "Blend Mode: "; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
               CustomComboBox {
                 id: blendComboBox
                 implicitWidth: dp(110) + 30
                 model: ["Normal", "Addition", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Divide", "Exclusion", "DarkerColor", "LighterColor"]
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

             AppImage {
               id: blendImage
               height: dp(150)
               width: height / sourceSize.height * sourceSize.width
               source: "../../assets/devices.png"
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               layer.enabled: true
               layer.effect: Blend {
                 mode: blendComboBox.currentText
                 foregroundSource: AppImage {
                   width: blendImage.width
                   height: blendImage.height
                   fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
                   source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
               } // Blend Effect
             } // Blend Image
         } // Blend Effect SectionContent

         // Color
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { text: "Color Adjustment" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Easily change color, contrast or saturation of UI elements with ready-to-use effects." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
             Row {
               spacing: parent.spacing
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

               AppText { text: "Apply:"; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
               CustomComboBox {
                 id: colorComboBox
                 implicitWidth: dp(160) + 30
                 model: ["BrightnessContrast", "ColorOverlay", "Colorize", "HueSaturation"]
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 onCurrentIndexChanged: {
                   // apply new effect
                   switch(currentIndex) {
                   case 0: colorEffectImage.layer.effect = brightnessContrastEffect; break
                   case 1: colorEffectImage.layer.effect = colorOverlayEffect; break
                   case 2: colorEffectImage.layer.effect = colorizeEffect; break
                   case 3: colorEffectImage.layer.effect = hueSaturationEffect; break
             AppImage {
               id: colorEffectImage
               height: dp(150)
               width: height / sourceSize.height * sourceSize.width
               source: "../../assets/devices.png"
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               layer.enabled: true
               layer.effect: brightnessContrastEffect

               Component {
                 id: brightnessContrastEffect
                 BrightnessContrast { brightness: -0.5; contrast: 0.5 }
               Component {
                 id: colorOverlayEffect
                 ColorOverlay { color: Qt.rgba(0,0,1,0.25) }
               Component {
                 id: colorizeEffect
                 Colorize { hue: 0.7; saturation: 0.5 }
               Component {
                 id: hueSaturationEffect
                 HueSaturation { hue: 0.3; saturation: 0.5 }
         } // Color Effect SectionContent

         // Style
         SectionSpacer { }
         SectionHeader { text: "Improved Style" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Quickly improve the style of your app for example by adding a shadow, glow or blur effect. A dynamic blur effect is also used for the navigation bar of this page." }
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
             Row {
               spacing: parent.spacing
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

               AppText { text: "Add: "; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
               CustomComboBox {
                 id: styleComboBox
                 implicitWidth: dp(120) + 30
                 model: ["DropShadow", "FastBlur", "RadialBlur", "Glow"]
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 onCurrentIndexChanged: {
                   // apply new effect
                   switch(currentIndex) {
                   case 0: styleEffectImage.layer.effect = dropShadowEffect; break
                   case 1: styleEffectImage.layer.effect = fastBlurEffect; break
                   case 2: styleEffectImage.layer.effect = radialBlurEffect; break
                   case 3: styleEffectImage.layer.effect = glowEffect; break
             AppImage {
               id: styleEffectImage
               height: dp(150)
               width: height / sourceSize.height * sourceSize.width
               source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               layer.enabled: true
               layer.effect: dropShadowEffect

               Component {
                 id: dropShadowEffect
                 DropShadow { horizontalOffset: 6; verticalOffset: 6
                   radius: 12.0; samples: 17; color: "#80000000" }
               Component {
                 id: fastBlurEffect
                 FastBlur { radius: dp(8) }
               Component {
                 id: radialBlurEffect
                 RadialBlur { samples: 24; angle: 30 }
               Component {
                 id: glowEffect
                 Glow { radius: 16; samples: 17; color: Qt.rgba(1,1,0,0.5) }
         } // Style Effect SectionContent

       } // column
     } // flickable

     // scroll indicator
     ScrollIndicator {
       flickable: pageFlickable
       z: 1

     Dialog {
       id: easingDialog
       title: "Animation Easing"
       positiveActionLabel: "Cool!"
       negativeAction: false
       onAccepted: close()
       scaleAnimation.easing.type: Easing[easingComboBox.currentText]
       scaleAnimation.duration: easingComboBox.currentIndex === 0 ? 500 : 300

       AppText {
         y: dp(50)
         width: parent.width - 2 * dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         horizontalAlignment: AppText.AlignHCenter
         text: "This dialog was opened with easing type \""+easingComboBox.currentText+"\"."

   // logo will be visible behind page when using page effect ;-)
   Column {
     anchors.centerIn: flickArea
     width: flickArea.width
     spacing: dp(10)
     opacity: 0.5

     Row {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       width: parent.width * 0.75
       spacing: dp(10)

       AppImage {
         width: parent.width - hiddenText.width
         height: width / sourceSize.width * sourceSize.height
         source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
         fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       AppText {
         id: hiddenText
         width: parent.width * 0.75
         text: "Congratulations, you found this hidden message!"
         font.pixelSize: dp(10)
         wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
     AppText {
       text: "Shaders are awesome. ;-)"
       font.pixelSize: dp(12)
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

   // apply shader fx effect
   VideoFXEffect {
     id: fxEffect
     anchors.fill: flickArea
     divider.anchors.bottomMargin: fxControls.parameterPanelHeight
     sourceForShaderEffect.sourceItem: flickArea
     gripSize: fxControls.gripSize

   // shader fx controls
   VideoFXControls {
     id: fxControls
     anchors.topMargin: background.height - scaledMargin
     targetEffect: fxEffect
     visible: false
     onEffectLoaded: {
       if(name === "No effect")
         fxControls.visible = false

     function show() {
       fxControls.visible = true
       fxEffect.divider.value = 0.5
       fxControls.loadEffect("Emboss", "EffectEmboss.qml")

     function hide() {
       fxControls.visible = false
       fxControls.loadEffect("No effect", "EffectPassThrough.qml")
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded