Learn what Felgo offers to help your business succeed. Start your free evaluation today! Felgo for Your Business

Component Showcase Demo App

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.5
 import QtLocation 5.5
 import QtPositioning 5.5
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as Quick2
 import QtMultimedia 5.5
 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
 import "../controls"
 import "../common"

 FlickablePage {
   id: componentsPage

   property var video: null // embbedded video if currently playing
   property var alphaVideo: null // alphaVideo if currently playing

   flickable.contentHeight: content.height

   property real yBeginning: 0
   property real yDelta: flickable.contentY - yBeginning
   property real videoContentY: 0
   Component.onCompleted: yBeginning = flickable.contentY
   onHeightChanged: videoContentY = video !== null ? video.mapToItem(flickable.contentItem, 0 , 0).y : 0

   // remove focus from controls if clicked outside
   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent
     onClicked: flickable.forceActiveFocus()

   // content
   Column  {
     id: content
     width: parent.width
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

     SectionHeader { icon: IconType.paintbrush; text: "User Interface Styling" }
     SectionDescription { text: "You can customize the styling of all UI components and controls, or use the default native look & feel of your platform.\n
 Change the tint color or switch the platform theme below. All UI elements will then update their look." }
     SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
         width: parent.width
         spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)

         Row {
           id: tintColorRow
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           spacing: parent.spacing
           property color defaultColor: Theme.isIos ? "#007aff" : (Theme.isAndroid ? "#3f51b5" : "#01a9e2") // default is felgo blue
           property int currentIndex: 0

           Connections {
             target: Theme
             onPlatformChanged: if(tintColorRow.currentIndex === 0) Theme.colors.tintColor = tintColorRow.defaultColor

           AppText {
             text: "Tint:"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           Repeater {
             model: [tintColorRow.defaultColor, "#FF3B30", "#4CD964", "#FF9500"]

             Rectangle {
               color: modelData

               width: dp(48)
               height: dp(48)
               MouseArea {
                 anchors.fill: parent
                 onClicked: { Theme.colors.tintColor =  color; tintColorRow.currentIndex = index }
         } // tint row

         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           AppText {
             text: "Theme: "
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           IconButton {
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             icon: IconType.apple
             size: dp(24)
             color: Theme.isIos ? Theme.tintColor : Theme.secondaryTextColor
             onClicked: Theme.platform = "ios"

           IconButton {
             id: androidIcon
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             icon: IconType.android
             color: Theme.isAndroid ? Theme.tintColor : Theme.secondaryTextColor
             size: dp(24)
             visible: !system.isPlatform(1) // 1 == iOS
             onClicked: Theme.platform = "android"

           AppButton {
             text: "Custom"
             anchors.top: parent.top
             anchors.topMargin: Theme.isAndroid ? dp(2) : dp(1)
             flat: true
             verticalPadding: 0
             borderColor: Theme.isIos ? Theme.secondaryTextColor : Theme.tintColor
             textColor: Theme.isIos ? borderColor : Theme.appButton.flatTextColor
             visible: !androidIcon.visible
             onClicked: Theme.platform = "android"

       } // column
     } // theming section

     // Native Features
     SectionSpacer { height: dp(5) }
     SectionHeader { icon: IconType.mobile; text: "Native Features" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Use native features like opening dialogs or access device information with a single code base & cross-platform." }
     SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
         width: parent.width
         spacing: dp(10)
         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           AppButton { text: "Alert Dialog"; onClicked: nativeUtils.displayAlertDialog("Alert", "Be careful!", "I will", "Don't worry!"); verticalMargin: 0; flat: false }
           AppButton { text: "Input Dialog"; onClicked:NativeDialog.inputText("Input", "This is a native input dialog."); verticalMargin: 0; flat: false }
         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           AppButton { text: "Alert Sheet"; onClicked: nativeUtils.displayAlertSheet("Choose", ["Pizza", "Pasta", "Steak"], true); verticalMargin: 0; flat: false }
           AppButton { text: "Share Dialog"; onClicked: nativeUtils.share("Sharing is caring!", "https://www.felgo.com"); verticalMargin: 0; flat: false }

     // open app / share
     SectionSpacer {}
     SectionHeader { text: "Open Apps, Send E-Mail and More" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Start other apps, open an url in the browser or let the user send emails. Take a photo from camera or pick an image from gallery." }

     SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
         width: parent.width
         spacing: dp(16)

         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           CustomComboBox {
             id: comboBox2
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             implicitWidth: dp(120) + 30
             model: ["Open App", "Open Url", "Send Mail"]
           AppButton {
             text: "Open"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             onClicked: {
               switch(comboBox2.currentIndex) {
               case 0:
                       "Open Facebook",
                       "The Facebook App will be opened. Proceed?",
                       function(proceed) {
                         if(!proceed) return
                         var launchParam = Theme.isIos ? "fb://profile" : "com.facebook.katana"
                         if(!nativeUtils.openApp(launchParam)) {
                           NativeDialog.confirm("Facebook could not be launched.","", function(){}, false)
               case 1:
                       "Open Url",
                       "The Felgo website will be opened. Proceed?",
                       function(proceed) {
                         if(!proceed) return
               case 2:
                       "Send Mail",
                       "The mail app will be opened with a new draft. Proceed?",
                       function(proceed) {
                         if(!proceed) return
                         nativeUtils.sendEmail("", "I just wanted to ...", "wish you a cool day! ;)")
         } // open, share, ...

         // other native features
         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           CustomComboBox {
             id: comboBox3
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             implicitWidth: dp(120) + 30
             model: [ "Store Contact", "Vibrate" ]
           AppButton {
             text: "Do It"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             onClicked: {
               switch(comboBox3.currentIndex) {
               case 0:
                 var vCard = "BEGIN:VCARD
                 var success = nativeUtils.storeContacts(vCard)
                 if(Theme.isIos) {
                   // handle success/error on iOS to give feedback to user
                     NativeDialog.confirm("Contact stored.", "", function() {}, false)
                     NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact",
                                          "The app does not have permission to access the AddressBook, please allow access in the device settings.",
                                          function() {}, false)
                 else if (Theme.isAndroid) {
                   // only react to error on Android, if successful the device will open the vcard data file
                   if(!success) {
                     NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact",
                                          "Error when trying to store the vCard to the user documents folder.",
                                          function() {}, false)
                 else {
                   // platform not supported
                   NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact", "Storing contacts is only possible on iOS and Android.", function() {}, false)
                 // case 0: store contact end
               case 1:
                 nativeUtils.vibrate(); break
         } // general native features

         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           spacing: dp(10)
           AppText {
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             text: "Statusbar visible:"

           AppSwitch {
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             checked: Theme.statusBarStyle === Theme.colors.statusBarStyleBlack
             updateChecked: false
             onToggled: Theme.colors.statusBarStyle = checked ? Theme.colors.statusBarStyleHidden : Theme.colors.statusBarStyleBlack

         // image/camera picker
         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           height: userImage.height
           spacing: dp(10)
           width: userImage.width + spacing + choosePhotoText.width
           UserImage {
             id: userImage
             property string iconFontName: Theme.iconFont.name
             width: dp(72)
             height: width

             placeholderImage: "\uf007" // user
             source: ""

             editable: true
             editBackgroundColor: Theme.tintColor

             property bool shownEditPhotoDialog: false

             onEditClicked: {
               // We do not have camera feature on desktop yet, so just show file dialog
               if (system.desktopPlatform) {
                 nativeUtils.displayImagePicker(qsTr("Choose Image"))
               else {
                 // Probably better use a QML styled dialog?
                 shownEditPhotoDialog = true
                 nativeUtils.displayAlertSheet("", ["Choose Photo", "Take Photo", "Reset Photo"], true)

             Connections {
               target: nativeUtils
               onAlertSheetFinished: {
                 if (userImage.shownEditPhotoDialog) {
                   if (index == 0)
                     nativeUtils.displayImagePicker(qsTr("Choose Image")) // Choose image
                   else if (index == 1)
                     nativeUtils.displayCameraPicker("Take Photo") // Take from Camera
                   else if (index == 2)
                     userImage.source = "" // Reset
                   userImage.shownEditPhotoDialog = false

               onImagePickerFinished: {
                 console.debug("Image picker finished with path:", path)
                   userImage.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(path)

               onCameraPickerFinished: {
                 console.debug("Camera picker finished with path:", path)
                   userImage.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(path)
           } // User Image
           AppText {
             id: choosePhotoText
             width: dp(130)
             text: "click to choose image or take photo"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             font.pixelSize: dp(12)
             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
         } // image camer picker
       } // Column
     } // Native SectionContent

     SectionSpacer { }
     SectionHeader { text: "Device Info" }
     SectionContent { contentItem: Row {
         width: parent.width
         Column {
           id: info1
           spacing: dp(5)
           width: (parent.width - parent.spacing) * 0.5
           AppText { text: "<b>OS Type:</b> "+system.osType; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>OS Version:</b> "+system.osVersion; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>Device Model:</b> "+nativeUtils.deviceModel(); font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>Device Online:</b> "+system.isOnline; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>MAC Address:</b> "+system.macAddress; font.pixelSize: sp(11)
             width: parent.width; wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere }
           AppText { text: "<b>Unique Device Id:</b> "+system.UDID; font.pixelSize: sp(11);
             width: parent.width; wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere }
         Column {
           id: info2
           spacing: dp(5)
           width: info1.width
           AppText { text: "<b>Orientation:</b> "+(Theme.isPortrait ? "portrait" : "landscape"); font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>Statusbar Height:</b> "+Theme.statusBarHeight; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>App Identifier:</b> "+system.appIdentifier; font.pixelSize: sp(11)
             width: parent.width; wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere }
           AppText { text: "<b>App Version:</b> "+system.appVersionCode; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>Qt Version:</b> "+system.qtVersion; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }
           AppText { text: "<b>Felgo Version:</b> "+system.vplayVersion; font.pixelSize: sp(11) }

     // app map
     SectionSpacer {}
     SectionHeader { icon: IconType.mapmarker; text: "Maps and Positioning" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Embed maps with custom markers, routing and retrieve the user position." }
     Item {
       width: parent.width
       height: map.height + positionRow.height

       AppMap {
         id: map
         width: parent.width
         height: dp(200)
         showUserPosition: true

         plugin: Plugin {
           name: "mapbox"
           // configure your own map_id and access_token here
           parameters: [  PluginParameter {
               name: "mapbox.mapping.map_id"
               value: "mapbox.streets"
             PluginParameter {
               name: "mapbox.access_token"
               value: "pk.eyJ1IjoiZ3R2cGxheSIsImEiOiJjaWZ0Y2pkM2cwMXZqdWVsenJhcGZ3ZDl5In0.6xMVtyc0CkYNYup76iMVNQ"
             PluginParameter {
               name: "mapbox.mapping.highdpi_tiles"
               value: true

         // set initial map coordinate and zoom level
         center: userPositionAvailable ? userPosition.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate(48.208417, 16.372472)
         zoomLevel: 13
         Component.onCompleted: {
           map.center = userPositionAvailable ? userPosition.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate(48.208417, 16.372472)
           map.zoomLevel = 13

         // once we successfully received the location, we zoom to the user position
         onUserPositionAvailableChanged: {
           if(userPositionAvailable && userPosition.horizontalAccuracyValid && map.center !== userPosition.coordinate) {

         // add marker item to map
         MapQuickItem {
           // overlay will be placed below user position (if available)
           coordinate: parent.userPositionAvailable ? parent.userPosition.coordinate : parent.center

           // the anchor point specifies the point of the sourceItem that will be placed at the given coordinate
           anchorPoint: Qt.point(sourceItem.width/2, -dp(35))

           // place above user position and accuracy items
           z: 3

           // source item holds the actual item that is displayed on the map
           sourceItem: Rectangle {
             width: dp(150)
             height: dp(50)
             color: "white"
             radius: width * 0.05
             border.color: Theme.tintColor
             border.width: dp(1)
             layer.effect: DropShadow { horizontalOffset: 2; verticalOffset: 2
               radius: 16.0; samples: 16; color: "#80000000" }
             layer.enabled: true

             AppText {
               text: "This is a custom marker!"
               anchors.centerIn: parent
               font.pixelSize: sp(10)
         } // MapQuickItem

       Row {
         id: positionRow
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         spacing: dp(10)
         width: posButton.width + spacing + posText.contentWidth
         AppButton { id: posButton; text: "Zoom to Position"; onClicked: map.zoomToUserPosition() }
         AppText {
           id: posText
           text: "<b>Lat:</b> "+(map.userPositionAvailable ? map.userPosition.coordinate.latitude.toFixed(8) : "Not available")
                 + "<br/><b>Lng:</b> "+(map.userPositionAvailable ? map.userPosition.coordinate.longitude.toFixed(8) : "Not available")
           font.pixelSize: sp(11)
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

     // multimedia
     SectionSpacer {}
     SectionHeader { icon: IconType.videocamera; text: "Multimedia Components" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Show videos or play sound anywhere in your app. You can even play a video with alpha channel for advanced visual effects." }
     Rectangle {
       id: embeddedVideoContainer
       width: parent.width
       height: width * 0.75
       color: componentsPage.alphaVideo !== null ? "white" : "black"
       Component.onCompleted: playEmbeddedVideoTimer.start()
     SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
         width: parent.width
         spacing: dp(10)
         Row {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           CustomComboBox {
             id: comboBox4
             implicitWidth: dp(150) + 30
             model: [ "Transparent Video", "Music", "Sound" ]
           AppButton {
             id: playButton
             text: {
               if((comboBox4.currentIndex === 1 && music.playbackState === Audio.PlayingState)
                   || (comboBox4.currentIndex === 2 && sound.playing))
                 return "Stop"
                 return "Play"
             onClicked: {
               switch(comboBox4.currentIndex) {
               case 0:
                 // pause and hide embedded video when playing overlay video
                 // playing two videos at once didn't work for Samsung Android phone
                 if(componentsPage.video !== null) {
                   componentsPage.video.visible = false
                 // do nothing if overlay videois already playing
                 if(componentsPage.alphaVideo === null)
                   componentsPage.alphaVideo = alphaVideoComponent.createObject(componentsPage)
               case 1:
                 if(playButton.text !== "Stop")
               case 2:
                 if(playButton.text !== "Stop")
     } // multimedia section

     // Page Control
     SectionSpacer { }
     SectionHeader { text: "Convenience Controls" }
     SectionDescription { text: "Use a PageControl and a SwipeView for horizontal scrolling of content." }
     SectionSpacer { }
     Item {
       width: parent.width
       height: imgSwipeView.height + pageControl.height

       Quick2.SwipeView {
         id: imgSwipeView
         width: parent.width
         height: width / 1.5
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         Item {  AppImage { source: "../../assets/devices.png"; anchors.fill: parent; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } }
         Item {  AppImage { source: "../../assets/onu.png"; anchors.fill: parent; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } }
         Item {  AppImage { source: "../../assets/squaby.png"; anchors.fill: parent; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } }
         Item {  AppImage { source: "../../assets/stack.png"; anchors.fill: parent; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } }

       PageControl {
         id: pageControl
         height: implicitHeight + dp(5)
         pages: 4
         currentPage: imgSwipeView.currentIndex
         clickableIndicator: true
         spacing: dp(10)
         onPageSelected: imgSwipeView.currentIndex = index
     } // page control / convenvience controls

     // Picture Viewer
     SectionDescription { text: "The PictureViewer shows an image in fullscreen." }
     SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
         spacing: dp(10)
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         AppText { text: "click to open PictureViewer: "; font.pixelSize: dp(12); anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
         AppImage {
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           width: parent.parent.width * 0.35
           fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
           source: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"
           MouseArea {
             anchors.fill: parent
             onClicked: PictureViewer.show(getApplication(), parent.source)
     } // convenience controls section

     // web view (we use a loader here to not use webview on desktop at all to reduce size of Felgo Sample Launcher desktop application)
     Loader {
       id: webViewLoader
       width: parent.width
       height: webViewLoader.item ? webViewLoader.item.implicitHeight : 0
       source: system.desktopPlatform ? "" : Qt.resolvedUrl("../common/WebViewSection.qml")
   } // content column

   // media items
   Audio {
     id: music
     source: "../../assets/multimedia/coconut-land.wav"
     loops: 0
     autoLoad: true

   SoundEffect {
     id: sound
     source: "../../assets/multimedia/collected.wav"
     loops: 0

   // component for embedded video
   Component {
     id: videoComponent
     Video {
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       anchors.fill: parent
       source: isWindows ? "../../assets/multimedia/FelgoAnimation.wmv" : "../../assets/multimedia/FelgoAnimation.mp4"
       autoPlay: false

       // only show and play video if not dragging an video is visible in view
       property bool allowPlayback: !flickable.dragging && !flickable.flicking && inVisibleArea
       property bool inVisibleArea: (yDelta + flickable.height >= videoContentY) && (yDelta <= videoContentY + height)
       onAllowPlaybackChanged: if(allowPlayback) playTimer.start(); else playTimer.stop()
       visible: playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState

       Timer {
         id: playTimer
         interval: 250
         onTriggered: parent.play()

       Component.onCompleted: {
         videoContentY = embeddedVideoContainer.mapToItem(flickable.contentItem, 0 , 0).y
         if(!allowPlayback) stop(); else playTimer.start();
         stopped.connect(function() { if(allowPlayback) playTimer.start() }) // replay when finished
   } // Video

   // Timer to create/start embedded video
   // creating new video after previously destroying another one doesn't work immediately
   Timer {
     id: playEmbeddedVideoTimer
     interval: 2000
     onTriggered: componentsPage.video = videoComponent.createObject(embeddedVideoContainer)

   // component for alpha video
   Component {
     id: alphaVideoComponent
     Rectangle {
       id: alphaVideoItem
       anchors.fill: parent
       color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.5)

       AlphaVideo {
         anchors.centerIn: parent
         anchors.fill: parent
         source: isWindows ? "../../assets/multimedia/AlphaAnimation.wmv" : "../../assets/multimedia/AlphaAnimation.mp4"
         autoPlay: true

         // destroy video after playback
         property bool destroyWhenVisible: false
         onStatusChanged: {
           if(status === MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia) {
               destroyWhenVisible = true
         onVisibleChanged: if(visible && destroyWhenVisible) destroyAlphaVideo()

         function destroyAlphaVideo() {
           componentsPage.alphaVideo = null
           if(componentsPage.video !== null) {
       } // AlphaVideo
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded