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QRDecodedBitStreamParser.cpp Example File

 // -*- mode:c++; tab-width:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil; c-basic-offset:2 -*-
  *  DecodedBitStreamParser.cpp
  *  zxing
  *  Created by Christian Brunschen on 20/05/2008.
  *  Copyright 2008 ZXing authors All rights reserved.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 #include <zxing/qrcode/decoder/DecodedBitStreamParser.h>
 #include <zxing/common/CharacterSetECI.h>
 #include <zxing/FormatException.h>
 #include <zxing/common/StringUtils.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #ifndef NO_ICONV
 #include <iconv.h>

 // Required for compatibility. TODO : test on Symbian
 #define ICONV_CONST const

 #ifndef ICONV_CONST
 #define ICONV_CONST /**/
 #include <qglobal.h>

 using namespace std;
 using namespace zxing;
 using namespace zxing::qrcode;
 using namespace zxing::common;

 const char DecodedBitStreamParser::ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[] =
 { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B',
   'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
   'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
   'Y', 'Z', ' ', '$', '%', '*', '+', '-', '.', '/', ':'

 namespace {int GB2312_SUBSET = 1;}

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::append(std::string &result,
                                     string const& in,
                                     const char *src) {
     append(result, (byte const*)in.c_str(), in.length(), src);

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::append(std::string &result,
                                     const byte *bufIn,
                                     size_t nIn,
                                     const char *src) {
 #ifndef NO_ICONV
     if (nIn == 0) {

     iconv_t cd = iconv_open(StringUtils::UTF8, src);
     if (cd == (iconv_t)-1) {
         result.append((const char *)bufIn, nIn);

     const int maxOut = 4 * nIn + 1;
     char* bufOut = new char[maxOut];

     ICONV_CONST char *fromPtr = (ICONV_CONST char *)bufIn;
     size_t nFrom = nIn;
     char *toPtr = (char *)bufOut;
     size_t nTo = maxOut;

     while (nFrom > 0) {
 #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
     size_t oneway = iconv(cd,(const char**) &fromPtr, &nFrom, &toPtr, &nTo);
     size_t oneway = iconv(cd,(char**) &fromPtr, &nFrom, &toPtr, &nTo);
         if (oneway == (size_t)(-1)) {
             delete[] bufOut;
             throw ReaderException("error converting characters");

     int nResult = maxOut - nTo;
     bufOut[nResult] = '\0';
     result.append((const char *)bufOut);
     delete[] bufOut;
     result.append((const char *)bufIn, nIn);

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeHanziSegment(Ref<BitSource> bits_,
                                                 string& result,
                                                 int count) {
     BitSource& bits (*bits_);
     // Don't crash trying to read more bits than we have available.
     if (count * 13 > bits.available()) {
         throw FormatException();

     // Each character will require 2 bytes. Read the characters as 2-byte pairs
     // and decode as GB2312 afterwards
     size_t nBytes = 2 * count;
     byte* buffer = new byte[nBytes];
     int offset = 0;
     while (count > 0) {
         // Each 13 bits encodes a 2-byte character
         int twoBytes = bits.readBits(13);
         int assembledTwoBytes = ((twoBytes / 0x060) << 8) | (twoBytes % 0x060);
         if (assembledTwoBytes < 0x003BF) {
             // In the 0xA1A1 to 0xAAFE range
             assembledTwoBytes += 0x0A1A1;
         } else {
             // In the 0xB0A1 to 0xFAFE range
             assembledTwoBytes += 0x0A6A1;
         buffer[offset] = (byte) ((assembledTwoBytes >> 8) & 0xFF);
         buffer[offset + 1] = (byte) (assembledTwoBytes & 0xFF);
         offset += 2;

     try {
         append(result, buffer, nBytes, StringUtils::GB2312);
     } catch (ReaderException const& ignored) {
         delete [] buffer;
         throw FormatException();

     delete [] buffer;

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeKanjiSegment(Ref<BitSource> bits, std::string &result, int count) {
     // Each character will require 2 bytes. Read the characters as 2-byte pairs
     // and decode as Shift_JIS afterwards
     size_t nBytes = 2 * count;
     byte* buffer = new byte[nBytes];
     int offset = 0;
     while (count > 0) {
         // Each 13 bits encodes a 2-byte character

         int twoBytes = bits->readBits(13);
         int assembledTwoBytes = ((twoBytes / 0x0C0) << 8) | (twoBytes % 0x0C0);
         if (assembledTwoBytes < 0x01F00) {
             // In the 0x8140 to 0x9FFC range
             assembledTwoBytes += 0x08140;
         } else {
             // In the 0xE040 to 0xEBBF range
             assembledTwoBytes += 0x0C140;
         buffer[offset] = (byte)(assembledTwoBytes >> 8);
         buffer[offset + 1] = (byte)assembledTwoBytes;
         offset += 2;
     try {
         append(result, buffer, nBytes, StringUtils::SHIFT_JIS);
     } catch (ReaderException const& ignored) {
         delete [] buffer;
         throw FormatException();
     delete[] buffer;

 std::string DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeByteSegment(Ref<BitSource> bits_,
                                                       string& result,
                                                       int count,
                                                       CharacterSetECI const * currentCharacterSetECI,
                                                       ArrayRef< ArrayRef<byte> >& byteSegments,
                                                       Hashtable const& hints) {
     int nBytes = count;
     BitSource& bits (*bits_);
     // Don't crash trying to read more bits than we have available.
     if (count << 3 > bits.available()) {
         throw FormatException();

     ArrayRef<byte> bytes_ (count);
     byte* readBytes = &(*bytes_)[0];
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         readBytes[i] = (byte) bits.readBits(8);
     string encoding;
     if (currentCharacterSetECI == 0) {
         // The spec isn't clear on this mode; see
         // section 6.4.5: t does not say which encoding to assuming
         // upon decoding. I have seen ISO-8859-1 used as well as
         // Shift_JIS -- without anything like an ECI designator to
         // give a hint.
         encoding = StringUtils::guessEncoding(readBytes, count, hints);
     } else {
         encoding = currentCharacterSetECI->name();
     try {
         append(result, readBytes, nBytes, encoding.c_str());
     } catch (ReaderException const& ignored) {
         throw FormatException();
     return encoding;

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeNumericSegment(Ref<BitSource> bits, std::string &result, int count) {
     int nBytes = count;
     byte* bytes = new byte[nBytes];
     int i = 0;
     // Read three digits at a time
     while (count >= 3) {
         // Each 10 bits encodes three digits
         if (bits->available() < 10) {
             throw ReaderException("format exception");
         int threeDigitsBits = bits->readBits(10);
         if (threeDigitsBits >= 1000) {
             ostringstream s;
             s << "Illegal value for 3-digit unit: " << threeDigitsBits;
             delete[] bytes;
             throw ReaderException(s.str().c_str());
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[threeDigitsBits / 100];
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[(threeDigitsBits / 10) % 10];
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[threeDigitsBits % 10];
         count -= 3;
     if (count == 2) {
         if (bits->available() < 7) {
             throw ReaderException("format exception");
         // Two digits left over to read, encoded in 7 bits
         int twoDigitsBits = bits->readBits(7);
         if (twoDigitsBits >= 100) {
             ostringstream s;
             s << "Illegal value for 2-digit unit: " << twoDigitsBits;
             delete[] bytes;
             throw ReaderException(s.str().c_str());
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[twoDigitsBits / 10];
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[twoDigitsBits % 10];
     } else if (count == 1) {
         if (bits->available() < 4) {
             throw ReaderException("format exception");
         // One digit left over to read
         int digitBits = bits->readBits(4);
         if (digitBits >= 10) {
             ostringstream s;
             s << "Illegal value for digit unit: " << digitBits;
             delete[] bytes;
             throw ReaderException(s.str().c_str());
         bytes[i++] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[digitBits];
     append(result, bytes, nBytes, StringUtils::ASCII);
     delete[] bytes;

 char DecodedBitStreamParser::toAlphaNumericChar(size_t value) {
     if (value >= sizeof(DecodedBitStreamParser::ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS)) {
         throw FormatException();
     return ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[value];

 void DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeAlphanumericSegment(Ref<BitSource> bits_,
                                                        string& result,
                                                        int count,
                                                        bool fc1InEffect) {
     BitSource& bits (*bits_);
     ostringstream bytes;
     // Read two characters at a time
     while (count > 1) {
         if (bits.available() < 11) {
             throw FormatException();
         int nextTwoCharsBits = bits.readBits(11);
         bytes << toAlphaNumericChar(nextTwoCharsBits / 45);
         bytes << toAlphaNumericChar(nextTwoCharsBits % 45);
         count -= 2;
     if (count == 1) {
         // special case: one character left
         if (bits.available() < 6) {
             throw FormatException();
         bytes << toAlphaNumericChar(bits.readBits(6));
     // See section,
     string s = bytes.str();
     if (fc1InEffect) {
         // We need to massage the result a bit if in an FNC1 mode:
         ostringstream r;
         for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
             if (s[i] != '%') {
                 r << s[i];
             } else {
                 if (i < s.length() - 1 && s[i + 1] == '%') {
                     // %% is rendered as %
                     r << s[i++];
                 } else {
                     // In alpha mode, % should be converted to FNC1 separator 0x1D
                     r << (byte)0x1D;
         s = r.str();
     append(result, s, StringUtils::ASCII);

 namespace {
 int parseECIValue(BitSource& bits) {
     int firstByte = bits.readBits(8);
     if ((firstByte & 0x80) == 0) {
         // just one byte
         return firstByte & 0x7F;
     if ((firstByte & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
         // two bytes
         int secondByte = bits.readBits(8);
         return ((firstByte & 0x3F) << 8) | secondByte;
     if ((firstByte & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
         // three bytes
         int secondThirdBytes = bits.readBits(16);
         return ((firstByte & 0x1F) << 16) | secondThirdBytes;
     throw FormatException();

 DecodedBitStreamParser::decode(ArrayRef<byte> bytes,
                                Version* version,
                                ErrorCorrectionLevel const& ecLevel,
                                Hashtable const& hints) {
     Ref<BitSource> bits_ (new BitSource(bytes));
     BitSource& bits (*bits_);
     string result;
     ArrayRef< ArrayRef<byte> > byteSegments (0);
     const CharacterSetECI* currentCharacterSetECI = 0;
     string charSet = "";
     try {
         bool fc1InEffect = false;
         Mode* mode = 0;
         do {
             // While still another segment to read...
             if (bits.available() < 4) {
                 // OK, assume we're done. Really, a TERMINATOR mode should have been recorded here
                 mode = &Mode::TERMINATOR;
             } else {
                 try {
                     mode = &Mode::forBits(bits.readBits(4)); // mode is encoded by 4 bits
                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException const& iae) {
                     throw iae;
                     // throw FormatException.getFormatInstance();
             if (mode != &Mode::TERMINATOR) {
                 if ((mode == &Mode::FNC1_FIRST_POSITION) || (mode == &Mode::FNC1_SECOND_POSITION)) {
                     // We do little with FNC1 except alter the parsed result a bit according to the spec
                     fc1InEffect = true;
                 } else if (mode == &Mode::STRUCTURED_APPEND) {
                     if (bits.available() < 16) {
                         throw FormatException();
                     // not really supported; all we do is ignore it
                     // Read next 8 bits (symbol sequence #) and 8 bits (parity data), then continue
                 } else if (mode == &Mode::ECI) {
                     // Count doesn't apply to ECI
                     int value = parseECIValue(bits);
                     currentCharacterSetECI = CharacterSetECI::getCharacterSetECIByValue(value);
                     if (currentCharacterSetECI == 0) {
                         throw FormatException();
                 } else {
                     // First handle Hanzi mode which does not start with character count
                     if (mode == &Mode::HANZI) {
                         //chinese mode contains a sub set indicator right after mode indicator
                         int subset = bits.readBits(4);
                         int countHanzi = bits.readBits(mode->getCharacterCountBits(version));
                         if (subset == GB2312_SUBSET) {
                             decodeHanziSegment(bits_, result, countHanzi);
                     } else {
                         // "Normal" QR code modes:
                         // How many characters will follow, encoded in this mode?
                         int count = bits.readBits(mode->getCharacterCountBits(version));
                         if (mode == &Mode::NUMERIC) {
                             decodeNumericSegment(bits_, result, count);
                         } else if (mode == &Mode::ALPHANUMERIC) {
                             decodeAlphanumericSegment(bits_, result, count, fc1InEffect);
                         } else if (mode == &Mode::BYTE) {
                             charSet = decodeByteSegment(bits_, result, count, currentCharacterSetECI, byteSegments, hints);
                         } else if (mode == &Mode::KANJI) {
                             decodeKanjiSegment(bits_, result, count);
                         } else {
                             throw FormatException();
         } while (mode != &Mode::TERMINATOR);
     } catch (IllegalArgumentException const& iae) {
         // from readBits() calls
         throw FormatException();
     return Ref<DecoderResult>(new DecoderResult(bytes, Ref<String>(new String(result)), byteSegments, (string)ecLevel, charSet));
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