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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as QtQuick2

 AppPage {
   id: page
   title: "Agenda"
   rightBarItem: ActivityIndicatorBarItem { opacity: dataModel.loading || currentContentLoading ? 1 : 0 }

   readonly property var daysModel: dataModel.schedule ? prepareDaysModel(dataModel.schedule) : []
   readonly property bool dataAvailable: daysModel.length > 0

   readonly property var currentContentItem: swipeView.itemAt(swipeView.currentIndex)
   readonly property bool currentContentLoading: !currentContentItem ? false : currentContentItem.loading

   signal floatingButtonClicked
   onFloatingButtonClicked: navigation.currentIndex = 2

   AppText {
     text: "No data available."
     visible: !dataAvailable
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   // tab bar
   AppTabBar {
     id: appTabBar
     showIcon: false
     visible: dataAvailable
     contentContainer: swipeView
     onCurrentItemChanged: {
       if(dataAvailable) amplitude.logEvent("View Day",{"day" : currentItem.text})

     // auto select tab of current day after tab-bar was built
     property int autoSelectTab: -1
     onCountChanged: {
       if(autoSelectTab > 0 && dataAvailable && appTabBar.count === daysModel.length)
         appTabBar.currentIndex = autoSelectTab

     Repeater {
       // dummyData to avoid tabcontrol issue when no children
       property var dummyData: [{ "day" : 0, "weekday" : "", "schedule": undefined }]
       model: dataAvailable ? daysModel : dummyData
       delegate: AppTabButton {
           text: Theme.isAndroid ? modelData.weekday.substring(0, 3) : modelData.weekday
       } // AppTabButton

     } // Repeater
   } // AppTabBar

   // tab contents
   QtQuick2.SwipeView {
     id: swipeView
     y: appTabBar.height
     height: parent.height - y
     width: parent.width
     clip: true

     visible: dataAvailable
     currentIndex: appTabBar.currentIndex

     Repeater {
       property var dummyData: [{ "day" : 0, "weekday" : "", "schedule": undefined }]
       model: dataAvailable ? daysModel : dummyData
       delegate: TimetableDaySchedule {
         // swipe view has troubles readjusting its width, so we change it explicitly here
         width: page.navigationStack.splitViewActive ? page.navigationStack.leftColumnWidth : page.width
         height: parent.height
         scheduleData: modelData.schedule
         onSearchAccepted: {
           if(text !== "") {
             amplitude.logEvent("Search Talk",{"term" : text})
             var result = logic.search(text, dataModel.talks)
             page.navigationStack.leftColumnIndex = 1
             page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(Qt.resolvedUrl("SearchPage.qml"), { searchModel: result })
         onItemClicked: item => {
           page.navigationStack.leftColumnIndex = 0
           page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(Qt.resolvedUrl("DetailPage.qml"), { item: item })

   FloatingActionButton {
     iconType: IconType.star
     onClicked: floatingButtonClicked()

     property int currentVisibleItemCount: !!daysModel && !!daysModel[swipeView.currentIndex] ? daysModel[swipeView.currentIndex].schedule.length : 0

     opacity: (swipeView.currentItem.listView.lastItemIndex === currentVisibleItemCount - 1) ? 0 : 1
     enabled: opacity > 0
     Behavior on opacity {
       NumberAnimation { duration: 150 }

   // prepareDaysModel - package schedule data in array with conference days (for tabs)
   function prepareDaysModel(data) {
     if(!(data.conference && data.conference.days))
       return []

     var currentDate = new Date()
     var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];

     var model = []
     for(var day in data.conference.days) {
       var date = new Date(day+"T00:00.000Z")
       var weekday = isNaN(date.getUTCDay()) ? "Unknown" : days[ date.getUTCDay() ]
       var schedule = data.conference.days[day]
       var dayModel = {
         day: day,
         weekday: weekday,
         schedule: prepareScheduleModel(schedule, day, weekday)


       // activate tab if its current day
       if(currentDate.getDate() === date.getDate() &&
           currentDate.getMonth() === date.getMonth() &&
           currentDate.getFullYear() === date.getFullYear()) {
         appTabBar.autoSelectTab = model.length - 1

     return model

   // prepareScheduleModel - creates the events list from schedule data (per day, tab content)
   function prepareScheduleModel(data, day, weekday) {
     if(!(data && data.rooms && dataModel.talks))
       return []

     // get events for all rooms and prepare sections
     var events = []
     for(var room in data.rooms) {
       for(var eventIdx in data.rooms[room]) {
         var talk = dataModel.talks[data.rooms[room][eventIdx]]
         if(talk !== undefined) {
           // prepare section and add talk to events
           talk.section = weekday+", "+talk.start.substring(0, 2) + ":00"

     // sort events
     events = events.sort(function(a, b) {
       return (parseInt(a.start) > parseInt(b.start)) - (a.start < b.start)

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