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ContactScanPage.qml Example File

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtMultimedia 5.5
 import QZXing 2.3 // barcode scanning
 import "../common"

 Page {
   id: page
   title: "Add Contact"
   backgroundColor: "black"
   rightBarItem: ActivityIndicatorBarItem {
     animating: page.busy
     visible: animating

   // shows activity indicator in navigation bar and scanner UI
   property bool busy: false

   // holds value of scanned QR tag
   property string lastScannedTag: ""
   signal tagFound(string tag)

   // initialize scanner when page is created
   Component.onCompleted: initializeScanner()

   // when tag was found, try loading contact
   onTagFound: {
     page.busy = true
     captureText.visible = false
     captureZone.color = "green"

     logic.loadContact(tag, function(data) {
       // success handler
       page.busy = false

       // add time of scan and scanned tag
       var time = Date.now() // UTC milliseconds timestamp
       data["scan_timestamp"] = time
       data["scan_tag"] = tag

       amplitude.logEvent("Card Scan Successful",{"tag" : tag, "data": data, "name": data.name})

       // check if contact already exists
       var contactAlreadyExists = dataModel.contacts && dataModel.contacts[tag]

       // add/overwrite contact in storage
       logic.addContact(tag, data)

       // show contact, also show dialog if existing contact was updated
       if(!contactAlreadyExists) {
         page.navigationStack.pop(getPage(navigationStack.depth - 2)) // removes content scan page
         page.navigationStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("ContactDetailPage.qml"), { contactId: tag, contact: data }) // show contact detail
       else {
         NativeDialog.confirm("Contact Exists", "You already have this contact in your list, your contact was updated.", function(accept) {
           page.navigationStack.pop(getPage(navigationStack.depth - 2)) // removes content scan page
           page.navigationStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("ContactDetailPage.qml"), { contactId: tag, contact: data }) // show contact detail
         }, false)
     }, function() {
       // error handler
       page.busy = false
       captureZone.color = "red"
       NativeDialog.confirm("Failed to fetch data","Please scan a valid code and make sure your device has internet access.", function() {
       }, false)

   // item for scanner, allows to show / remove camera live capturing as needed
   Item {
     anchors.fill: parent

     // initialize capture zone size
     Component.onCompleted: {
       captureZone.width = Qt.binding(function() { return videoOutput.contentRect.width / 2 })
       captureZone.height = Qt.binding(function() { return videoOutput.contentRect.height / 2 })

     // Camera
     Camera {
       focus {
         focusMode: CameraFocus.FocusContinuous
         focusPointMode: CameraFocus.FocusPointAuto

     // Live Video Output
     VideoOutput {
       id: videoOutput
       source: camera
       anchors.fill: parent
       autoOrientation: true
       fillMode: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop
       filters: [ zxingFilter ]
       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: {
           camera.focus.customFocusPoint = Qt.point(mouse.x / width,  mouse.y / height);
           camera.focus.focusMode = CameraFocus.FocusMacro;
           camera.focus.focusPointMode = CameraFocus.FocusPointCustom;

     // Barcode Scanner Video Filter
     QZXingFilter {
       id: zxingFilter
       // setup capture area
       captureRect: {
         return videoOutput.mapRectToSource(videoOutput.mapNormalizedRectToItem(Qt.rect(
                                                                                  0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5
       // set up decoder
       decoder {
         enabledDecoders: QZXing.DecoderFormat_QR_CODE
         onTagFound: {
           console.log(tag + " | " + decoder.foundedFormat() + " | " + decoder.charSet());
           zxingFilter.active = false

           // trigger tagfound signal for scanned tag
           page.lastScannedTag = tag // store scanned tag
         tryHarder: false
   } // QR Scanner Item

   // Scanner UI
   Item {
     id: scannerUI
     anchors.fill: parent
     z: 1

     // Capture Zone Overlay
     Rectangle {
       id: captureZone
       color: "red"
       opacity: 0.2
       anchors.centerIn: parent

     // Capture Text Overlay
     AppText {
       id: captureText
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       color: "white"
       text: "[place QR code\nin this area]"
       font.pixelSize: sp(12)
       horizontalAlignment: AppText.AlignHCenter
       font.bold: true

     // Activity Indicator Overlay
     AppActivityIndicator {
       animating: page.busy
       visible: animating
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       color: "white"
   } // Scanner UI

   // initializeScanner - resets UI and creates camers live scanner item
   function initializeScanner() {
     // reset UI
     captureText.visible = true
     captureZone.color = "red"
     zxingFilter.active = true
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