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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 SocialUserDelegate {
   id: cell
   height: userImageWithDoubleColumnText.height + dp(16)//dp(54) // 48dp is enought so it is clickable, make a bit bigger though

   property bool seperator: true
   property var defaultAction

   property alias actionButton: actionButton
   property alias text: userImageWithDoubleColumnText.text
   property alias subtext: userImageWithDoubleColumnText.subtext
   property alias userImageSource: userImageWithDoubleColumnText.userImageSource
   property alias locale: userImageWithDoubleColumnText.locale

   // for accessing customData objects
   // returns an empty json object if no data string is known
   property var userCustomData: modelData.customData ? JSON.parse(modelData.customData) : ({})
   function getCustomDataString(fieldName) {
     return userCustomData[fieldName] ? userCustomData[fieldName] : ""

   Rectangle {
     anchors.fill: parent
     color: "#ffffffff"

   UserImageWithDoubleColumnText {
     id: userImageWithDoubleColumnText
     text: modelData.text
     details: {
       var detail = []
       if(getCustomDataString("companyName") !== "")
         detail.push({"text" : getCustomDataString("companyName"), "icon" : IconType.building})
       if(getCustomDataString("jobFunction") !== "")
         detail.push({"text" : getCustomDataString("jobFunction"), "icon" : IconType.suitcase})
       if(getCustomDataString("qtInterest") !== "")
         detail.push({"text" : getCustomDataString("qtInterest"), "icon" : IconType.tag})
       if(getCustomDataString("qtExperience") !== "")
         detail.push({"text" : getCustomDataString("qtExperience"), "icon" : IconType.graduationcap})
       return detail

     subtext: modelData['subText'] !== undefined ? modelData.subText: ""
     userImageSource: modelData && modelData.profile_picture || ""
     locale: modelData && modelData.locale || ""
     //height: cell.height
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.right: actionButton.action !== undefined ? actionButton.left : parent.right
     anchors.leftMargin: x // padding left is defined in x pos of UserImageWithDoubleColumnText
     anchors.rightMargin: x // padding right is same as left margin
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

   MouseArea {
     id: mouseArea
     anchors.fill: parent
     hoverEnabled: true

     onClicked: {
        parentPage.userSelected(gameNetworkUser, modelData) // trigger userSelected signal of userSearchPage

     onPressed: {
       cell.opacity = 0.75
     onReleased: {
       // we don't do an if check here because the selectable property might have changed after a mousedown but before a mousup
       // and in that case we still want the button to return it's highlight state to normal
       cell.opacity = 1
     onCanceled: {
       // onCanceled is called if the element is dragged inside a ListView, which is the case e.g. in the FriendsListView
       cell.opacity = 1

     id: actionButton
     anchors.right: cell.right
     textSize: sp(15)
     anchors.rightMargin: dp(16)
     anchors.verticalCenter: cell.verticalCenter

     property var action: modelData.action === undefined ? defaultAction : modelData.action

     onClicked: {
       if(actionButton.action.text===qsTr("Accept")) {
         actionButton.enabled = false
         gameNetworkItem.sendFriendResponse(gameNetworkUser.userId, function(success) {
           actionButton.visible = false
             parentPage.searchUsers() // trigger searchUsers function of page that uses this delegate

     onActionChanged: {
       if(action !== undefined){
         visible = action
         text = action.text
         backgroundColor = action['backgroundColor'] ? action.backgroundColor : socialViewItem.tintLightColor

     visible: seperator
     height: 1 // make this 1dp instead?
     width: parent.width
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded