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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 SocialUserDelegate {
   id: scoreItem

   // indent
   x: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
   width: parent ? parent.width - x : 0
   height: dp(48)

   // if this is a friendsOnly leaderboard, do not show the highlighted friends
   // the parent is the Leaderboard.qml file Repeater
   property bool higlightFriendPlayersWithColor: contextItem && contextItem.friendsOnly && socialViewItem.higlightFriendPlayersWithColorEnabled || false

   property bool isLoggedInPlayer: (!!gameNetworkUser && gameNetworkUser.userId === gameNetworkItem.user.userId) ? true : false // without the true/false in the end, the error log would be "Unable to assign [undefined] to bool" if the value is undefined
   property bool isFriendPlayer: (higlightFriendPlayersWithColor && !!gameNetworkUser && gameNetworkUser.isFriend) ? true : false

   property real defaultSpacing: (scoreItem.x / 3)

   // for accessing customData objects
   // returns an empty json object if no data string is known
   property var userCustomData: gameNetworkUser.customData ? JSON.parse(gameNetworkUser.customData) : ({})
   function getCustomDataString(fieldName) {
     return userCustomData[fieldName] ? userCustomData[fieldName] : ""

   // this doesnt look good! there is an action at all players when they are clicked, so dont show i
   Rectangle {
     width: parent ? parent.width + defaultSpacing : 0
       right: parent ? parent.right : undefined
       top: parent ? parent.top : undefined
       bottom: parent ? parent.bottom : undefined

     // set the background of the own player to the tintColor, and the background of friends to tintFriendPlayerHighlightColor
     color: getHighlightColor()
     // only needed to make visible if it is the logged in player - default color is white anyway
     visible: isLoggedInPlayer || isFriendPlayer
     // it looks better if it is opaque
     opacity: visible ? 0.3 : 1

   function getHighlightColor() {
       return socialViewItem.tintLightColor
     else if(isFriendPlayer) {
       //console.debug("isFriend, tintFriendPlayerHighlightColor:", tintFriendPlayerHighlightColor)
       return socialViewItem.tintFriendPlayerHighlightColor
     } else
       return "white"

   // the text (the player name) will be above the country image, which is intended
   SocialFlagImage {
     id: flagImage
     locale: gameNetworkUser && gameNetworkUser.locale || ""
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
     anchors.right: parent ? parent.right : undefined
     anchors.rightMargin: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
     height: parent.height * 0.4
     visible: socialViewItem.countryCodeEnabled // can be globally disabled in the GameNetworkView

   Row {
     id: row
     spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
     height: dp(38)
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined

     Column {
       id: rank
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       spacing: -dp(5)

       Text {
         id: pos
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         // pos is the index in the array, thus add 1 to it to be better understandable for non-techies as well ;)
         text: modelData ? modelData.pos + 1 : "-1"// ? modelData.pos : index + 1 // when pagination is supported, also add the page number to the index

         // default size is 15
         font.pixelSize: sp(24)
         font.family: socialViewItem.bodyFontName
         color: socialViewItem.bodyColor
       Row {
         spacing: dp(2)
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

         AppIcon {
           iconType: IconType.trophy
           color: socialViewItem.tintColor
           size: dp(6)
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1

         Text {
           id: score
           // pos is the index in the array, thus add 1 to it to be better understandable for non-techies as well ;)
           text: modelData ? Math.floor(modelData.value) : 0

           // default size is 15
           font.pixelSize: sp(9)
           font.family: socialViewItem.bodyFontName
           font.bold: true
           color: socialViewItem.tintColor
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

     SocialUserImage {
       id: userImage
       placeholderImage: "\uf007" // user
       width: row.height
       height: row.height
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       source: modelData && modelData.user && modelData.user.profile_picture || ""
       // the flag shall not be displayed here, as it is shown on the right side anyway
       //locale: modelData && modelData.user && modelData.user.locale || ""

     // TODO: if for example an Arabic character is used that takes more height, the Column will be higher and the profile image and this whole delegate height is higher!
     // prevent this by setting a fixed height (and make the username with "..." if too long or just wrap anywhere)?
     Column {
       id: col
       y: defaultSpacing
       spacing: dp(2)
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

       Text {
         id: userName
         // use the remaining space for the name of the user
         // maybe write "Me" if this is the logged in player!? - but it is better if one sees the own user name, because normally it will be "Player 123" or just the number!
         // so make a combination of the two!?
         text: !!gameNetworkUser ? gameNetworkItem.getDisplayNameFromUserName(modelData.user.name, modelData.user) : ""// -> this was before the modification of appending a "Player" before the id: modelData ? ( isLoggedInPlayer ? "Me (" + modelData.user.name + ")" : modelData.user.name) : ""
         //text: modelData ? ( isLoggedInPlayer ? "Me" : modelData.user.name) : ""
         // old, shows your own name:
         //text: modelData ? modelData.user.name : ""
         font.pixelSize: sp(14)
         font.family: socialViewItem.bodyFontName
         color: socialViewItem.bodyColor
         width: scoreItem.width - row.spacing * 3 - rank.width - userImage.width - (flagImage.visible && flagImage.locale !== "" ?  flagImage.width + row.spacing : 0)
         elide: Text.ElideRight
         wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
         maximumLineCount: 1

       Flow {
         width: userName.width
         spacing: dp(6)

         Repeater {
           model: [
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("companyName"), "icon" : IconType.building},
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("jobFunction"), "icon" : IconType.suitcase},
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("qtInterest"), "icon" : IconType.tag},
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("qtExperience"), "icon" : IconType.graduationcap}

           Row {
             spacing: dp(2)
             height: detailIcon.height
             visible: modelData.text

             AppIcon {
               id: detailIcon
               iconType: modelData.iconType
               color: socialViewItem.bodyLightColor
               size: dp(6)
               textItem.width: width
               anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

             Text {
               font.pixelSize: sp(8)
               text: modelData.text
               color: socialViewItem.bodyLightColor
               anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

       /*Row {
         spacing: 4
         Repeater {
           model: [
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("companyName"), "icon" : IconType.building}

           Row {
             spacing: 2
             // 0 score would also translate to false, but we want to show the score anyway, thus also show if index is 0
             visible: modelData.text

             AppIcon {
               iconType: modelData.iconType
               color: bodyLightColor
               size: 6
               anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

             Text {
               font.pixelSize: 9
               elide: Text.ElideRight
               text: modelData.text
               color: bodyLightColor

       Row {
         spacing: 4
         Repeater {
           model: [
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("jobFunction"), "icon" : IconType.suitcase},
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("qtInterest"), "icon" : IconType.tag},
             {"text" : getCustomDataString("qtExperience"), "icon" : IconType.graduationcap}

           Row {
             spacing: 2
             // 0 score would also translate to false, but we want to show the score anyway, thus also show if index is 0
             visible: modelData.text

             AppIcon {
               iconType: modelData.iconType
               color: bodyLightColor
               size: 6
               anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

             Text {
               font.pixelSize: 9
               elide: Text.ElideRight
               text: modelData.text
               color: bodyLightColor

       /*Text {
         id: score
         font.pixelSize: 10
         font.family: socialViewItem.bodyFontName
         color: bodyLightColor
         text: function() {
           var score = modelData ? Math.round(modelData.value) : 0
           // + ", Company: " + getCustomDataString("companyName") + ", Job: " + getCustomDataString("jobFunction") : ""

     }// column

   }// Row

   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent
     onClicked: {
       parentPage.scoreSelected(gameNetworkUser, modelData)
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded