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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
 import "../common"

 Item {
   id: scheduleListItem
   width: parent ? parent.width : 0
   height: gridWrapper.height + 2 * gridWrapper.y

   property var item: [] // talk data item

   readonly property bool loading: speakerImg.loading

   property StyleSimpleRow style: StyleSimpleRow { }

   property ListView parentView

   signal selected(int index)

   // default hover effect
   Rectangle {
     color: cellArea.pressed && !Theme.isAndroid ? scheduleListItem.style.selectedBackgroundColor : scheduleListItem.style.backgroundColor
     anchors.fill: parent

     Behavior on color {
       ColorAnimation { duration: 150; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }

   RippleMouseArea {
     id: cellArea
     enabled: scheduleListItem.enabled
     anchors.fill: parent
     circularBackground: false
     clip: true

     onReleased: selected(typeof index !== "undefined" ? index : 0)

     // use selected background color of the style for the ripple background
     backgroundColor: setAlpha(scheduleListItem.style.selectedBackgroundColor, 0.5)
     fillColor: setAlpha(scheduleListItem.style.selectedBackgroundColor, 0.5)

     function setAlpha(color, alpha) {
       return Qt.rgba(color.r,color.g,color.b, alpha)

   // track indicators
   Column {
     id: trackCol
     x: dp(2)
     width: dp(4)
     height: parent.height - 6 * x
     spacing: x
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

     Repeater {
       id: repeater
       model: item.tracks
       Rectangle {
         id: trackIndicator
         width: parent.width
         height: ((parent.height - (trackCol.spacing * (repeater.count - 1))) / repeater.count)
         color: modelData.color//loaderItem.getTrackColor(modelData.color)

   // wrapper for grid to center it vertically
   Item {
     id: gridWrapper
     y: Math.max(0, (dp(scheduleListItem.style.minimumHeight) - innerGrid.height)) * 0.5
     width: parent.width
     height: innerGrid.height

     // Main cell content inside this item
     GridLayout {
       id: innerGrid
       property real trackIndent: trackCol.width + trackCol.x // additional indent for track rectangles

       // Auto-break after 3 columns, so we do not have to set row & column manually
       columns: 4
       rowSpacing: dp(5)
       columnSpacing: dp(scheduleListItem.style.indent)
       x: trackIndent + dp(scheduleListItem.style.indent) * 0.75
       width: parent.width - x - dp(scheduleListItem.style.indent)
       Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width - x - dp(scheduleListItem.style.indent)
       Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width - x - dp(scheduleListItem.style.indent)

       // Top spacer
       Item {
         id: topSpacer
         Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
         Layout.preferredHeight: dp(scheduleListItem.style.spacing) - parent.rowSpacing
         Layout.minimumHeight: 0
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.columnSpan: 4

       // speaker image (overlay on top of SimpleRow)
       SpeakerImage {
         id: speakerImg
         Layout.preferredWidth: height
         Layout.preferredHeight: dp(scheduleListItem.style.fontSizeText) * 2.5
         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
         Layout.rowSpan: 2

         property var speakerId: item.persons && item.persons.length > 0 ? item.persons[0]["id"] : undefined
         source: speakerId !== undefined && dataModel.speakers && dataModel.speakers[speakerId] ? dataModel.speakers[speakerId].avatar : ""

       } // SpeakerImage

       // title text
       Item {
         // wrapper item for text handles available space in layout
         visible: textLabel.text.length > 0
         Layout.columnSpan: 2
         Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 2 * parent.columnSpacing - speakerImg.width - favoriteIcon.width
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.preferredHeight: textLabel.height
         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter

         // actual text item
         Text {
           id: textLabel
           elide: Text.ElideRight
           maximumLineCount: 2
           wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
           color: scheduleListItem.style.textColor
           font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
           font.pixelSize: sp(scheduleListItem.style.fontSizeText)
           text: item && item.title || ""

           // calculate additional margin needed to align with title in navigation bar
           property real titleAlignmentMargin:
               dp(Theme.navigationBar.titleLeftMargin + Theme.navigationBar.defaultIconSize + Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
               - parent.x + dp(5)

           // add x offset margin to align with navigation bar title text
           x: Theme.navigationBar.titleAlignLeft && titleAlignmentMargin > 0 ? titleAlignmentMargin : 0
           width: parent.width - x
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

       // favorite icon
       AppIcon {
         id: favoriteIcon
         Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
         Layout.preferredHeight: implicitHeight
         size: dp(20)
         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
         iconType: isFavorite ? IconType.star : IconType.staro
         color: isFavorite || favoriteArea.pressed ? Theme.tintColor : Theme.secondaryTextColor

         property bool isFavorite: item && item.id ? dataModel.isFavorite(item.id) : false
         property bool updateWhenVisible: false

         // update UI when favorites change while visible
         Connections {
           target: dataModel
           onFavoritesChanged: {
               favoriteIcon.isFavorite = item && item.id ? dataModel.isFavorite(item.id) : false
               favoriteIcon.updateWhenVisible = true

         // update UI when favorites changed while invisible
         onVisibleChanged: {
           if(visible && updateWhenVisible) {
             favoriteIcon.isFavorite = item && item.id ? dataModel.isFavorite(item.id) : false
             updateWhenVisible = false

         // add/remove from favorites
         RippleMouseArea {
           id: favoriteArea
           width: parent.width * 3
           height: parent.height * 3
           fixedPosition: true
           touchPoint: Qt.point(width * 0.5, height * 0.5)
           anchors.centerIn: parent
           onClicked: scheduleListItem.toggleFavorite()

       // time
       Item {
         visible: detailTextLabel.text.length > 0
         Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 2 * parent.columnSpacing - speakerImg.width - roomTxt.width
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.columnSpan: 1
         Layout.preferredHeight: detailTextLabel.height

         AppText {
           id: detailTextLabel
           color: scheduleListItem.style.detailTextColor
           font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
           font.pixelSize: sp(scheduleListItem.style.fontSizeDetailText)
           maximumLineCount: 1
           text: item.start+" - "+item.end

           x: textLabel.x
           //width: parent.width - x
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

         // room
         AppText {
           id: companyTxt
           anchors.left: detailTextLabel.right
           leftPadding: dp(10)
           property var speakerId: item.persons && item.persons.length > 0 ? item.persons[0]["id"] : undefined
           text: speakerId !== undefined && dataModel.speakers && dataModel.speakers[speakerId] ? dataModel.speakers[speakerId].title : ""
           font.pixelSize: sp(scheduleListItem.style.fontSizeDetailText)
           wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
           maximumLineCount: 1
           elide: Text.ElideRight
           color: scheduleListItem.style.detailTextColor
           width: parent.width - detailTextLabel.width - detailTextLabel.x - dp(15) - leftPadding
 //          anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

       // room
       AppText {
         id: roomTxt
         Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
         Layout.preferredHeight: implicitHeight
         Layout.columnSpan: 2
         text: item.room && item.room !== "Qt World Summit 2019" ? item.room : ""
         font.pixelSize: sp(scheduleListItem.style.fontSizeDetailText)
         font.italic: true
         wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
         color: scheduleListItem.style.detailTextColor

       Item {
         id: bottomSpacer
         Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
         Layout.preferredHeight: dp(scheduleListItem.style.spacing) - parent.rowSpacing + divider.height
         Layout.minimumHeight: divider.height
         Layout.columnSpan: 4
         Layout.fillWidth: true
     } // grid layout


   // Bottom cell divider
   Rectangle {
     id: divider

     property real leftSpacing: speakerImg.width + dp(scheduleListItem.style.dividerLeftSpacing)

     x: (scheduleListItem.style.dividerLeftSpacing > 0) ? leftSpacing + dp(scheduleListItem.style.dividerLeftSpacing) : 0
     width: parent.width - x
     color: cellArea.pressed && Theme.isIos ? scheduleListItem.style.selectedBackgroundColor : scheduleListItem.style.dividerColor
     height: px(scheduleListItem.style.dividerHeight)
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

   // add or remove item from favorites
   function toggleFavorite() {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded