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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Felgo App Font Error?


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  • #18112



    I create a small app. I set the fontawsome.ttf fonts and another font (Amiko-Regular.ttf).

    AppButton looks normal but all the AppText font become italic and some kind of handwriting fonts.


    All the text I use id: normalFont; and just 3 text has the fontawsome.ttf fonts. Unfortunetly all the fonts off the mark 🙁

    Any help please?



        FontLoader {
            id: awesomeFont;
            source: "../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf"
        FontLoader {
            id: normalFont;
            source: "../fonts/Amiko-Regular.ttf"



    Felgo Team

    Does this also happen with normal deployment or only with Felgo Live?




    No it doesnt. Felgo Live shows fonts as normal




    Sorry Alex, I get the issue only for the normal deploymnet of the apk file to my mobile.


    Felgo Team

    They are most likely not correctly deployed. Is your fonts folder inside the “assets” or “qml” folder? Those 2 folders are deployed by default. If not, please move the folder into there, this is easier than adding a new folder to the deployment folders or resources.

    Felgo Live does not care about this, as it transfers your whole workspace (with some exceptions to save traffic), but normal deployment does.




    Thanks Alex. It was outside assets and qml folder. I will try to remember.



    Hi Alex,

    I change my fonts folder. In apk file that I download to my mobile doesn’t show the fontawesome-webfont correctly. And when I use Felgo Live I get these errors.


    /Users/ntms/Library/Application Support/Felgo Live Client/qml/MainTemplate.qml:80: Unable to assign QQuickFontLoader to QString
    /Users/ntms/Library/Application Support/Felgo Live Client/qml/MainTemplate.qml:99: Unable to assign QQuickFontLoader to QString
    /Users/ntms/Library/Application Support/Felgo Live Client/qml/MainTemplate.qml:119: Unable to assign QQuickFontLoader to QString


    This is the where I use the fonts.

            AppText {
                id: atmLabel
                font.family: normalFont
                font.pixelSize: sp(11)
                font.bold: true
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(10)
                color: "#ffffff"
                text: "ATM"
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: atmLabel
                    onClicked: {
                        // On event goes here
            } // atm




    This is the where assign the FontLoader

        FontLoader {
            id: awesomeFont;
            source: "../assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf"
        FontLoader {
            id: normalFont;
            source: "../assets/fonts/Lato-Light.ttf"



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