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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › SpriteVPlay mirroring

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  • #7621



    I just noticed, that the new SpriteVPlay component  does not provide any mirrorX nor mirrorY property any more. Is there any other approach to mirror a sprite or will these properties be implemented in the near future, to avoid porting issues from VPlay1.x to 2.x?






    Felgo Team

    Hi Vlad,

    you are right – due to the changes of the underlying renderer from Cocos2d-x to Qt 5, the new SpriteSequenceVPlay and SpriteVPlay components do not have mirror properties yet.

    You can add this functionality yourself similar to this code (given that you added a property bool mirrorY to your SpriteSequenceVPlay instance that you want to mirror):

    transform: [
        // at first scale around 0/0, then move it back up if mirrorY is set to true; otherwise do nothing
        Scale { xScale: 1; yScale: mirrorY ? -1 : 1 },
        Translate { y: mirrorY ? spriteSequenceVPlay.height : 0}

    Cheers, Chris



    Felgo Team

    Hi Heini,

    we just added the mirrorX and mirrorY properties to all sprite components. They will be available with Felgo 2.0.2.

    Cheers, Chris

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