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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Splashscreen on Android

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  • #6514

    Felgo User


    I’m pretty sure your question was asked previously on this forum, and the answer then was no.

    Cheers, Michael.


    Felgo User

    ok, without search hard to find 😉

    thanks anyway.


    will this implemented in the near future?



    @phips28, FYI, I found the android spashscreen info I referred to in my previous post in the link here

    If it works for you, please let me know as I’m interested too.


    Felgo User

    hmm, i know this already. but the screen on the android device will be black till the whole scene finished loading. no alternative for me. :/



    I guess it’s ideal if v-play team can inject an optional loading screen/animation scene or component for us to hide the black or gap (so to speak).


    Felgo User

    yeah this would be great! a 2-5 sec blackscreen is not the best way to start a game 😀




    we second that request! 😉


    Felgo Team


    you can implement a custom splash screen both on iOS & Android by loading a single scene first which shows your splash image or whatever. After that one is loaded, you can load your other scenes and thus not have a black image. This is done in Squaby and in the example folder in te MultiSceneMultiLevelDynamic project available since daily build v1.5.2.

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    If i try this with 2 Timer and 2 Loader in the main.qml like in squaby, the SplashScreen appears. but the window size is wrong. (only on android, on desktop and ios all is fine) see images:

    Phone: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4kjdz15o73qt06l/phone.JPG

    Tablet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lry2xix52bjm8m/tablet.JPG



    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    // Plugins
    import VPlay.plugins.gamecenter 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.flurry 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.store 1.0
    import "base"
    import "values"
    import "entities"
    import "gnView"
    // add this for Meego, to fix the portrait mode issue there
    //import com.nokia.meego 1.0
    //Page {
    // main with Android Splashscreen
    GameWindow {
        id: window
        // depending on which window size is defined as start resolution here, the corresponding image sizes get loaded here! so for testing hd2 images, at least use factor 3.5
        // the window size can be changed at runtime by pressing the keys 1-6 (see GameWindow.qml)
        width: 480*2//*1.5//854// // for testing on desktop with the highest res, use *1.5 so the -hd2 textures are used
        height: 320*2//*1.5//480//
        displayFpsEnabled: false
        fpsTextItem.color: "white"
        state: "main"
        // use BackgroundMusic for long-playing background sounds
        BackgroundMusic {
            id: backgroundMusic
            source: system.isPlatform(System.Meego) || system.isPlatform(System.Symbian) ? "snd/bg-slow-mono.ogg" : "snd/bg-slow.wav"
            //        muted: settings.soundEnabled
        // Custom font loading of ttf fonts
        FontLoader {
            id: fontHUD
            source: "fonts/MoonFlowerBold.ttf"
        Timer {
            id: splashScreenOff
            repeat: false
            interval: system.isPlatform(System.IOS) ? 0 : 1000
            onTriggered: {
                if(splashLoader.item) {
        Timer {
            id: startLoading
            repeat: false
            interval: system.isPlatform(System.IOS) ? 0 : 500 // on iOS start in 0ms
            onTriggered: {
                // load actual game
                implLoader.source = "MainItem.qml"
        Connections {
            target: splashLoader.item ? splashLoader.item : null
            onLoadingFinished: {
                if(implLoader.item) {
                // unload splashscreen
                splashLoader.source = ""
        Loader {
            id: splashLoader
            source: "SplashScreen.qml"
            onLoaded: {
                if(item) {
        Loader {
            id: implLoader
            onLoaded: {
                console.log("implLoader onLoaded")
                if(item) {
        onStateChanged: {
            if(implLoader.item) implLoader.item.state = state
    //} // add this when building for MeeGo



    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    // Plugins
    import VPlay.plugins.gamecenter 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.flurry 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0
    import VPlay.plugins.store 1.0
    import "base"
    import "values"
    import "entities"
    import "gnView"
    // add this for Meego, to fix the portrait mode issue there
    //import com.nokia.meego 1.0
    //Page {
    Item {
    //    width: 480*2
    //    height: 320*2
        function activateMain() {
            // fade in
            state = "main"
        property alias level: scene.level
        property alias player: scene.player
        // start position of the player
        property int startPositionX: 70
        property int startPositionY: 60
        // for loading the stored highscore
        property int maximumHighscore: 0
        property int lastScore: 0
        property variant levelScores: ({})
        property variant currentSelectedLevel: ({})
        // stores the levelPack datas
        property variant currentSelectedPack: ({})
        // no ads purchase
        property bool purchasedNoAdsPackage: noadsGood.purchased
        Component.onCompleted: {
            // get called if the whole scene is loaded finished, and repeater is finished
            // Authenticate player to gamecenter
                settings.language = "en_EN"
            else {
                // enable System language for translations
                translation.useSystemLanguage = true
            console.debug("current language:", settings.language)
            // Sheduling needs to be turned off on iOS, Android and Mac to avoid small lags during fast movement.
            if(system.isPlatform(System.IOS) || system.isPlatform(System.Mac) || system.isPlatform(System.Android) ) {
                vplayScheduler.schedulingMethod = VPlayScheduler.None
            // Copy/paste into csv file for setting up in-app purchases in platform stores
            // console.debug(store.printStoreProductLists())
            nativeUtils.displayMessageBox("debug","width"+width+", height"+height+", mainScene.width"+mainScene.width+", mainScene.height"+mainScene.height)
            // load the leveldata with a timer, otherwise the app start will be blocked for the loading time(1sec)
      // functions....
        onLevelScoresChanged: {
        onMaximumHighscoreChanged: {
            var storedScore = settings.getValue("maximumHighscore")
            console.debug("onMaximumHighscoreChanged:  settings.highscore from", storedScore, "to", maximumHighscore)
            // if not stored anything yet, store the new value
            // or if a new highscore is reached, store that
            // if the same score is submitted, call reportScore() too to update the score on GameCenter
            if(!storedScore || maximumHighscore > storedScore) {
                console.debug("onMaximumHighscoreChanged: stored improved highscore from", storedScore, "to", maximumHighscore)
                settings.setValue("maximumHighscore", maximumHighscore)
                // this call posts the highscore both to Felgo Game Network and GameCenter, because gameCenterItem is set in VPGN
        LevelEditor {
            id: levelEditor
            applicationJSONLevelsDirectory: "JSONLevels/"
        //    // use BackgroundMusic for long-playing background sounds
        //    BackgroundMusic {
        //        id: backgroundMusic
        //        source: system.isPlatform(System.Meego) || system.isPlatform(System.Symbian) ? "snd/bg-slow-mono.ogg" : "snd/bg-slow.wav"
        //        //        muted: settings.soundEnabled
        //    }
        // if star collieded
        Sound {
            id: starSound
            source: "./snd/pling.wav"
        // other item plugins
        // this scene is set to visible when loaded initially, so its opacity value gets set to 1 in a PropertyChange below
        MainScene {
            id: mainScene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        GrumpyDudeScene {
            id: scene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
            onVisibleChanged: console.debug("GameScene changed visible to", visible)
        GameOverScene {
            id: gameOverScene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        LevelSelectScene {
            id: levelSelectScene
            onLevelPressed: window.state = "game"
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        LevelFinishedScene {
            id: levelFinishedScene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        CreditsScene {
            id: creditsScene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        HelpScene {
            id: helpScene
            // when opacity is 0, visible gets set to false in SceneBase
            opacity: 0
        VPlayGameNetworkScene {
            id: vplayGameNetworkScene
            opacity: 0
        LevelEditorScene {
            id: levelEditorScene
            opacity: 0
        LevelPackScene {
            id: levelPackScene
            opacity: 0
        // for creating & removing entities
        EntityManager {
            id: entityManager
            entityContainer: scene
            poolingEnabled: true // entity pooling works since version 0.9.4, so use it
            // required for LevelEditor, so the entities can be created by entityType
            dynamicCreationEntityList: [ Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Platform.qml"), Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Goal.qml"), Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Star.qml")]
        // this gets used for analytics, to know which state was ended before
        property string lastActiveState: ""
        onStateChanged: {
            console.debug("GrumpyDudeMain: changed state to", state)
            if(state === "main")
                activeScene = mainScene
            else if(state === "game")
                activeScene = scene
            else if(state === "gameOver")
                activeScene = gameOverScene
            else if(state === "levelFinished")
                activeScene = levelFinishedScene
            else if(state === "credits")
                activeScene = creditsScene
            else if(state === "gameNetwork")
                activeScene = vplayGameNetworkScene
            else if(state === "selectLevel")
                activeScene = levelSelectScene
            else if(state === "levelEditing")
                activeScene = levelEditorScene
            else if(state === "help")
                activeScene = helpScene
            else if(state === "selectLevelPack")
                activeScene = levelPackScene
            if(lastActiveState === "main") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "game") {
                // NOTE: Android doesnt support endTimedEventWithParams yet!?! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12205860/android-flurry-and-endtimedevent
                //flurry.endTimedEvent("Display.Game", { "score": lastScore, "collectedStars" : player.collectedStars, "scoreForStars": player.collectedStars*player.bonusScoreForStar })
                // thus emit them with own events
            } else if(lastActiveState === "gameOver") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "levelFinished") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "credits") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "gameNetwork") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "selectLevel") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "levelEditing") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "help") {
            } else if(lastActiveState === "selectLevelPack") {
            if(state === "main") {
            } else if(state === "game") {
            } else if(state === "gameOver") {
            } else if(state === "levelFinished") {
            } else if(state === "credits") {
            } else if(state === "gameNetwork") {
            } else if(state === "selectLevel") {
            } else if(state === "levelEditing") {
            } else if(state === "help") {
            } else if(state === "selectLevelPack") {
            lastActiveState = state
        state: "main"
        // use one of the following states to start with another state when launching the game
        //    state: "game"
        //state: "gameOver"
        // these states are switched when the play button is pressed in MainScene, when the game is lost and when the Continue button is pressed in GameOverScene
        states: [
            State {
                name: "main"
                // by switching the propery to 1, which is by default set to 0 above, the Behavior defined in SceneBase takes care of animating the opacity of the new Scene from 0 to 1, and the one of the old scene from 1 to 0
                PropertyChanges { target: mainScene; opacity: 1}
            State {
                name: "game"
                PropertyChanges { target: scene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
                        console.debug("entered state 'game' with levelId: '"+currentSelectedLevel.levelId+"': "+JSON.stringify(currentSelectedLevel))
                        scene.state = ""
            State {
                name: "gameOver"
                PropertyChanges { target: gameOverScene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
                        console.debug("entered state 'gameOver'")
            State {
                name: "levelFinished"
                PropertyChanges { target: levelFinishedScene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
                        console.debug("entered state 'levelFinished'")
            State {
                name: "credits"
                PropertyChanges { target: creditsScene; opacity: 1}
            State {
                name: "help"
                PropertyChanges { target: helpScene; opacity: 1}
            State {
                name: "gameNetwork"
                PropertyChanges { target: vplayGameNetworkScene; opacity: 1}
            State {
                name: "selectLevelPack"
                PropertyChanges { target: levelPackScene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
                        currentSelectedPack = ({})
            State {
                name: "selectLevel"
                PropertyChanges { target: levelSelectScene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
                        currentSelectedLevel = {}
            State {
                name: "levelEditing"
                PropertyChanges { target: levelEditorScene; opacity: 1}
                StateChangeScript {
                    script: {
    //} // add this when building for MeeGo

    i tried with every width/height in the MainItem.. no effect




    Felgo Team


    please change your code so it only uses the relevant part (loading a splash and showing the main scene afterwards).

    Did you also have a look at the MultiSceneMultiLevelDynamic example?

    A possible fix that I’ve seen from your code, is to try setting the GameWindow width & height to a fixed value like 480×320 or 960×640 (i.e. do not use a multiplication in this binding as this sometimes screws up the loading).

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    i solved the problem by setting with & height to fixed value 960X640.

    the multiplication causes the problem on android devices.


    thx chris!!! 😉

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