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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Scene: returning 1 for the xScaleForScene, but sceneGameWindow was invalid!

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  • #8414


    Does anyone know how to get rid of this or how this can happen?



    Here is a boiled down snipped; basically its the mechanism from the flappybird demo(which does not throw that message). if I take out the assignment of visible and enabled, it works, but then I get other clashes with conflicting scenes in my project.

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    GameWindow {
    	id: window
    	width: 1024
    	height: 768
    	property alias window: window
    	Scene {
    		width: 480
    		height: 320
    		opacity: 0
    	//////	// NOTE: in qt5, an opaque element is not invisible by default and would handle the mouse and keyboard input!
    	//////	// thus to disable also keyboard focus and mouse handling and make an item invisible, set visible and enabled property depending on opacity
    		visible: opacity === 0 ? false : true
    		enabled: visible
    	activeScene: splash;
    	// show the splash and start the loading process as soon as the GameWindow is ready
    	Component.onCompleted: {



    Felgo Team


    you can safely ignore this debug output, everything is calculated correctly. In the next Felgo version, this debug output will be removed.

    Cheers, Chris

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