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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Retrieve customData from saved Levels

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  • #5066



    as you know, we are currently working on a level-editor for CrazyElephant. Each of our levels has different properties, like the number of shots, or the needed score for 1/2/3 stars.

    So we are using the customData in the saveCurrentLevel()-method, as follows:

    MenuButton {
            id: saveBtn
            text: "Save Level"
            mouseArea.onClicked: nativeUtils.displayTextInput("Enter name.", "Please enter a name for your level:", levelEditor.currentLevelName)
            anchors.right: parent.right
            Connections {
              target: nativeUtils
              onTextInputFinished: {
                if(accepted) {
                    levelEditor.saveCurrentLevel( {levelMetaData: {levelName: enteredText}, customData: {star1score: "340"}} )
                    scene.state = "editing"

    So my question is now, how can I access this customData from anywhere else?

    Or is there a better solution for our problem?



    So the question is how to get to the customData key-value pairs when the level is loaded e.g. with the LevelSelectionList?


    Felgo Team
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