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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › project only compiles on mac, not on windows

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  • #5696



    i have issues with compiling my game on windows,

    i just did a complete fresh install of v-play and it neither works with mingw nor vc2010


    with mingw i get this error:


    and this dialog pops up:



    with vc2010 i get this:

    Starting C:\Users\stephan\Desktop\untitled\untitled-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\untitled.exe...
    The program has unexpectedly finished.
    C:\Users\stephan\Desktop\untitled\untitled-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\untitled.exe exited with code -1073741515


    and on mac it work perfectly fine without any problems


    any idea what can cause those issues on a windows pc?








    Felgo Team

    Hi Stephan,

    does one of our sample projects, like the Empty Felgo Game Template from the “File / New Project” dialog run on Windows?

    Cheers, Chris




    the sample project compiles without problems

    the error i described happened when copied the qml files (all created with v-play 1.3) in a completly new project (created with v-play 1.6)

    if i just try to run my old project i get the error that it can’t find the libcurl_imp.lib file, which seems to indicate that i couldn’t find the third party libraries specified in the projectinclude.pri file:

      # Third party libraries
      LIBS += -L$$VPLAY_LIBRARY_PATH/third_party -llibcurl_imp -llibEGL -llibgles_cm -llibiconv -llibjpeg -llibpng -llibxml2 -llibzlib -lpthreadVCE2
      LIBS += -lWinMM -lAdvAPI32 -lGdi32 -lshell32 -lUser32
      LIBS += -lkernel32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32


    the weird thing is that the project works fine on 2 different macs, so i figure the problem has to do with my setup on the windows machine





    Felgo Team

    Did you only copy the qml files, or also the .pro file? Could you please try to create a new project from the new template from 1.5 and only copy the qml files (and NOT the pro file)?

    Cheers, Chris



    i already did that, i created a completly new project and copied just the qml folder to the new project


    Felgo Team

    Then the problem seems to be at the QML sources. Could you try to isolate the error by commenting scene by scene to find out where the root of the crash is?

    You could then send us your sources (or the isolated error) so we can investigate the issue further.

    Cheers, Chris





    i tried isolating the problem and i think i found the culprit:

    in the project we used a lot of the gameWindowAnchor to position object on our screen, i removed every reference to it and now the project compiles


    is it intended that you can’t use the gameWindowAnchor anymore? afaik you could use back in version 1.3 to place object on the screen


    the weird thing is still that the project works perfectly fine on mac and only windows you have that problem





    Felgo Team

    There were no changes with gameWindowAnchorItem from 1.3 to 1.5. Could you post an example how you accessed it and which does not work any more now?

    Cheers, Chris





        Image {
          source: "../img/bottom.png"
          height: gameWindowAnchorItem.height / 5
          anchors {
              left: gameWindowAnchorItem.left
              right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
              bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom



    Felgo Team

    Please add a <sceneId>. before your gameWindowAnchorItem. E.g. this works:

    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    GameWindow {  
      Scene {
        id: scene
        // background rectangle matching the full window
        Rectangle {
          color: "grey"
          anchors.fill: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem

    Cheers, Chris



    i already tried that, i got the same error


    Felgo Team

    Did you try this code with an empty Felgo project template? That works fine on my Windows PC with version Felgo version 1.5 and also on other 3 PCs in our offices where we just tested it.

    Cheers, Chris




    the code works fine, i even tried the squabby demo (where you guys also used the gameWindowAnchor) which also works


    i am just gonna redo the project from scratch and i hope i don’t run into the same problems






    Felgo Team

    Ok, just let me know if you experience any issues.

    Cheers, Chris

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