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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › problem with facebook plugin

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  • #18129



    I have problem with opening session through facebook plugin from my app named “Consult”

    I have created test app “FacebookTest” just to check the code, actually I’m using default code from Facebook plugin in both apps

    On https://developers.facebook.com I have created app for which I’m changing “Google Play Package Name”, app has hash keys for both of my apps.

    When I use FacebookTest app it opens session, no problem:

    D FacebookTest: assets:/qml/pages/FacebookPage.qml:181 (onSessionStateChanged): qml: Facebook: Session opening...
    W com.facebook.appevents.internal.ActivityLifecycleTracker: Unexpected activity pause without a matching activity resume. Logging data may be incorrect. Make sure you call activateApp from your Application's onCreate method
    V Monotype: SetAppTypeFace- try to flip, app = fmcode.FacebookTest
    V Monotype:     Typeface getFontPathFlipFont - systemFont = default#default
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4, Parent = null, this = DecorView@b56c9c3[]
    D WindowClient: Add to mViews: DecorView@b56c9c3[FacebookActivity], this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@1e00672
    D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xcd619000
    D ViewRootImpl[FacebookActivity]: hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{9db8ff fmcode.FacebookTest/com.facebook.FacebookActivity,ident = 1}
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = ViewRoot{9db8ff fmcode.FacebookTest/com.facebook.FacebookActivity,ident = 1}, this = DecorView@b56c9c3[FacebookActivity]
    D Surface : Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0xcd63f100)
    D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xcd619000 initialize window=0xcd63f100, title=fmcode.FacebookTest/com.facebook.FacebookActivity
    D Surface : Surface::connect(this=0xcd63f100,api=1)
    W libEGL  : [ANDROID_RECORDABLE] format: 1
    D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
    V InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=288 first=true flags=#1810100
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xe7db5f40) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D OpenGLRenderer: ProgramCache.generateProgram: 5242945
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xcc6b6600) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xcc6b66c0) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xcd63f100,api=1)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcc6b6600) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcc6b66c0) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xe7db5f40) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xcd63f100,api=1)
    D WindowClient: Remove from mViews: DecorView@b56c9c3[FacebookActivity], this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@1e00672
    D FacebookTest: assets:/qml/pages/FacebookPage.qml:176 (onSessionStateChanged): qml: Facebook: Session opened.
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = ViewRoot{c85aac3 fmcode.FacebookTest/net.vplay.helper.VPlayActivity,ident = 0}, this = DecorView@ffb59a8[VPlayActivity]
    V InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=32 first=false flags=#81810100
    I art     : Enter while loop.
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
    D OpenGLRenderer: ~CanvasContext() 0xcd619000
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    D libc-netbsd: getaddrinfo: graph.facebook.com get result from proxy gai_error = 0
    D libc-netbsd: getaddrinfo: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net get result from proxy gai_error = 0
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xcd63ce00,api=1)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcc3bd7c0) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcc3bd640) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcc3bd700) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xcd63ce00,api=1)

    When I use my App “Consult” it fails with no reason:

    D consult : qrc:/qml/helper/Facebook.qml:41 (onSessionStateChanged): qml: Facebook: Session opening...
    W com.facebook.appevents.internal.ActivityLifecycleTracker: Unexpected activity pause without a matching activity resume. Logging data may be incorrect. Make sure you call activateApp from your Application's onCreate method
    V Monotype: SetAppTypeFace- try to flip, app = fmcode.Consult
    V Monotype:     Typeface getFontPathFlipFont - systemFont = default#default
    I art     : Enter while loop.
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4, Parent = null, this = DecorView@9db8ff[]
    D WindowClient: Add to mViews: DecorView@9db8ff[FacebookActivity], this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@97a3c00
    D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xcf679000
    D ViewRootImpl[FacebookActivity]: hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{7118dfb fmcode.Consult/com.facebook.FacebookActivity,ident = 1}
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = ViewRoot{7118dfb fmcode.Consult/com.facebook.FacebookActivity,ident = 1}, this = DecorView@9db8ff[FacebookActivity]
    D Surface : Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0xe7479700)
    D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xcf679000 initialize window=0xe7479700, title=fmcode.Consult/com.facebook.FacebookActivity
    D Surface : Surface::connect(this=0xe7479700,api=1)
    W libEGL  : [ANDROID_RECORDABLE] format: 1
    D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
    V InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=288 first=true flags=#1810100
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xcf64a300) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D OpenGLRenderer: ProgramCache.generateProgram: 5242945
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xca28a7c0) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xca28a880) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xe7479700,api=1)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xca28a7c0) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xca28a880) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xcf64a300) (w:720 h:1184 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
    D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0xe7479700,api=1)
    D WindowClient: Remove from mViews: DecorView@9db8ff[FacebookActivity], this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@97a3c00
    V InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=32 first=false flags=#81810100
    V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = ViewRoot{f53bc39 fmcode.Consult/org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity,ident = 0}, this = DecorView@ffb59a8[QtActivity]
    I System.out: Check isMmsSendPdu
    I System.out: PDU read len:8192
    I System.out: MMS PDU Type:45:45
    I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect
    I System.out: Wrong owner. Perhaps a late disconnect


    When I remove Consult key hash on facebook developers page, I got an error (during session open) that this key hash is unknown – with a link to developers.facebook page with proper facebook_app_id. When I add the hash key the result is as above

    So the plugin itself is working in both apps.

    The only difference, between my two apps, I can think of is that “Consult” app is already on Google Play Store, released as production app although it is still during development, can this be a reason for this behaviour ?

    I could also delete all android files and .pro.user files and let the QtCreator to configure my app again.

    Best Regards





    changing “Google Play Package Name” to nonexistent doesn’t change anything.


    Felgo Team



    Thanks for info.

    App on Facebook is not yet public “This app is in development mode”

    And I’m deploying it from QtCreator.

    Regarding the problem described on stackoverflow, if I don’t have valid hashkeys configured on facebook page, then in the app there is an error showing that key I’m using eg. SDf45sdFSD34rwSDf is not configured with app number eg. 1243425454. So it’s easier.

    I had to switch to other tasks but on Monday I will work on this app again, ao I will let you know.


    Best Regards




    Hi Gunther

    Surely this was some problem in my application, although I coudn’t find the reason.

    I have moved all my code (cpp and qml) from my app to new app created with QtCreator, changed Android package name and everything else – it works every time 😉


    Best Regards


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