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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › keep pixelation for sprites (like smooth disabled)

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  • #12800



    Is it possible to keep pixels clear (not blurry) when displaying Sprites? For Images it works by setting the property smooth to false.

    I tried to disable smooth in the SpriteSequence, disabled layer.smooth and also tried to wrap the SpriteSequence in an Item with smooth disabled. That does not do it even with scale 1.

    Any help appreciated


    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin!

    The Felgo sprite components internally rely on the QML SpriteSequence / Sprite types by Qt. I just tried disabling smooth for the default Qt SpriteSequence, and as you said: This feature doesn’t seem to work for sprites.

    There’s not much that we can do about that, maybe someone in the official Qt forums can provide help, or they might fix it for one of the next releases if you report it.
    One possible solution you can try is to use the AnimatedImage QML type. It can be used to play GIF animations and the smooth property seems to work with this type. 😉


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