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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › howto reset pressed keys on state-change

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  • #4477




    following Problem:

    while playing, i press keys and buttons to control my object to the finish-area. As soon as i reach it, i change the state and set the focus to false.

    But when i restart the level, the keys, which where pressed in the end, are still pressed, and the object is handling a “ghost”input. Same thing with the buttons.

    Also, the forces applied to the object at the end (force/torque), also get applied instantly at restart. how can i reset them?

    here is my “finished” state, if it helps anyone:

    State {
                    name: "finished"
                    PropertyChanges { target: mainMenu; visible: false}
                    PropertyChanges { target: level; visible: false}
                    PropertyChanges { target: level; levelSource:""}
                    PropertyChanges { target: finishMenu; visible: true}
                    PropertyChanges { target: buttonarea; visible: false}
                    PropertyChanges { target: scene; focus: false; }
                    PropertyChanges { target: scene; Keys.forwardTo: [scene]}
                    StateChangeScript {
                        script: {
                            Keys.enabled = false

    and here is the game-state:

    State {
                    name: "game"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: level.space_ship
                        x: level.space_ship_x
                        y: level.space_ship_y
                    PropertyChanges { target: mainMenu; visible: false}
                    PropertyChanges { target: level; visible: true}
                    PropertyChanges { target: level; levelSource: "levels/Level02.qml"}
                    PropertyChanges { target: finishMenu; visible: false}
                    PropertyChanges { target: buttonarea; visible: true}
                    PropertyChanges { target: scene; focus: true; }
                    PropertyChanges { target: scene; Keys.forwardTo: [level.space_ship.controller]}
                    StateChangeScript {
                        script: {
                            // Pause the physicsWorld
                            //level.world.running = true


    Hoping, someone has a solution for this… gonna check the demos once more, if i can find the solution..






    i solved one part of the problem by just calling the following script, which resets the object.

    function startGame(){
            spaceShip.x = space_ship_x
            spaceShip.y = space_ship_y
            spaceShip.controller.xAxis = 0;
            spaceShip.controller.yAxis = 0;

    but still, the last impuls before finishing gets applied to the object at a restart.

    except for that, another problem is, that the game crashes, when a button is pressed at finishing and at restart, the object collides with another object.






    consider this as solved.

    Basically i used the script above and put my object into the specific level. now it works just nice, as the object also gets loaded with the level itself.





    Felgo Team

    Glad you worked this out on your own! 🙂



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