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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to anchor items in Row{}?

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    I have Row and has 3 items in it. The 2 text and 1 image. I need the text-1 to be anchor to the left and the text-2 to right.

    I try left and right Margin and is not working. How to anchor items in row? 


       Row {
            Text {
                id: text1
                text: "Text 1"
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(10)
            Image {
                id: image1
                source: "../assets/vplay-logo.png"
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Text {
                id: text2
                text: "Text 2"
                anchors.rightMargin: dp(10)





    Felgo Team


    a Row already handles the horizontal placement, by placing the items next to each other. You don’t need to (and cannot actually) use horizontal anchoring, only vertical.

    If you want some space between each item, use the spacing property of the Row.




    Thanks Alex. I am using now the verticalCenter option.


    By the way:

    I have a 9 items as shown below.

    How to anchor them?

    Should I use column and the row or should I use grid?

    how can I use them?

    This is the fixed item and no need the repeater.


    item1 and item2 will be text and the item3 will be image

    item4 is label, item5 is empty and the item6 will be label

    item7 is text, item8 will be label and the item9 will be empty


    item1                         item2                   item3

    item 4                       item 5                   item 6

    item7                        item8                   item9


    Felgo Team

    I’d say you can use whatever suits you best, all of them should work equally good.

    Since you use different items as content though (image, label, empty) I’d fill the grid (or rows) with wrapper items (totalWidth/3) and then center your content in the wrapper items. This gives you also more options in terms of spacing and padding of each item, to get the perfect look.




    Thanks Alex, Where do I get the v-paly grid layout examples?

    I have a Column and The row shown below. And the User vs Admin button position shows differently on android and ios.

    So if I try to implement the Felgo grid I am hoping the position of the item will be same in both android and ios. But I couldnt find any vplay grid examples.

    Kind regards


        // Loging Sections #################################################################################################
        Column {
            id: loginSection
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            spacing: dp(10)
            anchors.top: userPhoto.bottom
            anchors.topMargin: dp(10)
            width: parent.width
            Row {
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.right: parent.right
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                width: parent.width
                // User Login Button
                AppButton {
                    id: userLoginButton
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.leftMargin: dp(100)
                    text: qsTr("User")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
                // Admin Login Button
                AppButton {
                    id: adminLoginButton
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    anchors.rightMargin:  dp(100)
                    text: qsTr("Admin")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
        }// Loging Sections



    Felgo Team

    You can just search google for “qml grid”. Felgo is based on Qt and fully compatible, all Qt/Qml examples also work with Felgo.




    Thanks Alex



    Hi Alex,

    I couldn’t find any good qt grid example. So, I use Row with each item I try anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter and I am getting below error on output window.

    The Error:

    /data/user/0/net.vplay.apps.QMLLive/files/qml/MainTemplate.qml:102: QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.


    The Code:

        // Loging Sections ####################################
        Row {
            id: loginSection
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            spacing: dp(10)
            anchors.top: userPhoto.bottom
            anchors.topMargin: dp(10)
            width: parent.width
                // User Login Button
                AppButton {
                    id: userLoginButton
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    text: qsTr("User")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
                // Admin Login Button
                AppButton {
                    id: adminLoginButton
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    text: qsTr("Admin")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
        }// Loging Sections




    You can’t anchor to left or right items inside a Row, like the error describes.
    Row by design put things in the row, next to previous.
    Row controls left/right position, so if you override it you basically disable Row.
    Similar issue is with Column, if you change/affect top/bottom positioning.

    Another bit is text positioning where you can position text container and align text separately.
    I suggest to look at align related properties in the docs.

    Did you go through:
    Layouts (I suggest to read sections about Row and Column there)
    Grid QML type (there are few examples there, maybe will help)

    In general my approach to get around the column/row limitations is to wrap them with another container.
    For example put some columns inside the row etc.

    If I find some time maybe will give you some possible solution.
    The truth is that this is not that much Felgo related but more pure Qt, maybe you can try to ask there?



    Thanks Marcin,

    I did find the Layouts and Grid Qml type and couldn’t read fully. I did similar that you describe in your post. Only differences that the gap between buttons it looks different than the Android (Samsung galaxy s7 edge) and the iOS (ipone 7).

    Inside the column I put row to work with. My problem was the anchors.leftMargin and the anchors.rightMargin. I want to show 2 buttons on middle of the screen with certain gap between them.

    Here is my working code (best I can) and would like to be corrected by you 🙂


        Column {
            id: loginSection
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            spacing: dp(10)
            anchors.top: userPhoto.bottom
            anchors.topMargin: dp(15)
            width: parent.width
            Row {
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.right: parent.right
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                width: parent.width
                AppButton  {
                    id: userLogin
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.leftMargin: ((parent.width / 2) - userLogin.width - 15)
                    width: dp(75)
                    height: dp(25)
                    text: qsTr("User")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
                AppButton  {
                    id: adminLogin
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    anchors.rightMargin: ((parent.width / 2) - userLogin.width - 15)
                    width: dp(75)
                    height: dp(25)
                    text: qsTr("Admin")
                    flat: false
                    radius: 15
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
                    minimumHeight : dp(15)
                    minimumWidth : dp(75)
                    textSize: sp(12)
                    onClicked: {
                        // on Clicked event here
        } // Login Section



    Felgo Team

    Hi Niyazi,

    regarding the different spacings on iOS and Android:

    The AppButton itself also comes with some margin, which uses the default spacings of the Android/iOS platform style. See AppButton::horizontalMargin and verticalMargin.




    Thanks Günther.

    I found the solution using qml ColumnLayout{} and RowLayout{}. (needs to be import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3)

    Now I dont use the Column{} or Row{}. I am using Felgo App and not game.

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