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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › GameNetworkView Error

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  • #6386

    Felgo User


    i tried to use the new GameNetwork Plugin.

    I used the Example “http://felgo.com/doc/examples-gamenetworktestsimple/” but i got an error:

    Cocos2DWrapper: applicationDidFinishLaunching()

    file:///***/GameNetworkTester/GameNetworkTester.app/Contents/Resources/qml/main.qml:38:10: VPlayGameNetworkView is not a type

    VPlayGameNetworkView {


    WARNING: VPlayApplication: no GameWindow item found, so could not set the rootGameWindow contextProperty as well!


    I tried to update allready with the maintainanceTool –> “no update available”

    Then i downloaded the full QT, Felgo, … and reinstalled the new version –> nothing changed.

    What should i do now? i’m using MAC, is there no Update available yet?



    Felgo Team

    Hi phips28,

    for Felgo Game Network, you need access to daily builds which is only available to Pro Subscribers.

    You will get upgraded tomorrow (Thursdy) as part of our upcoming pricing changes *spoiler-alert*, so wait for a couple more hours and you can upgrade your Felgo build to the latest engine version 1.5.4. 😉

    Cheers, Chris

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