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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Firebase: e-mail address is badly formatted

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  • #19523



    I have amended my build gradle from an earlier post, when I try to connect to my firebase I now receive the error E-mail address is badly formatted. I previously imported the test firebase plugin to my app and this worked fine, I have just amended the details to connect to my own,


    What would be causing this issue within my app? and what areas of my code would you want me to post to check through?




    Felgo Team

    Hi Ed!

    The error E-mail address is badly formatted directly comes from Firebase. As there were no big changes for Firebase Authentication recently, and the plugin works fine in our tests, I assume that the issue lies

    • Either in your Firebase Configuration
      For this, please double-check your included Firebase Configuration. Note: To use Firebase with Felgo Live, you can use the FirebaseConfig to set up your account details in QML.
    • Or the issue comes from your provided Credentials for (email + password) that you enter for register / login in your app.
      Please make sure to enter valid email and password strings when performing register or login operations. Wrongly entered values should be handled client-slide in your app then.

    To avoid testing or build issues, please also make sure to delete previous versions of your app and create and fresh and clean build.


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