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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Fb : email on login

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  • #9211



    When I call openSession(), I have to type each time my email when requested.

    How can I store the email address to show it when login?


    – I call openSession()

    -I enter my email and pass

    -I closeSession()

    -I call openSession()

    -I have to type again all the email => I want to have the old email back


    Felgo Team

    Hi Julien,

    Are you using the login via the Facebook app or the generic web-based login? For the second one the behaviour depends on the platform-specific webview implementation and can’t be changed from within our plugin.





    I’m using the generic web-based login. So if it is dependent of the webview implementation, maybe you can store the webview data somewhere (like cookies or else). Then, your plugin could access indirectly to the initialization data.

    As you are using the native facebook SDK, couldn’t you do that in addition?

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