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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Failed to build game on iOS device

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  • #14858


    The Device is being recognized but when I click run, it throws an error

    :-1: error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the bundle identifier “com.yourcompany.wizardEVP.<wbr />Hello” were found.
    <div>:-1: error: Xcodebuild failed.</div>
    <div>My current X-Code is 7.3.1 with OS Ex El Captain.</div>
    <div>The game can successfully build on the iOS simulator but not on a device</div>



    You are trying to deploy to an iPhone/iPad, right?
    Are you aware that, even to deploy locally to your device, you need to have apple developer account(100 dollars per year).
    It looks like it fails because it can not find private keys which are bound to the device(deployed to device) and your apple developer account.

    Try with Android device, should work fine without any special developer accounts.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Caeser!

    As Marcin said, also for local deployment, it is required to set up your Apple developer account and provisioning profiles. This is also mentioned in our docs about iOS Deplyoment. It is a restriction by apple and applies to all iOS apps, so with a bit of research you can find many guides online that explain step-by-step how this works.

    You can also directly use xCode without Felgo/QtCreator until you can successfully deploy an iOS app to your device. If everything is set up correctly so xCode can build and deploy the app, your Qt Creator build will automatically use your Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile and you can also deploy your Felgo apps to the device with Qt Creator.





    Hi Gunther,

    “Apple changed its policy regarding permissions required to build and run apps on devices. Until now, Apple required users to pay $99/year to become a member of Apple’s Developer Program in order to run code on physical iPhone and iPads. As part of the new Developer Program, this is no longer required. Apps can be tested on devices, no purchase necessary”

    This is actually true but it seems not to work with directly Qt Felgo.

    I tried directly using Xcode and the game worked on my iPad. although this method takes very long to successfully build the project for the device.  and with this I was able to finally start building using Qt Creator.

    Another Issue I am facing is the game audio does not function on the iOS device.  i get the error

    “QSoundEffect(qaudio): Error decoding source”







    Felgo Team

    Glad to hear you can build with Qt Creator now.

    We can have a look at the audio issue, which project are you testing and which device/os version are you using?




    Hi Gunther,

    I noticed my other game’s audio seems to be working fine on the devices.

    I will further look into the matter if I fail will ask for help.




    Hi Caeser,
    Could you give my some tips how did you manage to deploy Qt application with XCode (to skip developer account issues with QtCreator)?
    Do I understand it correctly, that by doing this you were able to later deploy the same app from QtCreator itself?
    Any hints are welcome.




    Hi Marcin,

    To deploy Qt application with XCode.

    I am using XCode 7.3.1 on OS Ex El Captain

    Here is the step I usually follow

    Build your game project from Qt Creator using the “iphoneos_clang_Qt_5_7_0_for_iOS-Debug”

    You will receive two issues

    :-1: error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.

    :-1: error: Xcodebuild failed.

    Now Open XCode and try to successfully build one sample project on your iOS device, this is so to confirm that Xcode can fix issues. Normally during this step is when you may get a dialog saying “Failed to code sign “Sample Project”. and it will offer you a suggestion to “fix issues”. For this step please follow



    Once you are done with the step above your sample project should run on your iOS device and the next step is pretty easy.

    Now building the Qt project.

    First identify the build folder it should be something similar to “build-QtGameProject-iphoneos_clang_Qt_5_7_0_for_iOS-Debug”

    Open the folder and you will see a file with the extension  “.xcodeproj”

    Open that file

    It should open in XCode

    Set the active scheme to your iOS device

    Click the Build button

    First time it will pop up a dialog “Failed to code sign”

    Select “fix issue”

    Choose a development team to use for the provisioning, this is actually the one you setup with the sample XCode project.

    Your QtCreator game project should now start running on your iOS device.








    Hi Caeser,
    Thank you for your help.
    I understand now the whole process.
    Deploying works from QtCreator  to iPhone without any issues  and without developer account.


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