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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Facebook get information


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  • #19961



    i don’t receive the friend lis and my email with the facebook plugin, my code:

    Facebook {
            id: facebook
            // this is the Facebook App Id received from the settings in developers.facebook.com/apps
            appId: "XXXXXXXX"
            readonly property bool loggedIn: sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpened
            // the permissions define what your app is allowed to access from the user
            readPermissions: [ "public_profile", "email", "user_friends" ]
            publishPermissions: [ "publish_actions" ]
            onSessionStateChanged: {
                if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpened) {
                    console.debug("Session opened.");
                    facebook.getGraphRequest("me/friends", { fields: "id,name,picture" }) // get friends that use the app
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpening) {
                    console.debug("Session opening...");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionClosed) {
                    console.debug("Session closed.");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionFailed) {
                    console.debug("Session failed.");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionPermissionDenied) {
                    console.debug("User denied requested permissions.");
            Component.onCompleted: {
                //  facebook.openSession();
            onProfileChanged: {
                 console.debug("Currently logged in user last name:", profile.lastName + " " + profile.verified
            onGetGraphRequestFinished: {
              if(resultState !== Facebook.ResultOk)
                NativeDialog.confirm("Retrieving Friends Failed", "", function(){}, false)
              // show friends
              if(graphPath === "me/friends") {




    In this ways it’s ok:

        Facebook {
            id: facebook
            // this is the Facebook App Id received from the settings in developers.facebook.com/apps
            appId: "XXXXX"
            readonly property bool loggedIn: sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpened
            // the permissions define what your app is allowed to access from the user
            readPermissions: [ "public_profile", "email", "user_friends" ]
            publishPermissions: [ "publish_actions" ]
            onSessionStateChanged: {
                if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpened) {
                    console.debug("Session opened.");
                    facebook.getGraphRequest("me", { fields: "email" }) // get friends that use the app
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpening) {
                    console.debug("Session opening...");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionClosed) {
                    console.debug("Session closed.");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionFailed) {
                    console.debug("Session failed.");
                else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionPermissionDenied) {
                    console.debug("User denied requested permissions.");
            Component.onCompleted: {
                //  facebook.openSession();
            onProfileChanged: {
                 console.debug("Currently logged in user last name:", profile.lastName + " " + profile.verified)
                //facebook.getGraphRequest("me/friends", { fields: "id,name,picture" }) // get friends that use the app
            onGetGraphRequestFinished: {
              if(resultState !== Facebook.ResultOk)
                NativeDialog.confirm("Retrieving Friends Failed", "", function(){}, false)
              if(graphPath === "me") {
                console.log("EMAIL " + JSON.parse(result).email)



    Carlos J Yu

    I can’t seem to retrieve my facebook email with the code above.

    my resultState == 3.

    and returns son parse error maybe because the result is null.

    please help


    Felgo Team

    Hi Carlos,

    there can be several reasons for issues with Facebook, e.g.:

    • Wrong Facebook App Configuration: Please make sure that the Facebook App is correctly configured.
    • Some error in code / wrong graph request: Please make sure to that the api request is valid and works, e.g. with Facebook Graph API explorer.
    • Permissions: Make sure to request correct permissions

    You can check the resultState with the available Facebook Plugin enumerations:

    • Facebook.ResultOk (request successfully performed)
    • Facebook.ResultPermissionDenied (the user did not allow the requested permissions for a getGraphRequest() request)
    • Facebook.ResultError (the request ended with another error)
    • Facebook.ResultInvalidSession (the plugin needs an open session before it can call the API, make sure to call openSession() before)


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