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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Database Calendar

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  • #19542

    Felgo Team

    Hi Edward,

    the Firebase Database works best with JSON-based data structures. This is convenient, as you can easily create and work with JSON data objects in your Felgo app. For example, you can create a data object like this:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
      property var userData: {
        "selectedDates": [
              { "date": "utc-timestamp", "details": "meeting xy" },
              { "date": "utc-timestamp", "details": "another event" }
      AppButton {
        text: "Add date"
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        onClicked: {
          userData.selectedDates.push({ "date": "utc-timestamp-of-chosen-date", "details": "some info" });





    I’ve been working on implementing this into my app but am really struggling 🙁

    I tried using the above code, adding to the onClicked event;

    firebaseDb.setValue({ “date”: “utc-timestamp-of-chosen-date”, “details”: “some info” })

    and received the following error:

    Error: Unable to determine callable overload. Candidates are: setUserValue(QString,QVariant,QJSValue) setUserValue(QString,QVariant)

    I adjusted the onClicked event too:

    firebaseDb.setValue(“groups/CanaryWharf/Departments/Reception/members”, “date:” + Date())


    and it writes the current date/time to the database but not the selected date!

    it also just writes one entry, when save is clicked again overwrites, not an individual entry for each user/day selected?








    (still seeking help haha)

    I amended the line

    firebaseDb.setValue(“groups/CanaryWharf/Departments/Reception/members”, “date:” + Date())


    to the following:


          AppButton {
              id: saveButton
              text: "Save & Request"
              anchors.right: parent.right
              textColor: "#4e4e4e"
              backgroundColor: "#d1d1d1"
              onClicked: {
                userData.selectedDates.push({ "date": calendar.selectedDate});
                firebaseDb.setValue(“groups/CanaryWharf/Departments/Reception/members”, "date:" + calendar.selectedDate)
        property var userData: {      
          "selectedDates": [         
                { "date": calendar.selectedDate}


    which writes the selected date to the calendar, when I click a new date, writes to the database, but overwrites the previously written date, how would I allow it to each date selected and saved??





    Felgo Team

    Hi Edd,

    in firebase, each key (path) can hold one value entry. The value can also be a data structure, which means you can store the userData.selectedDates array of your app directly to firebase with:

    firebaseDb.setValue("groups/CanaryWharf/Departments/Reception/members", { "date": userData.selectedDates } )


    Günther from Felgo



    Hi Gunther,

    I thought id’ reply here save starting a new post!

    I am asking about the multiple selection of calendar cells, what i want to be able to do is visually highlight selected cells which then can be batch saved,


    I know using the above method i can Append each date to JSON to batch save to firebase, but i also want this to be visual for the user, so each date tapped on is highlighted then on the save button pressed they are all saved to the database.

    I know there options such as datePicker from fluid (which i am having install issues) and i would rather avoid a datePicker if possible anyway, the ability to multiple highlight visually and save is what i would like.


    If this is a possibility what would be the best approach to starting this off?


    Is this realistically a possibility and if so where could i start to do this


    Felgo Team


    the check whether and how to highlight cells in your view is something, that I would add as a property for the UI item:

    Item {
      id: myCellItem
      property bool highlight: false
      Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent
        opacity: myCellItem.highlight ? 1 : 0
        color: "orange"

    You can then set the highlight state for each cell as you require it. In case you fill your view based on a model, you can also add an expression to determine the highlight state for each delegate with a binding:

      property bool highlight: isSelected(modelData.date) 
    function isSelected(date) {
       var selected = false;
       // check if date is selected and set selected variable accordingly
       return selected ? true : false



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