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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Customize GameNetwork

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  • #6413

    Felgo User

    hello, i want to customize my gameNetworkView, but the doku i found here (http://felgo.com/doc/vplay1-vplaygamenetwork/#customize-v-play-game-network-ui) didnt really helped me.

    I allready found how to change the Images (in the v-play SDK: /FelgoSDK/Desktop/FelgoSDK/daily/qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/gnView/img)

    But this is the original Content of the v-play SDK, and if i programm another game, i must change the pictures there again? It won’t work if i only change the images in the Project (/GAME/qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/img)  Is there any other way?

    Is there another Tutorial?




    Felgo Team


    good questions!

    The current solution with copying of the images is not final yet, however, you can do the following to create custom images per game:

    1. Copy the existing images of the SDK to a temp folder like “gamenetwork-graphics-vplay” and then replace them with your custom one. Make sure to also copy your images to a temp folder like “gamenetwork-graphics-myGameName” as they get overwritten when you update the SDK.

    2. Your images are then copied to your project output folder. I would advise to disable the “shadow build”, because then your images get copied right into the qml folder. They are needed there if you want to deploy it with the build server like described here.


    For further customizations, at the moment the best resources are the source code of VPlayGameNetworkView, LeaderboardView (with its leaderboard delegates) and AchievementView (with its achievement delegates). You can find these sources in this folder: FelgoSDK\Desktop\FelgoSDK\daily\qml\VPlay\gamenetwork\gnView


    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    I allready replaced the icons, worked.

    But i if i change the .qml Files (/Users/philipp/FelgoSDK/Desktop/FelgoSDK/daily/qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/gnView) nothing is happen…
    For example i commented the BackButton{…} in NavigationHeader.qml. But the BackButton is still available in the App. Or i changed the background rectangle in VPlayGameNetworkView.qml to green -> nothing changed in app

      // background rectangle
      Rectangle {
        // make white in the end!
        color: "green"
        //color: "lightgrey"
        anchors.fill: parent

    is this the right way?


    Felgo Team

    Replacing these qml files won’t work because they are bundled with the library! Instead you can copy all of the qml files into a gnView folder in your qml directory and rename the VPlayGameNetworkView.qml to something like MyGameNetworkView.qml so you can better distinguish them. Then you use instead of VPlayGameNetworkView the MyVPlayGameNetworkView component in your main qml file and can then customize the qml files as you like.

    Dont forget to import your custom gamenetworkView folder, so e.g. for the mentioned example usein your main qml file

    import "gnView"

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    Nice, Thx Chris, it works !! =)

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