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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Button Bug?

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  • #17840

    Seth Chhum

    I am having problem with button stuck issue. I am not sure whether it is a bug within Qt or V-play engine.


    Issue: Buttons get stuck (disabled,no response) when repeatedly pressed them with 3 fingers several times.

    Tested Devices: iPad Air 2 (WiFi+Cellular) iOS 11.1.2, HTC One  M9 Android Nougat

    Tested Apps:  Kid Alphabet Phone (I am building for my son), One Card! (OK button on HTC One M9, haven’t tested it with the iPad) and Add buttons from V-play tutorial https://felgo.com/doc/vplay-get-started-games/ ( you can  change myButton width and height to 200 and 100 respectively to make it easier to test)


       id: myButton
       width: 200
       height: 100


    Can anyone confirm this bug please?


    Felgo Team

    Hi Seth!

    I did a quick test on Android and didn’t run into this issue with a simple button like this:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.9
    App {
      id: app
      Rectangle {
        id: button
        width: dp(200)
        height: dp(100)
        color: "#32665a"
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        property int counter: 0
        Text {
          text: "Add 1"
          color: "white"
          anchors.centerIn: parent
        MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: parent
          onClicked: {
            console.debug("button clicked "+button.counter)

    The clicked signal is always fired correctly for me, even when quickly tapping with three or more fingers.
    Can you provide a minimum example similar to the above, where your issue is easily reproducible?





    Seth Chhum

    Build on V-play 2.14, Qt Creator 4.4.1, Mac OS 10.11.6

    Tested on iPad Air 2 (Wifi+Cellular) iOS 11.1.2 and HTC One M9 Android 7.0


    Here is the Demo Video  . It will be deleted after 7 days.


    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
     Rectangle {
     id: myButton
     width: 200
     height: 100
     color: mouseArea.pressed ? "#546632" : "#32665a"
     property alias labelText: label.text
     signal clicked
     Text {
     id: label
     text: "Some Default Value If Needed"
     color: "white"
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     MouseArea {
     id: mouseArea
     anchors.fill: parent
     onClicked: {




    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    GameWindow {
     id: gameWindow
     screenWidth: 960
     screenHeight: 640
     Scene {
     id: scene
     width: 480
     height: 320
     property int score: 0
     Rectangle {
     anchors.fill: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem
     color: "#324566"
     Text {
     text: "Score " + scene.score
     color: "white"
     anchors.horizontalCenter: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.horizontalCenter
     anchors.top: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.top
     Column {
     anchors.centerIn: scene
     spacing: 10
     Mybutton {
     labelText: "Add 1"
     onClicked: {
     Mybutton {
     labelText: "Add 10"
     onClicked: {
     function increaseScore(amount) {
     scene.score += amount

    Felgo Team


    Thanks for the video and your code sample!

    I was now able to verify the issue -> it seems to only occur on certain devices / OS versions. Looks like the QML MouseArea by Qt does not release the pressed state correctly with many touch inputs in some cases.

    As an alternative, you can switch to a MultiPointTouchArea instead, which handles multiple touch-points more safely:

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton
        width: 300
        height: 300
        color: touchArea.isPressed > 0 ? "#546632" : "#32665a"
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        Text {
          id: label
          text: "Press Me"
          color: "white"
          anchors.centerIn: parent
        MultiPointTouchArea {
          id: touchArea
          anchors.fill: parent
          property bool isPressed: false
          onPressed: {
            isPressed = true
          onReleased: isPressed = false




    Seth Chhum

    Thank you for the solution. However, my 1 year old son was still able to make the buttons stuck on the iPad.

    Fortunately, they can be easily unstuck by pressing them again this time.

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