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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Bug with EntityBase.toStoreProperties?

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  • #6120

    Felgo Team

    I was just trying to save additional properties with an entity using toStoreProperties: [“myProperty”]

    I was wondering why it was never or only sometimes saved, so i checked out EntityManager’s logs, which always said:

    WARNING: EntityManager: the entity does not have the property defined in toStoreProperties: undefined

    So the property name was always undefined?
    I also checked out the source code, where i found something strange:

    // toStoreProperties is a variant property array in EntityBase
    var toStoreProps = entity.toStoreProperties;
    console.debug("toStoreProperties = " + JSON.stringify(toStoreProps))
    for(var j=0; j<toStoreProps.length; j++) {
    var toStorePropertyName = toStoreProps[i];

    The for loop uses the variable “j” but the index for toStoreProps is “i”?

    (Using VPlay 1.5)

    Cheers, Chrisu


    Felgo Team

    Hi Chrisu,

    thanks a lot for digging into the source code – you have found a bug in this function which will be fixed with the next daily build!

    Should we send you a desktop build with the new library?

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo Team

    Hey that’s awesome that you already fixed it 🙂

    Yes a new build would be cool!

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