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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › About FaceBook plugin

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  • #5360



    I am playing around with the facebook-plugin but just not able to get it run properly. When I run the facebooktest example shipped with vplay on my Android phone, it seems that the only button working is the login button. After clicking it, it opens up the facebook login dialog, which closes after entering my username and password. Back to the “mainmenu”, I can click whatever button I like, nothing happens.

    Then I changed the code to keep only the possibility to login and post something on the users wall:


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0
    GameWindow {
      Facebook {
        id: facebook
        appId: "489472511074353" // Felgo Test App 2, created by Chris
        readPermissions: ["email", "read_friendlists"]
        publishPermissions: ["publish_actions"]
        onSessionStateChanged: {
          console.log("New Facebook Session state: ", sessionState);
          if (sessionState === Facebook.Opened) {
              myText.text = "Facebook session opened."
              facebook.openWallDialog( {
                                  "link" : "www.felgo.com",
                                  "description" : "This is the description",
                                  "name" : "Felgo name!",
                                  "caption" : "Felgo caption ..."
                                      } )
          else if (sessionState === Facebook.Closed) {
            myText.text = "Facebook session closed."
          else if (sessionState === Facebook.Failed) {
            myText.text = "Facebook session failed."
      } // end of Facebook item
      Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "black"
      Scene {
        id: scene
            id: myButton
            text: "Post on Facebook wall"
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            onClicked: {
                myText.text = "Button klicked."
            id: myText
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            text: "currently no action"
            color: "white"
      } // end of Scene

    I kept the same appID like in the vplay-example. Now after login, on the bottom of the screen appears “Facebook session failed”.

    Can you please tell me, what´s going wrong?






    Guybrush said:


    I am playing around with the facebook-plugin but just not able to get it run properly. When I run the facebooktest example shipped with vplay on my Android phone, it seems that the only button working is the login button. After clicking it, it opens up the facebook login dialog, which closes after entering my username and password. Back to the “mainmenu”, I can click whatever button I like, nothing happens.

    Then I changed the code to keep only the possibility to login and post something on the users wall:


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0
    GameWindow {
      Facebook {
        id: facebook
        appId: "489472511074353" // Felgo Test App 2, created by Chris
        readPermissions: ["email", "read_friendlists"]
        publishPermissions: ["publish_actions"]
        onSessionStateChanged: {
          console.log("New Facebook Session state: ", sessionState);
          if (sessionState === Facebook.Opened) {
              myText.text = "Facebook session opened."
              facebook.openWallDialog( {
                                  "link" : "www.felgo.com",
                                  "description" : "This is the description",
                                  "name" : "Felgo name!",
                                  "caption" : "Felgo caption ..."
                                      } )
          else if (sessionState === Facebook.Closed) {
            myText.text = "Facebook session closed."
          else if (sessionState === Facebook.Failed) {
            myText.text = "Facebook session failed."
      } // end of Facebook item
      Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "black"
      Scene {
        id: scene
            id: myButton
            text: "Post on Facebook wall"
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            onClicked: {
                myText.text = "Button klicked."
            id: myText
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            text: "currently no action"
            color: "white"
      } // end of Scene

    I kept the same appID like in the vplay-example. Now after login, on the bottom of the screen appears “Facebook session failed”.

    Can you please tell me, what´s going wrong?


    EDIT: I have no facebook app installed on my phone.






    Felgo Team

    Hi Heini,

    unfortunately our Facebook App was in sandbox mode, that’s why the FacebookTest example didn’t work.

    If you want to test Facebook in your own project you either need to change the identifier in your config.json to “net.vplay.plugins.facebooktest” or you can create your own Facebook App like described here http://felgo.com/doc/plugins1-facebook.html#create-a-facebook-app.





    Thank you, its working now!




    just another question: is there already, or maybe planned for the future, an overloaded function like openSession(username, password) to login the facebook account? So the username and password could be stored in the database and it would not be necessary to enter it every time the app is connecting to facebook.





    Felgo Team

    Guybrush said:

    just another question: is there already, or maybe planned for the future, an overloaded function like openSession(username, password) to login the facebook account? So the username and password could be stored in the database and it would not be necessary to enter it every time the app is connecting to facebook.

    Hi Heini,

    the Facebook plugin (and the official Facebook SDK) is designed to perform all login activity with Facebook Single Sign On, meaning that a user only needs to provide his credentials once and authorize your game for every requested permission. After the first login a token is saved within your app bundle which can then be used to re-open an old session without leaving your app when calling the openSession method. So you don’t have to save username and password on your own (most users probably won’t provide you (as 3rd party app developer) their details at all).

    Are there any problems with this approach to your mind?





    Hi Alex,

    thank you for your explainations! You are absolutely right. Because the fault described above, i had to login often and did not realize, that after a succesful login, i don´t have to enter the credentials again. Sorry about that.



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