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The Chartboost item allows monetizing your games by embedding Chartboost ads on Android and iOS. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0





Detailed Description

The Chartboost plugin allows monetizing your apps & games by embedding ads from the Chartboost ad network or cross-promote other games from you or other developers.

Property Documentation

appId : string

Provide your Chartboost app-id here. If you do not have an app-id yet, please read Chartboost Account. As some features of Chartboost are platform-specific the following example code shows you how to use different app ids for Android and iOS:

 Chartboost {
   appId: Qt.platform.os === "ios" ? "<ios-app-id>" : "<android-app-id>"

appSignature : string

Provide your Chartboost app-signature here. If you do not have an app-signature yet, please read Chartboost Account. As some features of Chartboost are platform-specific the following example code shows you how to use different app ids for Android and iOS:

 Chartboost {
   appSignature: Qt.platform.os === "ios" ? "<ios-app-id>" : "<android-app-id>"

shouldDisplayInterstitial : bool

Set this property to control whether interstitials should be displayed within your game or not. Settings this property to false globally disables all interstitials regardless of the given location.

The default value is true.

shouldDisplayLoadingViewForMoreApps : bool

Set this property to false to prevent a loading screen during the More Apps overlay is loaded from the server.

The default value is true.

Note: This property is not supported anymore. Setting it has no effect.

shouldDisplayMoreApps : bool

Set this property to control whether the More Apps page should be displayed within your game or not. Settings this property to false globally disables all More Apps overlays regardless of the given location.

The default value is true.

shouldDisplayRewardedVideo : bool

Set this property to control whether a reward video should be displayed within your game or not. Settings this property to false globally disables all reward video overlays regardless of the given location.

The default value is true.

shouldPrefetchVideoContent : bool

By default Chartboost prefetches video content of reward videos for a continuous playback of a video. If you want to disable this behavior you can set this property to false.

The default value is true.

shouldRequestInterstitial : bool

Set this property to control whether interstitials should be loaded from the server or not. Settings this property to false globally disables all interstitials regardless of the given location.

As an example you can set this property to false to disable all ads as soon as your user purchased a "no ads" in-app purchase.

The default value is true.

shouldRequestInterstitialsInFirstSession : bool

It's good practice to show interstitials only after the user has played your game for the first time. This property therefore defaults to true.

You can override this behavior when setting the property to false.

shouldRequestMoreApps : bool

Set this property to control whether a More Apps page should be loaded from the server or not. Settings this property to false globally disables all More Apps overlays regardless of the given location.

As an example you can set this property to false to disable all ads as soon as your user purchased a "no ads" in-app purchase.

The default value is true.

Signal Documentation

interstitialCached(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has been loaded from the server and cached locally for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialCached.

See also showInterstitial().

interstitialClicked(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has been clicked for the given location. "Clicked" is defined as clicking within the interstitial which usually brings your app to the background and open the app store.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialClicked.

See also interstitialDismissed and interstitialClosed.

interstitialClosed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has been closed for the given location. "Closed" is defined as clicking the close button within the interstitial.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialClosed.

See also interstitialDismissed and interstitialClicked.

interstitialDismissed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has been dismissed for the given location. "Dismissal" is defined as any action that removed the interstitial like a click or close.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialDismissed.

See also interstitialClosed and interstitialClicked.

interstitialDisplayed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has been displayed on the screen for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialDisplayed.

See also interstitialDismissed, interstitialClicked, and interstitialClosed.

interstitialFailedToLoad(string location, string error, Location locationType)

Emitted after an interstitial has attempted to load from the server but failed for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

You can use the error parameter to retrieve a text representation of the occurred error.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInterstitialFailedToLoad.

moreAppsCached(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has been loaded from the server and cached locally for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsCached.

See also showMoreApps().

moreAppsClicked(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has been clicked for the given location. "Clicked" is defined as clicking within the More Apps overlay which usually brings your app to the background and open the app store.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsClicked.

See also moreAppsDismissed and moreAppsClosed.

moreAppsClosed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has been closed for the given location. "Closed" is defined as clicking the close button within the More Apps overlay.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsClosed.

See also moreAppsDismissed and moreAppsClicked.

moreAppsDismissed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has been dismissed for the given location. "Dismissal" is defined as any action that removed the More Apps overlay like a click or close.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsDismissed.

See also moreAppsClosed and moreAppsClicked.

moreAppsDisplayed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has been displayed on the screen for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsDisplayed.

See also moreAppsDismissed, moreAppsClicked, and moreAppsClosed.

moreAppsFailedToLoad(string location, string error, Location locationType)

Emitted after a More Apps overlay has attempted to load from the server but failed for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter. You can use the error parameter to retrieve a text representation of the occurred error.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMoreAppsFailedToLoad.

recordClickFailed(string uri, string error, Location locationType)

Emitted after a click got registered, but the user is not forwarded to the app store.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRecordClickFailed.

See also interstitialClicked, moreAppsClicked, and rewardedVideoClicked.

rewardedVideoCached(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been loaded from the server and cached locally for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoCached.

See also showRewardedVideo().

rewardedVideoClicked(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been clicked for the given location. "Clicked" is defined as clicking within the reward video which usually brings your app to the background and open the app store.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoClicked.

See also rewardedVideoDismissed and rewardedVideoClosed.

rewardedVideoClosed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been closed for the given location. "Closed" is defined as clicking the close button within the interstitial.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoClosed.

See also rewardedVideoDismissed and rewardedVideoClicked.

rewardedVideoCompleted(string location, int reward, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been viewed completely and user is eligible for reward for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoCompleted.

See also rewardedVideoDisplayed and rewardedVideoClicked.

rewardedVideoDismissed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been dismissed for the given location. "Dismissal" is defined as any action that removed the interstitial like a click or close.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoDismissed.

See also rewardedVideoClosed and rewardedVideoClicked.

rewardedVideoDisplayed(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has been displayed on the screen for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoDisplayed.

See also rewardedVideoDismissed, rewardedVideoClicked, and rewardedVideoClosed.

rewardedVideoDisplaying(string location, Location locationType)

Emitted immediately before a video has been displayed on the screen for the given location. You can use the signal to do things like muting sound effects or sounds.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoDisplaying.

See also rewardedVideoDisplayed.

rewardedVideoFailedToLoad(string location, string error, Location locationType)

Emitted after a reward video has attempted to load from the server but failed for the given location.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter. You can use the error parameter to retrieve a text representation of the occurred error.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRewardedVideoFailedToLoad.

Method Documentation

void showRewardedVideo(enumeration location)

void showRewardedVideo(string location)

Use this method to present a reward video at the given location. If there is no interstitial in the cache, it will start downloading a reward video and display it right after it has finished loading.

See also hasRewardedVideo(), cacheRewardedVideo(), rewardedVideoDisplayed, rewardedVideoDismissed, rewardedVideoClosed, and rewardedVideoClicked.

void cacheRewardedVideo(enumeration location)

void cacheRewardedVideo(string location)

Use this method to prefetch and cache a reward video for the given location. When finished the rewardedVideoCached signal is emitted.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

See also hasRewardedVideo(), showRewardedVideo(), rewardedVideoCached, and rewardedVideoFailedToLoad.

void hasRewardedVideo(enumeration location)

void hasRewardedVideo(string location)

Use this method to determine if there is a locally cached interstitial for the given location. If this methods returns true no further server calls are necessary to display the interstitial.

For checking the ad location you can either use the locationType parameter and compare it with the available locations types or check the location as string representation with the location parameter.

See also cacheRewardedVideo() and showRewardedVideo().

void showMoreApps(enumeration location)

void showMoreApps(string location)

Use this method to present a More Apps overlay at the given location. If there is no More Apps overlay in the cache, it will start downloading a More Apps overlay and display it right after it has finished loading.

Note: This method is not supported anymore. Calling it has no effect.

See also hasMoreApps(), cacheMoreApps(), moreAppsDisplayed, moreAppsDismissed, moreAppsClosed, and moreAppsClicked.

void cacheMoreApps(enumeration location)

void cacheMoreApps(string location)

Use this method to prefetch and cache a More Apps overlay for the given location. When finished the moreAppsCached signal is emitted.

Note: This method is not supported anymore. Calling it has no effect.

See also hasMoreApps(), showMoreApps(), moreAppsCached, and moreAppsFailedToLoad.

bool hasMoreApps(enumeration location)

bool hasMoreApps(string location)

Use this method to determine if there is a locally cached More Apps overlay for the given location. If this methods returns true no further server calls are necessary to display the More Apps overlay.

Note: This method is not supported anymore. It always returns false.

See also cacheMoreApps() and showMoreApps().

void showInterstitial(enumeration location)

void showInterstitial(string location)

Use this method to present an interstitial at the given location. If there is no interstitial in the cache, it will start downloading an interstitial and display it right after it has finished loading.

See also hasInterstitial(), cacheInterstitial(), interstitialDisplayed, interstitialDismissed, interstitialClosed, and interstitialClicked.

void cacheInterstitial(enumeration location)

void cacheInterstitial(string location)

Use this method to prefetch and cache an interstitial for the given location. When finished the interstitialCached signal is emitted.

See also hasInterstitial(), showInterstitial(), interstitialCached, and interstitialFailedToLoad.

void hasInterstitial(enumeration location)

void hasInterstitial(string location)

Use this method to determine if there is a locally cached interstitial for the given location. If this methods returns true no further server calls are necessary to display the interstitial.

See also cacheInterstitial() and showInterstitial().

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