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A search bar with native styling for iOS and Android based on the Theme settings. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0
Since: Felgo 2.9.2





Detailed Description

The SearchBar control provides a native-looking search input field for Android and iOS based on the Theme settings.

iOS Android

Note: The item offers two different styles for the search bar on iOS. To switch to the second style, which is used in the image above, set iosAlternateStyle to true.

Example Usage

Simple Example

 import Felgo

 App {
   NavigationStack {

     AppPage {
       title: "SearchBar Example"

       SearchBar {
         id: searchBar
         onAccepted: {
           console.log("search accepted: "+text)
           listView.model = 2 // update result

       AppListView {
         id: listView
         anchors.top: searchBar.bottom
         model: 50
         delegate: SimpleRow { text: "Entry "+index }

     } // Page


Pull-To-Search Example

The SearchBar can also be combined with a ListView to hide the bar by default and only show it after pulling down the list. To use this feature, activate pullEnabled and specify the target ListView.

 import Felgo

 App {
   NavigationStack {

     AppPage {
       title: "SearchBar Example"

       SearchBar {
         id: searchBar
         target: listView
         pullEnabled: true
         onAccepted: {
           console.log("search accepted: "+text)

           // if the search bar is not empty, we prevent it from disappearing
           if(text !== "") {
             searchBar.keepVisible = true
             listView.model = 2 // update result
           else {
             // initial settings
             searchBar.keepVisible = false
             listView.model = 50

       AppListView {
         id: listView
         height: parent.height - y // the search bar modifies the y-position of the list
         model: 50
         delegate: SimpleRow { text: "Entry "+index }

     } // Page


Note: The pullEnabled setting modifies the y-position of the ListView, so we decrease its height in the example to always exactly fill the page.

Property Documentation

barBackgroundColor : color

The background color of the search bar. Matches platform-specific values by default.

[since Felgo 3.9.1] clearButtonSize : real

The size of the clear button. The default value matches Theme::defaultIconSize.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.9.1.

iconColor : color

The color of the search icon. Matches Theme::tintColor if the search field has focus, Theme::placeholderTextColor otherwise.

iconLeftPadding : real

The padding to the left of the search icon. The default value is 0 on iOS, else 7 dp.

[since Felgo 3.9.1] iconRightPadding : real

The padding to the right of the clear icon. The default value is 0 on iOS, else -5 dp.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.9.1.

[since Felgo 3.9.1] iconSize : real

The size of the search icon. The default value matches Theme::defaultIconSize.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.9.1.

iconSpacing : real

The spacing to the right of the search icon. The default value is 10 dp.

iconType : string

The search icon, matches IconType.search by default.

Note: This property was renamed from icon in Felgo 4.0.0. This is because many types already inherit a property AbstractButton::icon from Qt Quick Controls 2.

inputBackgroundColor : color

The background color of the input field. Matches platform-specific values by default.

iosAlternateStyle : bool

Set this property to true to use select an alternate search-bar style on iOS.

Default Style Alternate Style

keepVisible : bool

If pullEnabled is activated and the search bar is linked with a ListView target, the search bar will stay visible as long as this property is true. The default is false, which hides the search bar if the list is scrolled down again.

See also target and pullEnabled.

placeHolderColor : alias

The color of the placeholder text in the input field. Matches Theme::placeholderTextColor by default.

placeHolderText : string

The placeholder text of the search input field. The default value is Search.

pullEnabled : bool

If set to true and the search bar is linked with a ListView target, the search will become visible by dragging down the list while it is on top position.

Note: The target ListView's y-position will be set to match the search bar height (to show the search) or zero (to hide the search).

See also target and keepVisible.

[since Felgo 2.10.0] showClearButton : bool

If set to true, a clear button is displayed at the right side of the search bar as soon as the text field has content, as a way for the user to remove the current text.

The default value is true.

This property was introduced in Felgo 2.10.0.

[since Felgo 3.3.0] showDivider : bool

Shows a divider at the bottom of the search bar. The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

target : ListView

If pullEnabled is set to true, the search bar will be linked to the target ListView to only become visible when pulling down the list.

Note: The target ListView's y-position will be set to match the search bar height (to show the search) or zero (to hide the search). Please do not anchor the list-view or set a custom y-position if you want to use this feature.

See also pullEnabled and keepVisible.

text : alias

The text of the search input field.

textColor : alias

The color of entered text in the search input field. The default value matches Theme::textColor.

[since Felgo 2.16.1] textField : alias

Use this property to access the internal AppTextField item of the search bar.

This property was introduced in Felgo 2.16.1.

Signal Documentation

accepted(string text)

This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed by the user to trigger the search.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAccepted.

editingFinished(string text)

This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed or the text field loses focus.

Note: The corresponding handler is onEditingFinished.

Method Documentation


Hides the search bar by modifying the target ListView's y-position.

See also target, pullEnabled, and keepVisible.


Shows the search bar by modifying the target ListView's y-position.

See also target, pullEnabled, and keepVisible.

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